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Scrapper constructicon concept image May 28th, 2009

TFG2 have found a con­cept art ver­sion of the con­struc­ti­con, Scrap­per, brought to the Eng­lish speak­ing audi­ence via S250 at TFW2005. Scrap­per is the char­ac­ter that we see chas­ing after Sam and Mikaela as they jump from rooftop to rooftop.

Transformers 2 Video Game — site live, screenshots, details and concepts April 15th, 2009

The offi­cial Trans­form­ers 2 video game site has launched today, con­tain­ing new screen­shots, the video game trailer we have pre­vi­ously seen and an inter­est­ing set of con­cept art for the game. Mean­while Kotaku have posted some addi­tional screen­shots of the PS3/360Wii and Nin­tendo DS ver­sions of the game.

Video game con­cept art

One area found on the new site that is com­pletely new is a small gallery of con­cept art images. They show an inner city con­struc­tion site being looked upon by Bum­ble­bee and Bum­ble­bee fight­ing the huge two wheeled exca­va­tor con­struc­ti­con in Shang­hai. There is also an inter­est­ing image show­ing a beam of light com­ing down from the sky — the pic­ture is named ‘har­vester’ — per­haps the Sun har­vester men­tioned in Defi­ance #4 and pos­si­bly seen in the kids col­or­ing book.

Details about the game

Kotaku go into some depth about the game’s fea­tures, which I have surmised:

- Closely fol­lows plot of movie
– No lin­ear story, cen­tral hub from there you select mis­sions to play
– Can play as Auto­bot or Decep­ti­con and can choose your Trans­former
– Mis­sions are timed and com­plet­ing them quickly can earn you Trans­former upgrades
– You can climb up the sides of build­ings
– The demo showed that Side­ways (Audi R8) is a sniper robot, com­plete with rifle
– One but­ton quick trans­for­ma­tions are still in
– Each Trans­former has a spe­cial abil­ity when trans­formed
– Can attack an enemy by div­ing at them and trans­form­ing next to them
– Starscream has a hover abil­ity
– Lame chauf­feur­ing Shia mission

Video Game Screenshots

A selec­tion of the more inter­est­ing screen­shots as posted on Kotaku. Show­ing Starscream in fly­ing bat­tle above an air­craft car­rier, Bum­ble­bee attack­ing a pur­ple char­ac­ter and Opti­mus Prime doing bat­tle on the Wii:


1600x1280 res­o­lu­tion wall­pa­per downloads:

Screen­shots of the site

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Devastator, Barricade, Jetfire, Mixmaster toy images April 6th, 2009

A batch of pro­duc­tion con­cepts have been leaked via TF08, reveal­ing some details about the Dev­as­ta­tor robot mode and toy. Also included are robot and alt mode shots of Jet­fire, Deluxe Mix­mas­ter and Deluxe Bar­ri­cade, a con­cept of how the Sam Witwicky fig­ure inter­acts with Human Alliance Bum­ble­bee and a Mega­tron Power Bot thrown in for good measure:



Bum­ble­bee and Sam Witwicky

Mega­tron Power Bot

Devastator heavily rumored for TF2 September 11th, 2008

A reli­able source that has proved cor­rect in the past has pro­vided some infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing the G1 com­biner Dev­as­ta­tor robot to TFW2005:

Dev­as­ta­tor details

- Seven con­struc­tion vehi­cles merge to form Dev­as­ta­tor
– Dev­as­ta­tor has lots of upper body strength, like a gorilla
– Not just green, some of the vehi­cles are red and yel­low
– The pre­vi­ously Long Haul con­cept art by Josh Nizzi is legit

Quite frankly, some­thing of this size and com­plex­ity would be both awe­some and epic.

TLAMB raise some very valid points which put this news into doubt, and why I can­not report this as a con­fir­ma­tion. Specif­i­cally — we have not seen any con­struc­tion vehi­cles dur­ing film­ing, a toy that is cre­ated from more than 5 parts presents a dif­fi­cult engi­neer­ing task for Has­bro — some­thing that will be more expen­sive “than the $25 sweet point”. They also stip­u­late that given Prime’s height of 35 feet, the size of an aver­age con­struc­tion vehi­cle, this robot could reach up to 80 feet in height.

The Josh Nizzi Concept

The Transforming Aircraft Carrier — Concept Pics July 8th, 2008

Tim Flat­tery (IMDB), con­cept designer for the orig­i­nal Trans­form­ers movie adap­ta­tion, has updated his online port­fo­lio to include some new Trans­form­ers con­cept art, most impor­tantly includ­ing a first look at what might have been a huge, tow­er­ing, trans­form­ing air­craft car­rier — set to wreak havoc on all that stands in its path.

Check out Tim’s port­fo­lio for more con­cepts that didn’t make it into the first movie.

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