Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Sam’s fleeing parents and french explosions June 20th, 2008

City Hall in Philadel­phia is mocked up to look like Ecole Mil­i­taire in Paris for film­ing which took place yes­ter­day. The set­ting for the scene is a hol­i­day for Sam Witwicky’s par­ents — Kevin Dunn and Julie White.

Video and pic­tures from Mia show Bum­ble­bee, the green Chevy Beat and red Chevy Trax in the area as well as a small explo­sion and panic in the square. If you scroll down you can see what seems to be an exten­sion of this, although tak­ing place at night, of con­tin­ued may­hem and run­ning — this time by Sam’s par­ents, who may or may not have been in the square at the time of the explosion:

Philly­Film­Girl also man­aged to get some can­did footage of Sam’s par­ents in an alley­way run­ning away from an explo­sion, surely with a robot CG’d in later amidst the flash­ing blue lights. The other video shows them run­ning down the alley with a teeny “Smart Car” hastily fly­ing past them — most likely flee­ing from the same thing, rather than being a robot.

Con­tribut­ing Source: TLAMB