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Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

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Wheelie toy video review March 7th, 2009

After TF08 released images of Wheelie’s robot and alt mode in toy form, there is now a video review of the blue RC truck. It illus­trates the size of the toy and the trans­for­ma­tion from alt mode to robot mode. It’s head comes out from the rear of the truck whilst the wheels split open to reveal the spindly limbs and claws, the cabin opens up to reveal the auto­bot logo. After pos­ing the crea­ture is returned to his truck like state, (to the tune of the Trans­form­ers score).

Optimus Prime leader class video review March 6th, 2009

Peaugh has pro­vided another toy video review, this time its for the Revenge of the Fallen Opti­mus Prime leader class model. The review points out all the small details of the toy, from the auto­bot logo on the hood to the full trans­for­ma­tion into robot mode — the video is a good 13 minutes.

There is also a short update to the orig­i­nal review that high­lights the noises the truck makes, the but­ton was tucked away out of sight on the grey bat­tery panel. The review also explores the idea of a Jetfire/Optimus Prime merger, as sug­gested by the key chains and Leg­ends toys — there is one con­nec­tion at the rear that doesn’t have an obvi­ous pur­pose and Prime’s hands sug­gest he could hold Jetfire’s weapon eas­ily, but other than that there are no other indi­ca­tions of a pos­si­ble Jet­fire connection.

“Megatron is back!” — Michael Bay March 6th, 2009

Looks like Hugo Weaving’s com­ments were the last straw — Michael Bay has pub­licly stated on his forums that Mega­tron shall return in Trans­form­ers 2, although he does play down his role — sug­gest­ing its more of a cameo within a flashback.

“Okay cat is out of the bag. Mega­tron is back —- but you will only get to see him from the long lost past. We go way back in time as this movie explains the mythol­ogy of the Primes. He is not a tank like every­one sug­gests, but an alien vehi­cle. But sadly he does not has much screen time.”

Well it only took toys, images, Orci’s con­fir­ma­tion, Weaving’s con­fir­ma­tion and all the rumors for Bay to make a turn­around on his pre­vi­ous state­ment that Mega­tron would not be return­ing. Sadly, Bay’s new expla­na­tion falls into that pool of poten­tial ‘mis­in­for­ma­tion’, oth­er­wise known as lies. We’ve already seen Megatron’s bio from the back of the leader class toy pack­ag­ing. Mega­tron rises and leads an army, et al. Weav­ing also sug­gested that Mega­tron might be res­ur­rected using cube shards.

Rebuilt with parts can­ni­bal­ized from other Decep­ti­cons, Mega­tron rises once again to lead his army. Though the AllSpark destroyed him once, he can now feel its power cours­ing through his cir­cuitry. It calls him to seize his right­ful place as ruler over the puny planet on which he was impris­oned and destroyed, and from which he will launch his con­quest of the uni­verse. Opti­mus Prime is all that stands between him and vic­tory, and the Auto­bot leader has done a poor job of hid­ing him­self. At long last, Mega­tron knows exactly where his enemy is, and he has power enough to destroy him.

Hugo Weaving returns to voice Megatron! March 5th, 2009

Andrew Fen­ton of Aus­tralian pub­li­ca­tion, The Adver­tiser reveals in an inter­view with Hugo Weav­ing that Weav­ing shall return to voice the part of Mega­tron and that Bay asked him to keep it hush hush. He goes on to sug­gest that Mega­tron may be res­ur­rected from shards of the cube.

“Mega Secret
By Andrew Fen­ton
Film Writer, The Advertiser

In town to pro­mote his rather excel­lent new Aussie film, “Last Ride”, Hugo Weav­ing let slip he’ll be return­ing as the voice of Mega­tron in “Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen”.

Fans no doubt will recall that when we last saw Mega­tron, Sam (Shia LaBeouf) had rammed the All Spark cube into his chest, thereby destroy­ing him. Despite this cer­tain death, rumours have been cir­cu­lat­ing the vil­lain was going to make a come­back. Direc­tor Michael Bay went so far as to flatly deny the rumour, telling Empire: “He’s not in the movie”.

Turns out Bay was fib­bing. “I’ve already done it,” Weav­ing says, adding Bay had told him to keep the news hush-hush. “He’s over in LA and we were work­ing on the video split sort of thing and I had this strange con­ver­sa­tion where he seemed to imply it was all a big secret. So there you go — I’ve given you the secret scoop.”

So how is Mega­tron res­ur­rected? Weav­ing is coy about revealling too much, but does give a tiny hint.

“I think in the last one, doesn’t Opti­mus Prime pick up a lit­tle bit of, a shard of the cube, or the thing that’s left, and he takes it with him. Maybe there’s some­thing there… but I don’t know,” he laughs.

We’ll find out on June 25, the film’s Aus­tralian release.”

Via Seib­ertron

Deluxe Wheelie toy in robot mode March 3rd, 2009

TF08 have posted some more image of their unpacked Wheelie toy, show­ing the fully trans­formed robot mode, close up details of his limbs and every­thing else — right down to the Decep­ti­con and Auto­bot logos on his chest and back.

His robot design looks very sim­i­lar to Frenzy’s, with spindly arms, legs and claws for qui­etly creep­ing around.

Transformers: The Art of the Movies March 1st, 2009

A new list­ing for “Trans­form­ers: The Art of the Movies” has appeared on Ama­zon, the blurb reads:

Trans­form­ers: The Art of the Movies

The first book about the mak­ing of the movies!

The live-action Trans­form­ers movie finally hit the big screen in 2007, and proved to be well worth the wait: a crit­i­cal and com­mer­cial smash hit, it grossed over $700 mil­lion world­wide, and amazed audi­ences with its jaw-dropping spe­cial effects. June 2009 sees the release of an even big­ger sequel: Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen.

But how did Direc­tor Michael Bay and his team pull it off, and make audi­ences believe these giant alien robots were real? Begin­ning with a con­cise his­tory of Trans­form­ers, from toy to movie fran­chise, the book looks in depth at the mak­ing of BOTH movies, with exclu­sive inter­views and over 200 stun­ning images.

Packed with pre­vi­ously unpub­lished con­cept and design art, this is a must for all fans!

Wheelie out of the box in alt mode March 1st, 2009

TF08 have posted an image of the blue RC truck, Wheelie, in his alt mode:

Leader class Megatron toy video review March 1st, 2009

An indepth look at Megatron’s trans­for­ma­tion from Tank into robot,

I am Megatron!

Mean­while TFW2005 have posted a gallery of shots com­par­ing the first movie’s Mega­tron with the updated design, the toy appears to be far supe­rior. View full gallery.

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