We’ve seen the legends class toys combine as well as rumors of a more complex combination via blacked out silhouettes on key chains and boxes. This is our first proper look, albeit a small one, at Jetfire and Optimus prime leader class toys combining to form “Power up” Optimus Prime:
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen
Jetfire & Optimus Prime combined, first look at “Power Up” Optimus Prime April 20th, 2009
Bay comments on pulling of ShoWest footage April 20th, 2009
Michael Bay has today commented on the ShoWest footage that briefly appeared on his personal site, and has since been pulled from there and everywhere else.
The Showest footage was pulled down because it was just a 12-hour thing.
I just wanted the fans to get a taste of what we have been making for a year and a half because we have been so quiet. The piece was cut about a month ago for this Showest thing I accepted this past month — so as you can see many of the shots were far from being finished renders. This dinky little site received over 1,500,000 hits and 550,000 downloads in this short time. Anyway the trailer is being printed today and coming out on Wolverine and Star Trek. 64 days left!
EW talks of a “Space Bridge” April 20th, 2009
This post contains spoilers, beware. The May edition of EW contains a Transformers 2 article with excerpts from Michael Bay, it’s main focus is on Shia’s hand injury and the troubles of incorporating it into the movie.
To summarise the piece:
- To build Shia’s injury into the movie the screenwriters added a scene showing Sam Witwicky being injured by a “Space Bridge“
– Shia was given a custom made protective and photogenic cast after delaying surgery
– The Pyramids in Egypt are the setting for the final battle
– Bay likes to blow things up, nothing has changed: “A fish tank, a helicopter, concrete tubes. We blew up a library. This set you’re looking at? This will all be gone.“
– Using CGI to cover up Shia’s injury was too expensive and “a pain in the neck”.
Space Bridge
The bridge is from the G1 cartoons and was built by the constructicons:
The space bridge appears in several universes. The exact properties of the space bridge vary, but typically they serve as a more convenient means of moving Transformers from one planet to another than the traditional means of space travel. [e.g. Cyberton to earth]
Scans after the break…
Read the rest of this entry »
The Fallen with bio and leader class Jetfire April 20th, 2009
TF08 gives us another look at some Revenge of the Fallen toys; this time its The Fallen in his box, complete with biography, as well as the leader class Jetfire toy.
The Fallen
For millennia, he has waited. Thousands of years have dragged by as he recruited proxies, one by one, to scour the cosmos for the artifact he required. Now he finds he must return to the primitive, flesh-slug infected planet on which his quest began. Nothing will stand in his way this time. If need be, he will scour the surface of this disgusting world clean in the fire of his rage, and search through the blasted rubble for that which he seeks.
Transformers 2 Showest Footage — Devastator, Megatron and more April 19th, 2009
UPDATE: Final Transformers 2 Trailer released in HD (30th April 2009)
See also our in depth analysis of the trailer with high quality screenshots of all the key scenes, robots and Megan Fox.
Update: New Transformers 2 trailer leaked early (29th April 2009)
The footage from the Las Vegas ShoWest 2009 is now online for all to see, published to MichaelBay.com. As previously described, the footage opens with Bumblebee and Sam discussing his leaving for college and the already infamous crying with washer fluid, before jumping into a montage of robot awesomeness. Typically this massive news appears on the weekend I am out in the country without internet access.
We get to see Devastator, Jetfire, Wheels, Chromia, Megatron smashing Optimus Prime across a field, The Fallen, Skids, Mudflaps, Sideswipe, possibly Blackout, Scalpel, Bumblebee and more.
Watch the ShoWest Transformers 2 Trailer/Footage
The YouTube and Vimeo videos got pulled.
The Robots
Jetfire being old and moaning at the boneyard
Skids & Mudflaps
Note in this first image the painting — back in December we reported on a possible Fallen scoop that looked to all extents and purposes to be a fake (see bottom of this post) — the picture matches the one in the screenshot.
Original Fallen scoop images:

Blackout or Springer
Blackout, the first active Decepticon in the first movie looks to now appear in Revenge of the Fallen, but the rotary blades are much smaller, some suggest this is instead Springer.
Images courtesy of The Cinema Source, showing Megatron hammering Optimus Prime, sending him airborne and flying across a field.
This one isn’t so clear but it appears to be Bumblebee and possibly Rampage dueling — judging by the flailing tracks.
Revenge of the Fallen Standee April 16th, 2009
MTV have the skinny on another Transformers exclusive, this time it’s the first Revenge of the Fallen standee, showing Optimus Prime and Bumblebee stepping out of the scene, prepared to fight, with Megan and Shia running frantically away from a pyramid behind them.
There will also be new Transformers things to shout about next Tuesday. What form that will take is anyone’s guess.
Michael Bay discusses his favorite robots April 16th, 2009
MTV have released the next part of their ongoing Michael bay interview, this one sees the Transformers director talking about his favorite robots, calling The Fallen an ultimate bad boy and claiming that the Devastator special effects are ten-fold more complicated than anything Lucas’ company has ever done. I’m still not sold on the Skids/Mudflaps twins.
“The Fallen is the ultimate bad boy,” Bay explained of the mysterious evildoer glimpsed briefly in the trailer for the June 24 film, whose vengeful mission gives the film’s title its double meaning. “He goes way back in the Transformer world. He’s one of the first Transformers.”
“The twins are quite fun,” Bay said of the comedy-relief duo, remembering his inspiration for including them. “I just kept thinking, ‘What if we have two dumb Transformers that are young and dumb?’ … They are just irreverent, dumb Transformers.”
“[Devastator is] the most complicated model that George Lucas’ company has done in 30 years,” Bay marveled. “In all the 30 years of [Industrial Light and Magic] making movies, it’s the most complicated digital model — and it’s tenfold in terms of the most complicated. It’s taken a long time to do.
“There’s a lot of great new characters in this movie — some funny ones, some devious ones, there are some little teeny ones that are a little irreverent,” Bay said of a robot group that includes such newbies as the four-legged Ravage, sleek Sideswipe and others. “You know what is better in this movie? The acting of the robots. It’s just evolved from the last one, and in terms of the animation we are able to put these robots’ [emotions] in.”
Such acting innovations have also helped a big breakout robot from the original “Transformers” film, who Bay insisted remains his favorite Transformer of the group. “Bumblebee is great in this movie,” he promised.
Transformers 2 Video Game — site live, screenshots, details and concepts April 15th, 2009
The official Transformers 2 video game site has launched today, containing new screenshots, the video game trailer we have previously seen and an interesting set of concept art for the game. Meanwhile Kotaku have posted some additional screenshots of the PS3/360Wii and Nintendo DS versions of the game.
Video game concept art
One area found on the new site that is completely new is a small gallery of concept art images. They show an inner city construction site being looked upon by Bumblebee and Bumblebee fighting the huge two wheeled excavator constructicon in Shanghai. There is also an interesting image showing a beam of light coming down from the sky — the picture is named ‘harvester’ — perhaps the Sun harvester mentioned in Defiance #4 and possibly seen in the kids coloring book.

Details about the game
Kotaku go into some depth about the game’s features, which I have surmised:
- Closely follows plot of movie
– No linear story, central hub from there you select missions to play
– Can play as Autobot or Decepticon and can choose your Transformer
– Missions are timed and completing them quickly can earn you Transformer upgrades
– You can climb up the sides of buildings
– The demo showed that Sideways (Audi R8) is a sniper robot, complete with rifle
– One button quick transformations are still in
– Each Transformer has a special ability when transformed
– Can attack an enemy by diving at them and transforming next to them
– Starscream has a hover ability
– Lame chauffeuring Shia mission
Video Game Screenshots
A selection of the more interesting screenshots as posted on Kotaku. Showing Starscream in flying battle above an aircraft carrier, Bumblebee attacking a purple character and Optimus Prime doing battle on the Wii:

1600x1280 resolution wallpaper downloads:

Screenshots of the site