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Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

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Preorder sales surge for Transformers 2 June 14th, 2009

Fan­dango have released some press about Revenge of the Fallen ticket sales, which makes up approx­i­mately 21% of all movie tick­ets cur­rently being sold by Fandango.

With less than two weeks to go before its June 24 release date, Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen is already see­ing brisk ticket sales on Fan­dango, the nation’s lead­ing movie­goer des­ti­na­tion. Cur­rently, the film rep­re­sents 21% of ticket sales on Fan­dango (as of June 11 at 9 am PT).

Accord­ing to an ongo­ing Fan­dango sur­vey of movie­go­ers plan­ning to see Trans­form­ers 2:

* 81% of respon­dents say Megan Fox is the one star they’re most excited to see in the new movie.
* 76% say they are fans of direc­tor Michael Bay.
* 72% say the IMAX pre­sen­ta­tion of Trans­form­ers 2 will be an impor­tant part of their moviego­ing expe­ri­ence.
* 71% of respon­dents are 18–34 years old; 68% are male.

“Fans are already scoop­ing up tick­ets for Trans­form­ers 2’s open­ing week show­times, espe­cially for the IMAX screens,” says Ted Hong, Chief Mar­ket­ing Offi­cer for Fan­dango. “The movie is gar­ner­ing some great Inter­net buzz, and film­go­ers are clearly ready for another action-packed sum­mer pop­corn movie. With Trans­form­ers 2, Harry Pot­ter and the Half-Blood Prince, Ice Age 3, Pub­lic Ene­mies, Bruno, G.I. Joe and other highly-anticipated movies open­ing within a few weeks of each other, it looks like a ban­ner year for the movies.”

Making a hotter Megan Fox June 14th, 2009

An enjoy­able spoof video; the spe­cial effects behind Megan Fox and intro­duc­ing Megan Fox vision!

Three more Transformers 2 TV Spots, some Arcee & Ironhide. June 12th, 2009

The two videos we showed you just now are named “Drums” and “Stomp”. Next up are three new Revenge of the Fallen TV spots, pre­sum­ably aimed at kids given their titles and nature.

Let’s roll kids

Team Kids

Lots of new snip­pets in this one:

I’ve also noticed that the pyra­mids are start­ing to look a bit more weird, more arti­facts rotat­ing around them and a gap­ing hole at the top:

Adven­ture Kids

Two new Transformers 2 TV Spots (updated) June 12th, 2009

We’ve got two more TV spots for you, I think these are num­bers 9 and 10, named “Drums” and “Stomp”. Updated with higher qual­ity videos.


Many flashes of new action moments in this TV spot. Includ­ing Prime and his swords, Starscream land­ing at a con­struc­tion yard, a bit more of the Mega­tron vs Prime fisticuffs and an explo­sion with Long Haul in the dis­tance and a wheel fly­ing off him.


Opti­mus Prime fires a mis­sile in slow motion:

‘New Divide’ music video online, featuring new clips from Transformers 2 June 12th, 2009

The music video for Linkin Park’s sin­gle, “New Divide” is now online on MySpace, fea­tur­ing some new clips from Revenge of the Fallen.


Scor­pio has cap­tured some screen­shots of the new footage:

Transformers 2 video game walkthrough June 12th, 2009

G4 have posted a mas­sive 16 minute walk­through of the Revenge of the Fallen video game, work­ing through as either Bum­ble­bee or Starscream. A boss fight with Dev­as­ta­tor is also included.

Transformers 2 Wheelie footage now in English June 11th, 2009

The Ger­man dubbed footage of Wheelie attempt­ing to steal from Mikaela and being caught in the act is now avail­able in Eng­lish (with Japan­ese sub­ti­tles). Turns out Wheelie is an incred­i­bly feisty lit­tle robot, I’d imag­ined he’d be quite timid.

First web chat date?
“You’re hot but you ain’t so bright“
“That’s my eye you crazy bitch”

Thanks for the heads up Randy!

Transformers 2 t-shirts and US Première contest at Hot Topic June 11th, 2009

Hot Topic are sell­ing a range of Trans­form­ers mer­chan­dise to coin­cide with the movie’s release. A lot of the cloth­ing fea­tures car­toon char­ac­ters, rather than opt­ing to use the fig­ures from the movies. To mark the occa­sion, they have a con­test to win tick­ets to the US Pre­mière of Revenge of the Fallen on June 22nd.

Con­test to win tick­ets to US Pre­mière, June 22nd

One Grand prize win­ner will receive:

# Two (2) Round-Trip Air­fare Tick­ets
# Hotel Acco­mo­da­tions, One (1) Room for Two (2) Nights
# Two (2) Tick­ets to the pre­mière of Trans­form­ers: Revenge of The Fallen!

Enter the Trans­form­ers Con­test


I’ve included some of the best shirts below, avail­able for $19 each at the moment. Click the images below or view all the Hot Topic gear. I par­tic­u­larly like the Free­dom shirt:

Transformers Optimus Prime Freedom T-Shirt

Transformers Decepticon Tank Top

Transformers Bumblebee Galaxy T-Shirt

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