Rumors are suggesting that Soundwave will have two alt modes, in space this will take the form of a satellite and on earth it shall be a pickup truck. These reports come via one of TFW2005’s “trusted sources”.
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen
Soundwave Alt Modes revealed? October 15th, 2008
Boneyard Set Report October 15th, 2008
An Anonymous source has sent Seibertron a set report from the Boneyard along with a few images of the vehicles in storage showing the Chevy Volt and Chevy Centennial.

Me again — I have some follow-up information concerning the “Bumblebee Sighted” article that you previously posted. I visited the 309th AMARG again today for their last day of filming; and let me tell you, it was busy. Lots of new photos, including a bumper shot of ‘Sideswipe’ and a little snippet of a picture of what I believe to be the blue Chevy Volt (however, during the time I was present this vehicle was never actually taken off the trailer; neither was Sideswipe to my knowledge). No pictures of Shia or Megan; but, as I was informed by plenty of soldiers (concerning Fox, anyways); the two were definitely on set. I apologize for some of the pictures that came out somewhat small and rounded; I actually had to snap those certain shots through a pair of binoculars. Ironically enough, the pictures I took of Bumblebee (yellow 2009 concept Camaro) and the red and green Chevy Trax & Beat (the ‘Twins’, I think?) were actually on my way off the set. Lucky me!
Something else I don’t know if you would be interested in or not — but I’ll add it on here anyways, just in case. The scene that I witnessed them filming consisted of a long, large sheet of metal (maybe a cover up for something of some sort?) being stood up by the side of one of the planes in The Boneyard, and lots of loud gibberish shouting coming from what I believe to be one of the transformers. Keep in mind this scene was watched from about 200 meters away — but why I think its important is because of the loud, booming voice we heard from over 200 meters away. We couldn’t make out what he was saying; but what we could identify was that it was male, and very Decepticon sounding — meaning a very deep, baritone sort of sound to it but with a sharp, manifestly evil edge. In my own opinion (and those of all of the soldiers that accompanied me on the “tour”) this was the voice of Megatron — definitely evil, definitely loud. Then again, it could have been that ‘Jetfire’ character that I’ve heard a little bit about — the plane where the sound originated from wasn’t the exact aircraft he’s been described as, but then again I wasn’t up close and personal with it so it’s a tough one to call. Alas, I wouldn’t be surprised if this mysterious voice did belong to Megatron — had a sort of, feel to it, you know?
Something like, “Damn, that guy is pissed.“
Megatron or not, whoever’s voice that belonged to definitely wanted some sort of RevengeWell, that’s all the news I have so far. If I hear or (hopefully) see anything else concerning Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen; I’ll be sure to update you guys!
Chevy Beat is named “Skids” October 15th, 2008
At long last the name of the Transformer with an alt mode in the shape of a Chevy Beat has been revealed, “Skids”. Te discovery was made via Jalopnik and the pictures they received showing Bumblebee the Beat and the Trax at the Boneyard, the name is on the registration plate.

Skids Details in the Transformers Wiki
TV TF2 trailer during Oscars? October 15th, 2008
Variety are reporting that the rules preventing movie ads from airing during the Oscars will be relaxed for the 2009 awards — with a limited number of spots opening up for movies due for release after the last week in April. This paves the way for large summer blockbusters to being their marketing campaigns — specifically Transformers 2: Revenge of The Fallen.
Bumblebee sightings October 9th, 2008
Filming is currently based at the Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group, Tucson, Arizona. It is basically a storage facility for out of service military aircraft and is being used as the set for — the boneyard.
There are reports of the bumblebee being spotted, check out the pictures posted on Seibertron and Superherohype.
Shia LaBoeuf straight back to work after injury October 2nd, 2008
Ok so it wasn’t that bad an injury, a gash just above the eye, but still, sewn back up by the medics and straight back on set.
TMZ first reported this, but further details have emergered that is was inflicted by one of the robots during filming, at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. Here’s what one guy on set had to say about it:
One troop on the set tells WENN, “He was treated at the clinic at the airforce base by Colonel Torres and then a local ophthalmologist came by to check on his eye. He was in the clinic for about four hours and then he returned to the set once the swelling had gone down.
“We were all pretty impressed. Shia’s making a lot of friends on the set of this film — he’s a real guy who smokes like a fiend. To get up from a movie explosion, which leaves you injured, and get back in there is cool.
“He’s got broken fingers from his car crash this summer (08) and now his eyelid has been slashed open. I guess he’s lucky he still has his sight.
Action scenes in IMAX! October 1st, 2008
At least 3 scenes will be recorded in IMAX format, and thus the film will be released to IMAX cinemas at the same time as the wide release on June 26th 2009. This news has now been confirmed by the IMAX corportaion following a recent report in Variety, for the full official news release see below.
Chevy Volt at White Sands — an Autobot? September 25th, 2008
Dee has sent TLAMB this shot of the Chevy Corvette and Volt in White Sands, taken on a cell phone. After the scenes on Queensway bridge and subsequent official statements, it was thought that the Volt was not an autobot — however, if this was the case, why paint it in such a brilliant purple/blue and transport it to White Sands, which is the movie equivalent of Egypt!?