Prior to the Isabel Lucas shoot we saw yesterday and the Bumblebee skid, shooting was taking place at the Castle fraternity — on campus, “where the party’s at”, or some such.
TFW2005 have provided pictures leading up to this, showing Michael Bay, Isabel Lucas and Shia LaBoeuf preparing for the scenes and taking time out with some fans. I especially like the shot of Shia taking some time out to sign a toy Bumblebee. Bumblebee, the real thing, can also be seen under his cover — rather indiscreetly:

Reporting to, Josh Landow was there later that day to capture video of Bumblebee screeching away and provide a report of the events that unfolded:
The frat house is known as The Castle because it looks like a castle. Bumblebee was parked out front and they made it look like he was parked in the bushes. There was a huge lighting screen over the car, and 2 giant light balloons (not sure how else to describe them) floating above the set.
The first shot was a bunch of well dressed good looking college coeds walking around to and fro with some of them seemingly converging on the BB Camaro, saying things like “Wow! Cool car.”
Next shot was the most involved and took about 3 hours to shoot from every which way, with different lighting, and with slightly different lines even. Shia and a few of the bit players were definitely ad-libbing or at least taking some liberties with the script. This shot consisted of Shia running out of the party because BB’s alarm was going off. Like I said BB was parked in the bushes which gets Sam into some trouble with the frat boys who came running after him asking “Hey Freshman, is that your car parked in our bushes?” Sam replies “uh uh no, it’s a friend’s car — he went to get a new shirt” (or something dumb like that — they kept changing that line). Fratboy responds “How about I park my foot up your ass?” Sam says “I’ll move the car now.” He gets in and has (fake) trouble closing the door because of all the shrubbery. It was hard to hear, but when he got inside the car, I think he said something about Decepticons. And yes it took 3 hours to shoot this.
Then they moved the crowd back a good ways to shoot some more extras walking about before finally getting to the scene that I knew had to be coming. Bumblebee backs up and drives away (as seen in my video). This was shot using Bay’s camera rigged Porsche Cayenne. I think they shot this like 4 or 5 times with the cars backing up to reset after each take