Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3


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Leader Class Megatron Box, Mixmaster Robot Mode April 10th, 2009

TF08 have posted pic­tures of the Leader Class Mega­tron pack­ag­ing, com­plete with bio and two pic­tures of toys that are also avail­able — these being Mix­mas­ter in robot mode and The Fallen:

High quality CGI renders of Transformers 2 robots April 9th, 2009

These took a short while com­ing but we have some at last! Alright — we have Rav­age, Starscream, The Fallen, The Twins, Mega­tron, Iron­hide, Ratchet and the most awe­some look­ing Sideswipe!



The Fallen

Twins — Skids and Mudflaps






Deluxe Chromia video review April 9th, 2009

Peaugh is back with an in depth review of the blue Chro­mia motorcycle:

Mixmaster, Fallen, Megatron toys and Hyper Hobby scans April 9th, 2009

Pic­tures of the new ROTF toys are pop­ping up all over the place now, here are but a few:


Gen­Zhao has posted shots of the new Deluxe Mix­mas­ter toy in it’s alt mode.

Hyper Hobby Scans

A Japan­ese mag­a­zine that com­pares the new ROTF toy mod­els with their first movie counterparts:

The Fallen

This toy is on eBay from seller yayabee (view the auc­tion).


You can also get a look at the leader class Mega­tron toy at Cybertron​.ca:

Toy shots and video review of Scalpel (The Doctor), on sale on eBay April 6th, 2009

eBay seller yayabeee has listed Scalpel on the auc­tion site with a host of new images detail­ing every aspect of the toy. Mean­while a video review of the toy has been posted by Peaugh detail­ing the trans­for­ma­tion from micro­scope to robot bug.

Visit the Scalpel auction


Video Review

Devastator, Barricade, Jetfire, Mixmaster toy images April 6th, 2009

A batch of pro­duc­tion con­cepts have been leaked via TF08, reveal­ing some details about the Dev­as­ta­tor robot mode and toy. Also included are robot and alt mode shots of Jet­fire, Deluxe Mix­mas­ter and Deluxe Bar­ri­cade, a con­cept of how the Sam Witwicky fig­ure inter­acts with Human Alliance Bum­ble­bee and a Mega­tron Power Bot thrown in for good measure:



Bum­ble­bee and Sam Witwicky

Mega­tron Power Bot

Piece of AllSpark at LG Booth April 3rd, 2009

At the LG Trans­form­ers booth, amongst all the news about Trans­form­ers phones, there is a piece of the All Spark wrap­per up safely in a can­is­ter, as seen in the Offi­cially released movie screen­shot. Pic­ture from the booth comes via TLAMB:

Orig­i­nal LG press release explain­ing the tie-ins:

Vis­i­tors at the LG Mobile Phones booth (#4100, Cen­tral Hall) will have the oppor­tu­nity to meet renowned film direc­tor Michael Bay on Thurs­day, April 2, at 2:00PM (PDT) as he greets fans and signs posters from the new movie. LG Mobile Phones will also unveil design ren­der­ings of a LG lim­ited edi­tion “Trans­form­ers” Versa phone, which will be made avail­able only through con­sumer pro­mo­tions as part of their over­all movie tie-in campaign.

Prior to the film’s June 24 release, LG Mobile Phones will reveal adver­tis­ing, retail, online and other con­sumer elec­tron­ics ini­tia­tives uti­liz­ing the film as a key theme for the mar­ket­ing cam­paign. The LG lim­ited edi­tion “Trans­form­ers” Versa phone, along with the company’s pre­mium line of hand­sets, offers the lat­est in mobile tech­nol­ogy, allow­ing peo­ple to change their mobile life using one device. Many of these LG Mobile Phone prod­ucts were used dur­ing the mak­ing of the film.

More toys on Ebay April 3rd, 2009

FAB Side­swipe

eBay Auc­tion

FAB Ratchet

eBay Auc­tion

FAB Mega­tron

eBay Auc­tion

FAB Starscream

eBay Auc­tion

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