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Megan Fox

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Pictures show Shia and Megan Fox return to set August 20th, 2008

X17Online have sniped some pho­tos of Shia LaBoeuf and Megan Fox on set, clearly show­ing Shia’s ban­daged left hand. Under the inglo­ri­ous ban­ner “Megan Fox adjusts her boobs”, this unhelp­ful arti­cle pro­vides no men­tion of a loca­tion or date.

Megan Fox and Shia LaBoeuf on Transformers 2 Set

Posing with Megan Fox June 26th, 2008

Movie Insider reader Cameron Busacca got a chance to catch up on the action and hang out with the girls this week, top­ping it with a nice set report for us.

Megan Fox kindly poses for a photo

Shia LaBeouf came on set around 8 a.m. to film what appeared to be a “move-in” day scene right next to the Prince­ton Uni­ver­sity Chapel. After sev­eral takes, the crew moved out onto the street to shoot a few stunt scenes on Wash­ing­ton Street. Most of the cars looked brand new (there was no futur­is­tic Chevy Camaro in sight, which was a bum­mer) but after a few takes, one of the cars had bul­let holes and a smashed wind­shield, which led me to believe they were film­ing a chase scene. Shia’s stunt dou­ble nearly got hit sev­eral times by another car, and the crew shot the scene from dif­fer­ent angles up and down Wash­ing­ton as if all of the shots were going to be pieced together later. And even though the stunt dri­vers went really fast, you could tell that they speed it up even more in the edit­ing process.

After the first stunt was over, we saw our first sight­ing of Megan Fox. They were get­ting a shot of her dri­ving from inside the car but she lost con­trol and slammed it into a curb. Don’t worry, she’s per­fectly fine. She got out of the car smil­ing and laugh­ing and walked it off. Shia, on the other hand, hadn’t stopped chain smok­ing since the end of the first scene and every time they broke from film­ing he seemed to have a really bad attitude.


Shia had turned us down when we asked for a pic­ture ear­lier, but after see­ing Megan take a pic­ture with another for­tu­nate group of guys, we walked up to her. Her peo­ple imme­di­ately shot down the request, but she very gra­ciously and kindly agreed to take one more. We took a pic­ture with her and pro­ceeded to ask her a few ques­tions about the movie. Shia was also there but added noth­ing to the conversation.

More Princeton Images June 24th, 2008

Bib­lio­cone has posted some shots of a strange masked man get­ting into the back of the Sat­urn, coin­cid­ing with some in-car yelling:

Just Jared have posted a set of pic­tures show­ing both Shia LaBoeuf and Megan Fox on set at Princeton:

Princeton images and video June 23rd, 2008

Yes­ter­day film­ing began at Prince­ton. Scott has pro­vided this set report:

I work in Prince­ton and just watched the TF2 crew crash a sil­ver Sat­urn Astra into the installed lamp­post on the cor­ner of Wash­ing­ton Road and William Street around 2 p.m. today. Before the crash itself they ran a few “test crashes,” where the stunt dri­ver screeched to a halt a foot or two before hit­ting the post, with the cam­era (on a boom) fol­low­ing the action from above. The actual crash knocked the ground-level cover off the post and ripped off the car’s front bumper. After the crash the dri­ver backed up slightly, then drove for­ward again for a few feet with the bumper under the front wheels, then stopped, opened the driver’s side door, and fell to the ground. After the shot was over, the dri­ver put the bumper in the car’s back­seat and drove the car down Wash­ing­ton Road (headed south), and as it passed me I could see that the front wind­shield had a hole the size of a base­ball in it (with the appro­pri­ate spi­der web­bing pat­tern in the sur­round­ing glass). I’m not sure if that was there before the crash or not (I was about two blocks away from the crash itself). Accord­ing to one of the PA’s the next shot won’t hap­pen until tonight, though she didn’t say where.

Shia Film­ing at Princeton:

A bar­rage of images have also been unloaded onto the inter­net by BP, JD, JFuller, Cheese­burger and Mike:

Scott’s images:

Con­tribut­ing source: TLAMB

Megan Fox — “Look Hot” June 19th, 2008

MTV have been speak­ing with Trans­form­ers star and FHM’s sex­i­est woman in the world, Megan Fox.

“As big as the first movie was, this is 10 times as big, 10 times as many set pieces, explo­sions, and acro­batic stunts,” she told us about “Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen. “Shia and I make out a lit­tle bit; I don’t know if any­one wants to see that.”

“You know, we’ve been hav­ing script meet­ings, and we’ve been rework­ing the script, because they wrote it fast because of the writer’s strike,” she explained. “And, we’ve just been going through and try­ing to do some char­ac­ter stuff for Shia and myself in the mid­dle of this crazy world that they’re in.”


“I can tell you that we’re on loca­tions in some really exotic places,” she added. “It’s just going to be a badass movie. It’s just going to be a popcorn-visual-spectacle, sum­mer film.”


As for Michael Bay’s main direc­to­r­ial input to his lead actress, Megan had this to say: “His main note to me is just to look hot; so I try my best.

As we can see, she doesn’t find this too difficult:

Megan Fox, Ramon Rodriguez with Bumblebee June 16th, 2008

Mia has sent in via TLAMB some shots of Megan Fox and Ramon Rodriguez film­ing inside and with Bum­ble­bee. Until now Rodriguez has only been men­tioned in the call sheet — this is thought to be the first visual proof to con­firm the rumors. This was thought to be filmed on Sat­ur­day near to the Rich­mond Power Station.

Megan Fox and Ramon Rodriguez in Bumblebee

EDIT: Now with video:

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