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Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

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Devastator Combiner (Legends), seventh Constructicon, Ravage review May 12th, 2009

Dev­as­ta­tor Combiner

Here’s a toy we’ve been wait­ing for for some time, the seven (Scav­enger, Scrap­per, High­tower, Long­haul, Ram­page, Over­load and Mix­mas­ter) leg­ends class Con­struc­ti­cons (each with an alt mode and robot mode) com­bine to form Dev­as­ta­tor. This is our first look at the sev­enth Con­struc­ti­con ‘Over­load’, part of Devastator’s back­bone. We also see a scor­pion like robot mode for the crane, Devastator’s left arm.

Rav­age Review

Peaugh shows off his Rav­age toy, call­ing the rather point­less re-entry mode a “folded up cat with wings”.

Long Haul Voyager class toy May 11th, 2009

Pic­tures of the Long Haul voy­ager toy have sur­faced at TF08, show­ing the character’s Dump Truck alt mode:

9 New Transformers 2 Wallpapers May 11th, 2009

Has­bro have updated their site with nine new Revenge of the Fallen wall­pa­pers at 1280x1024, 1024x768 and 800x600 resolutions.


Robot Heroes Devastator Toy May 8th, 2009

‘gojulasprime23’ is sell­ing the Robot Heroes ver­sion of Dev­as­ta­tor on auc­tion site eBay.

View auc­tion (cur­rently six days left and no bids)

Final Transformers 2 Poster May 8th, 2009

Yahoo have today released the final Trans­form­ers 2 poster. It depicts Shia and Megan Fox clutch­ing each other against a pyra­mid back-drop with Opti­mus Prime and Bum­ble­bee look­ing over them, with the Beth­le­hem Steel works in the top right.

Transformers 2 Video Game Trailer May 7th, 2009

A new Trans­form­ers video game trailer has been released, split into two halves, Auto­bot and Decep­ti­con respec­tively, we get our first glimpse of Dev­as­ta­tor, Ram­page, Black­out and more.

This also seems like an apt moment to fill you in on some fur­ther video game details. Gamestop recently updated their pre-orders page an in-turn the video game cover:

And IGN UK the Nin­tendo DS cover:

Ravage toy in Box, Bio and ‘Re-entry mode’ May 6th, 2009

The biog­ra­phy for Rav­age states that he enters the earth’s atmos­phere and sug­gests that he takes the form of ‘soft’ crea­tures that inhabit the planet. Per­haps this implies Alice (Isabel Lucas)? We also get to see con­fir­ma­tion of the toy’s rather weak ‘re-entry’ mode which doesn’t resem­ble much of any­thing, I per­son­ally pre­fer the bird like trans­for­ma­tion that TF08 concocted.


Bul­let­ing down through the atmos­phere at bet­ter than 15 times the speed of sound, Rav­age con­sid­ers the data he has already amassed, on the small, soft crea­tures that inhabit this planet. They seem weak and frag­ile, yet they are the ones that destroyed Mega­tron, that is a fact he will keep in mind as he pen­e­trates their most sen­si­tive instal­la­tion, against such an unpre­dictable enemy, stealth will be his watchword.

Three Transformers 2 Character Posters May 6th, 2009

Char­ac­ter posters of Bum­ble­bee, Starscream and Opti­mus Prime have today been unveiled via Yahoo. The posters each show an incred­i­bly detailed ren­der­ing of the characters:

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