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Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

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Full trailer to be released with Star Trek September 14th, 2008

A full length Trans­form­ers 2 trailer will be aired prior to the upcom­ing Star Trek movie, due May 8th 2009; likely to be the first full length trailer. That’s a pretty long wait, but /Film points out that this is a sim­i­lar time frame to the orig­i­nal, which saw its first full length trailer released with Pirates of the Caribbean 3.

Source: AICN

Videos of Ice Cream Truck split in two September 11th, 2008

A set of 11 videos from the Beth­le­hem Steel works set have been posted by YouTube user RodrigoNJ, in an obscure ver­ti­cal for­mat they show heli­copters fly­ing in to the loca­tion, film­ing, Michael Bay and most impor­tantly, the two halves of the ice Cream truck split up, dri­ving and spin­ning around independently!

This was pre­vi­ously reported on via the leaked Call Sheet, but never confirmed:

The scene break­downs also reveal that the Ice­cream truck is a new robot — split­ting in two (”twins”) around chil­dren whilst leav­ing them treats (com­edy is back, excellent!).

Pole or a Robot — New video from PhillyFilmGirl September 11th, 2008

Philly­Film­Girl is back with her next video; this time the dis­cus­sion revolves around whether or not a pole is a place­holder for a robot dur­ing prepa­ra­tion for a night­time ally shoot in what will be Paris:

Devastator heavily rumored for TF2 September 11th, 2008

A reli­able source that has proved cor­rect in the past has pro­vided some infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing the G1 com­biner Dev­as­ta­tor robot to TFW2005:

Dev­as­ta­tor details

- Seven con­struc­tion vehi­cles merge to form Dev­as­ta­tor
– Dev­as­ta­tor has lots of upper body strength, like a gorilla
– Not just green, some of the vehi­cles are red and yel­low
– The pre­vi­ously Long Haul con­cept art by Josh Nizzi is legit

Quite frankly, some­thing of this size and com­plex­ity would be both awe­some and epic.

TLAMB raise some very valid points which put this news into doubt, and why I can­not report this as a con­fir­ma­tion. Specif­i­cally — we have not seen any con­struc­tion vehi­cles dur­ing film­ing, a toy that is cre­ated from more than 5 parts presents a dif­fi­cult engi­neer­ing task for Has­bro — some­thing that will be more expen­sive “than the $25 sweet point”. They also stip­u­late that given Prime’s height of 35 feet, the size of an aver­age con­struc­tion vehi­cle, this robot could reach up to 80 feet in height.

The Josh Nizzi Concept

Trax, Corvette and Audi R8 Robots Briefly Revealed September 11th, 2008

… then removed at the request of para­mount pictures.

Mem­bers on TFW2005 were treated to sev­eral blurry and small images which revealed the designs of both alt­mode and robot mode of the Chevy Trax, Corvette Cen­ten­nial and Audi R8.

Holloman Base & White Sands Missile Range in Alamogordo, NM September 8th, 2008

The next rumored stop for the Trans­form­ers 2 film­ing crew is the Hol­lo­man Air Force Base and White Sands Mis­sile Range in Alam­ogordo, New Mex­ico. These rumors have been rein­forced atfter Opti­mus Prime and a hum­mer were spot­ted near to White Sands.

One report states:

” I did see Opti­mus Prime and that Hum­mer this after­noon around 12:15 pm going past White Sands Mis­sile Range, NM head­ing towards Hol­lo­man AFB. I didnt get any pics I was dri­ving in the oppo­site direction.”

Whilst these pic­tures were taken in Arizona:

News comes via TLAMB

Video of Major Plot Point and Spoilers in TF2 September 8th, 2008

Philly­Film­Girl is back again with her next video of a Trans­form­ers 2 scene. Spoil­ers below!. This comes via TLAMB:

This scene shows Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBoeuf) on the phone to Mikaela explain­ing about his grandfather’s quest to the arc­tic, how he saw Mega­tron and how weird things hap­pened to him (“see­ing crazy sym­bols”) — things that have since begun hap­pen­ing to Sam — read­ing a 930 page book in 30 seconds.

The video very help­fully has subtitles:

Since post­ing this video, Philly­Film­Girl has also filled in some of the plot details that she has dis­cov­ered con­cern­ing Sam’s light­ning fast book read­ing skills:

–he gets some sort of a box, he touches it, it zaps him
–all of a sud­den in class (which is a large lec­ture hall) he goes crazy say­ing whats wrong in the book and draw­ing sym­bols all over his notes and on the board
–i myself have held and seen the astron­omy book, its pretty big
–he calls mikaela freaked out, thats where the video comes in
–from there, he tells her on the phone in another loca­tion, ‘dont touch the box’ so i guess thats what did it to him
–then he draws a lot of sym­bols and i guess it leads him to the final bat­tle and draw­ing sym­bols
he also meets another girl, alice who turns out to be evil and is try­ing to get all up on him at a party, bum­ble­bee crashes the party and here is the con­ver­sa­tion sam has with a frat brother
“hey fresh­men!” frat bro
“yea?” sam
“is that ur car parked there?“
“what car?“
“the yel­low one on the bushes“
“oh my friend just went to get u a tighter shirt“
“there is no tighter shirt i checked and you dont have any friends…say how about if i park my foot up ur ass!“
“what size shoe are you?“
sam then stum­bles on some bushes out­side the party, gets in the car with alice (that girl i men­tioned)
bum­ble­bee doesnt like her (hence that video with the spin­ning stop we saw), she gets out with goo on her because of bum­ble­bee
then later alice is seen in a court­yard all meni­a­cle look­ing after some sort of explo­sion and the trio are run­ning from her

oh yea, he gets a new roo­mate at col­lege and his name is leo — leo knows or fig­ures out about trans­form­ers and they basi­cally kill that new saturn…i think it gets split in two and placed up high on a ledge in a warehouse/factory place, and theres explo­sions
thats some of what i know hap­pens, hope that helps, this is all the truth

the par­ents are in france…something bad hap­pens there they all observe a tv in a open air mar­ket and peo­ple are cry­ing (an old woman is even wear­ing a biret), a build­ing col­lapses, and peo­ple are flee­ing from it and then we see a trans­former in france hunt­ing down the par­ents or pro­tect­ing them, i dont know

shia gets stran­gled by mega­tron too…we will see megatron’s hand stran­gle him

Corvette Centennial Images September 8th, 2008

Jalop­nik have posted some new images of the Corvette Cen­ten­nial that we have spot­ted out and about on the Trans­form­ers 2 set:


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