Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Ratchet, Jetfire and Long Haul Fast Action Battler toys February 22nd, 2009

TF08 have come up with the goods again, this time it is images of the Ratchet, Jet­fire and Long Haul FAB toy pack­ages illus­trat­ing both vehi­cle and robot modes:

Long Haul

Long Haul never talks, unless he’s going to com­plain about some­thing. The other Decep­ti­cons expect him to carry all their stuff, but he’d rather be fight­ing than trans­port­ing a bunch of mis­siles and laser can­nons. He likes to let other robots’ gear bounce out of his truck bed, and then tell them it got “lost” on the way.

Note the sim­i­lar­i­ties with the Long Haul con­cept art from Josh Nizzi.


After learn­ing from Iron­hide that more Decep­ti­cons had been detected on Earth, Auto­bot Ratchet imme­di­ately began research into how best to upgrade his weapons. After two months in his work­shop, he devel­oped a new par­ti­cle beam blaster. Now he needs to find a Decep­ti­con to test it on.


After remain­ing hid­den for years, Jet­fire is ready to rejoin the fight! He real­ized the error of the Decep­ti­con way a long time ago. Now, he fights along­side the Auto­bots, hop­ing to use his ancient strength to bring his for­mer com­rades to justice!

Comments 3 Responses to “Ratchet, Jetfire and Long Haul Fast Action Battler toys”

Scro­pio February 24th, 2009

The design of Long­haul was well thought of. I hope Bay hires someother fan to help on the third film aswell. I have a 3D design soft­ware and i am going to design a trans­former which might be cho­sen by bay for the third trans­form­ers film. How­ever i need help so please tell me which robot you would like to see Remade as a 3D model i will give you till Fri­day 6th march 2009 to tell me your robot on the blog (Please just say: Scor­pio said and then put you robot)
Few rules:
1. No Com­bin­ers (Includes any who have ever com­bined)
2. No Robots used in live action film
3. No triple chang­ers
4. No jets
5. Has to be used in some kind of trans­form­ers media (E.g i need a pic­ture)
6. No uni­cron! (Bay is already think­ing of him for the third any­way)
7. Prefer­ably a Decep­ti­con or a dan­ger­ous Auto­bot!
8. No Dinobots, Head­mas­ters. Just a nor­mal trans­former!
Good luck and remem­ber this com­pe­ti­tion closes on Fri­day 6th march 2009!
Sorry for the long post!

Scor­pio February 24th, 2009

Sorry my name is really Scor­pio not Scro­pio (Bad spelling)

jonn2 January 3rd, 2011
