Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

New Transformers 2 Poster February 18th, 2009

TLAMB reader Nige spot­ted a new Revenge of the Fallen poster. This one is slightly less mys­te­ri­ous and a lot more cheesy, show­ing Shia and Megan run­ning through explo­sions against a pyra­mids back­drop, with Opti­mus Prime stand­ing behind it all. The most inter­est­ing aspect of the poster is the fig­ure of a Trans­former stand­ing atop of the cen­tral pyra­mid, chan­nel­ing a beam of light upwards, pre­sumed to be The Fallen.

Comments 2 Responses to “New Transformers 2 Poster”

orphan008 February 18th, 2009

Too “Star Warish” :-/

ofe­lia February 18th, 2009

its to bright for a “revenge” poster but still cool