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This month Megan Fox appears very strikingly on the front cover of Empire, sporting an autobot tattoo on her left shoulder — this is a photo-editing job, she doesn’t love robots that much.

Details on this month’s edition, nothing too interesting on TF2 front:
The new issue of Empire is poised to hit shelves, and it’s a doozy. Our cover star is Transformers 2’s aptly-named Megan Fox, leading the collection of the hottest upcoming stars in Hollywood today. But that’s not all in this month’s issue.
The original image (via Seibertron):

Griffin from the OCTA forums has reported back from the Aussie toy fair 2009 at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre, complete with images of new Transformers Revenge of the Fallen toys. ON display were a couple of models from each toy class — four legends toys, two scouts, three deluxe, two voyager, two leader (including the Jetfire previews we’ve seen recently), supreme class devastator, one FAB, three power bots (unpainted Devastator prototype and Optimus Prime/Jetfire combined form), two robot heroes and three gravity bots. Notably, the devastator toy on show was an unstable, unpainted prototype that was tied up with fishing wire.
Australian forums OCTA have captured new images of the leader class Jetfire toy, one of the last remaining characters for us to see in toy mode. The packaging shows both robot mode and Blackbird alt mode, it also confirms that the toy can combine with the leader class Optimus Prime.
His bio reads:
Jetfire grew tired of war a long time ago. The reckless ambition of the Decepticons, and the senseless violence of their war sickened him, and so he left Cybertron to go into hiding. The form he eventually chose on Earth seemed appropriate for one who wished to remain unseen. He slumbered in peace for years. Now, reawakened by the arrival of the war on Earth, he decides once again to enter the fight — this time on the side of the Autobots, and this to end it for good, whatever the cost.

There is also another “Flight Mode” optimus prime toy that shows the combination with Jetfire:

TF08 have posted pictures of the Megatron Robot Replica figure with extra large right claw and tracks for feet:

GenZhao at TFW2005 has posted images of the new Mudflap Fast Action Battler toy which is being sold on eBay. He is also selling a Deluxe Class Skids toy (view auction).
View Mudflap Auction

SPOILERS ARE IN THIS POST. Posting scans of kids coloring books doesn’t seem like a suitable past time, so I don’t intend to do it too often. But today there are some scans of the new Revenge of the Fallen coloring book that have hit the interweb. Within it there are the usual robots that can be colored in but, more interestingly, a much simplified storyline for the sequel — including the presumed finale.
Spoilers after the break…
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