Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3


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Nina Dobrev rumored June 5th, 2008

TFLAB are report­ing, through a tip from “Gwen”, that Nina Dobrev (Degrassi: The Next Gen­er­a­tion) may be fea­tur­ing as a uni­ver­sity stu­dent in TF2.

Tyrese and John Voight Return May 19th, 2008

Chud have con­firmed that John Voight (Defense Sec­re­tary John Keller) and Tyrese Gib­son will be repris­ing their roles in the movie sequel:

‘I just talked to Shia a sec­ond ago, and left John Voight a mes­sage 15 min­utes ago,’ he said, inad­ver­tently let­ting slip that Voight’s Sec­re­tary of Defense char­ac­ter returns for the sequel.

‘Michael Bay is going to up the ante on round two and raise the level. I can’t go into any details , but it’s going to be some real one of a kind things in this movie that no one has seen visu­ally in their life. Michael Bay is really fired up to try and outdo what he did on the first round.’

Rachael Taylor out of TF2 May 14th, 2008

Moviehole spoke with Rachael Tay­lor and con­firmed that she will not be appear­ing in the sequel:

“I wasn’t con­tracted for a sequel any­way, but I also think it would be pretty ridicu­lous for my char­ac­ter just to show up and say ‘We’ve got some more com­put­ers to play with!’.

More impor­tantly, I don’t think I’d wanna do it to be hon­est, and not for any par­tic­u­lar rea­son other than the fact that I’ve done it. I’m just drawn to doing dif­fer­ent things. It was the same when I went to the U.S, I didn’t want to do TV, because I’d done it. I want to be able to mix it up all the time.”

Well, that’s that.

Bay says “No to Teresa Palmer” May 14th, 2008

In a very brief post on his blog “Shoot for the Edit”, Michael Bay responded to claims about Jonah and Teresa Palmer:

No we have stopped nego­ti­at­ing with Jonah, and Teresa Palmer was not con­sid­ered for a role — you have wrong info.


Isabel Lucas cast as ‘Alice’ May 14th, 2008

Isabel Lucas’ man­age­ment agency, Meiss­ner Man­age­ment, has listed Isabel as a cast mem­ber of the Trans­form­ers sequel:

NEW — Fea­ture Film “TRANSFORMERS 2” Dream­Works US Pro­duc­tion. Role of ALICE.

Isabel Lucas cast in Transformers Movie

Alice is not listed in the cast break­down we saw leaked a short while back.

Jonah Hill will not be appearing in Transformers 2 May 7th, 2008

Rumors have recently put Super­bad star, Jonah Hill, in con­tention as Shia LaBoeuf’s room­mate in the Trans­form­ers sequel, as described by some leaked cast­ing descrip­tions:

[CHUCK] 19–25 yrs., Sam’s room­mate at Prince­ton. He runs a con­spir­acy the­ory web­site. Funny in an irrev­er­ent, edgy way, he is shocked to see his con­spir­acy the­o­ries come to life. (2nd Lead)

How­ever, Enter­tain­ment Weekly are report­ing that talks between Hill and Dream­Works have bro­ken down and shall not be Sam Witwicky’s comic sidekick.

Jonah Hill in Superbad

Teresa Palmer joins Transformers 2 cast May 1st, 2008

Moviehole are report­ing that Teresa Palmer, for­merly part of the trou­bled Jus­tice League movie. No infor­ma­tion as to what her role shall entail, we’ll have to wait and see.

Teresa Palmer

Robot Speculation: Constructicons and Devastator April 5th, 2008

The IESB have thrown out their Trans­form­ers 2 robot roll call, and with it they state that the Decep­ti­cons shall have the help of the Con­struc­ti­cons in the sec­ond movie.

In the car­toons, their names were Scrap­per, Bonecrusher, Scav­enger, Mix­mas­ter, Hook and Long Haul. And what do we get when they all com­bine and form one huge ass robot? That’s right boys and girls, we are going to see DEVASTATOR on the big screen!

… I’ll re-iterate that. Dev­as­ta­tor is big.

Here’s a pretty awe­some fan mock-up of what Dev­as­ta­tor may look like in the movie, cre­ated by Rise Stu­dios. A cin­e­matic adap­ta­tion of this char­ac­ter shall prob­a­bly appear a lot more com­plex than this, to fit in with the style already set out by the first movie.

Transformers 2 - Devastator

As for the human side of the argu­ment, IESB have posted up a prospec­tive char­ac­ter list which is now wait­ing to be cast:

[CHUCK] 19–25 yrs., Sam’s room­mate at Prince­ton. He runs a con­spir­acy the­ory web­site. Funny in an irrev­er­ent, edgy way, he is shocked to see his con­spir­acy the­o­ries come to life. (2nd Lead)

[U.S. MILITARY LEADER] Late 20s/early 30s, African Amer­i­can with a great sense of humor and a tough mil­i­tary pres­ence. (Sup­port­ing lead)

[UK SPECIAL FORCES LEADER] British, in his early to mid 30s, smart and capa­ble. Can be Cau­casian, Black, East Indian. (Sup­port­ing lead)

[GALLOWAY] Early 40s-early 50s, male, National Secu­rity Advi­sor and pres­i­den­tial liai­son. A curt man who is tightly wound. (Sup­port­ing Lead)

[PROFESSOR COLAN] 40s, Sam’s physics pro­fes­sor at Prince­ton. He’s a self-satisfied intel­lec­tual who com­pares him­self to Ein­stein, and is arro­gant enough to wear leather pants to look cool. (1 Scene)

[THERESA] Early 30s; she’s Sgt. Epps’ wife, has 4 kids, sassy and sexy, good with com­edy. Sub­mit African Amer­i­can actresses only

[MOMMA SIMMONS] This NY Momma is in her late 60s / early 70s. She runs a deli/ butcher shop with her son in Brook­lyn. Tough and sar­cas­tic. (1 Scene)

[MASSIVE DYNAMICS CEO] 50s, male, this Cor­po­rate CEO appears in front of con­gress to tes­tify. (1 speech/scene)

[TEXAS CONGRESSMAN] 55–65 yrs., on a Con­gres­sional Com­mit­tee inves­ti­gat­ing the pur­pose of the “Auto­mated Defen­sive Ini­tia­tive” devel­oped by Mas­sive Dynamics.

[FBI DIRECTOR] Mid 50s, male, giv­ing a press release assur­ing the pub­lic they will be safe against attacks. (1 speech/scene)

[CNN REPORTER] Report­ing on mis­sile strikes and bomb­ings in var­i­ous cities. Sub­mit male / female, all eth­nic­i­ties (1 speech)

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