Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Megan Fox

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Transformers 2 LA Première June 24th, 2009

With the world­wide gen­eral release of Revenge of the Fallen, comes the much antic­i­pated LA Pre­mière event at the Fox The­atre at the Los Ange­les Film Festival.

18 Videos from the première

This is a YouTube video playlists that fea­tures 18 videos from the Revenge of the Fallen LA première

Pic­tures from première

Transformers 2 stills released including Optimus Prime and the Sphinx June 19th, 2009

A set of new images has recently been released to the press, here’s a quick run down of them from a vari­ety of sources. Prime stand­ing in front of the Sphinx looks awe­some, as do the twins cov­ered in sand whilst look­ing aghast.

From USA Today

From GM’s Autobot’s site

Official Transformers 2 site updates — Wallpapers, Screensavers, Robotize Me June 17th, 2009

The offi­cial Trans­form­ers web­site has updated with links to all the assorted games, ban­ner cre­ators, fan art etc. Also included are new wall­pa­pers, buddy icons, screen­savers and the Sound­wave satel­lite mode nav­i­ga­tion we saw on the UK TF2 site.

Offi­cial Site

Trans­form­ers and Megan Fox Wallpapers


Bum­ble­bee (Mac)
Bum­ble­bee (PC)
Opti­mus Prime (Mac)
Opti­mus Prime (PC)
Starscream (Mac)
Starscream (PC)

Robo­t­ize Me

How­ever you make these robots, they always come out look­ing über geeky.

Visit Robo­t­ize me

Transformers 2 worldwide premieres; London, Berlin, Madrid June 16th, 2009

Tokyo, Seoul, Berlin, Madrid and Lon­don. Trans­form­ers 2 is trav­el­ing the world and cre­at­ing tons of press in the process. Here are some videos and pho­tos from the big events, each one reveal­ing a dif­fer­ent Megan Fox out­fit, the Berlin one being par­tic­u­larly odd.

Playlist of Pre­mière videos

A small selec­tion of pro­fes­sional and fan filmed shots from a selec­tion of pre­mieres, for those that couldn’t be there:

Lon­don Première

Berlin Pre­mière

Madrid Pre­mière

Transformers 2 Photocall in Paris June 14th, 2009

Com­ing Soon have posted some shots from a pho­tog­ra­phy ses­sion in Paris, wherein Shia and Megan Fox stand against Trans­form­ers 2 standees for round after round of pho­tos, prob­a­bly ren­der­ing a flash induced headache. Now for some high res­o­lu­tion Megan Fox images!

Making a hotter Megan Fox June 14th, 2009

An enjoy­able spoof video; the spe­cial effects behind Megan Fox and intro­duc­ing Megan Fox vision!

Transformers 2 premieres in Tokyo — Reports, Pics and video June 8th, 2009

The world pre­mière of Trans­form­ers 2 aired last night in Tokyo! We’ve got the pic­tures, video and most impor­tantly — movie reports to best describe the event for all those that couldn’t attend.


The first report comes via the Don Mur­phy forums — obvi­ously LOTS of spoil­ers herein!

Ok guys just got back! Don’t have much time to post, don’t wanna miss the train but here’s some quick stuff.

Movie was incred­i­ble, I liked it much more than the first! More action, more robots, less humans! Though there are some lame sex­ual innu­en­dos like Wheelie hump­ing Megan’s leg.

Any­way, Bay and the actors came right into the the­ater and intro­duced the film. I was tempted to scream “Don Mur­phy Stooges #1″ but I didn’t want to get led out by security!

The VA thing in the cred­its was way too fast, sorry guys. The Fallen was Todd some­thing. Welker does voice Sound­wave, and Dev­as­ta­tor too. Dev­as­ta­tor has one line, scream­ing his name. Sound­wave only has a few lines but he speaks Eng­lish. But he never comes down to earth and never turns into a robot. Bleah. Very lit­tle screen time, but at least he doesn’t get exploded which leaves things open for the third movie.

Mostly Eng­lish, not much cybertronian.

The Twins were lame. As in the “bust a cap in you ass” stereo­type. I could’ve done with­out them.

Jet­fire was comic relief. He has a British accent and reminded me of a Monty Python char­ac­ter. He doesn’t “com­bine” with Prime in the nor­mal sense, he gets fatally wounded and rips out his spark, killing him­self so Prime can use his parts.

Wheelie is noth­ing like G1 Wheelie. He kinda reminds me of Rattrap.

Lots of kitchen bots. One was a Samu­rai too. Bludgeon?

Only named Con­struc­ti­con is Ram­page, and he is red.

Mega­tron is revived by some Con­struc­ti­cons and “The Doctor.”

Side­ways never trans­forms, he is cut in half by Side­swipe in the first bat­tle scene in car mode. Side­swipe is cool. Rav­age is cool too.

There was a bot that looked like Black­out but he was not named. Black­out him­self was never revived so I can’t say it was him. He did not speak and was not named in the cred­its. In fact in the last bat­tle scene there were tons of, well, “repaints,” basi­cally reused ani­ma­tion. So even after Dev­as­ta­tor forms, there are still con­struc­ti­cons run­ning around. And some Proto­forms. I even saw a truck that looked like Bonecrusher…though I never saw him in robot mode. Scor­ponok is in the final bat­tle too and is killed by Jet­fire in about 2 seconds.

There are three motor­cy­cles, but they appear to be named col­lec­tively Arcee. Not much screen time/lines for them anyway.

The term “Matrix of Lead­er­ship” is used, it’s a key that oper­ates a device to draw energy from the sun.

Ok that’s enough for now, not gonna check this board again till tomor­row! I sup­pose this thread will be about 100 pages long by then so I’m sorry if I can’t answer everything.

Thanks again Night­bird for the tix!

Whilst Sora at the Michael Bay forums says,

I loved Trans­form­ers 1 so much, but I’m sure you’ll feel like the pre­vi­ous movie was just a dash of bit­ters in a glass of appe­tizer Mar­tini. Be pre­pared to be impressed!

Video of stars arriving

The stars arriv­ing and sign­ing for fans, as well as the pho­to­shoot and Bumblebee

Read the rest of this entry »

Ultra High Quality Transformers 2 promo shots June 1st, 2009

Here are nine ultra high res­o­lu­tion (~2,000 x 3,000 res) pro­mo­tional shots from Revenge of the Fallen — show­ing the auto­bots, Megan Fox, Shia and sol­diers; clock­ing in at just shy of 45mb in total.

Megan Fox

Megan Fox


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