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Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

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Voice cast for Transformers 2 video game, Fallen rendering May 17th, 2009

Activi­sion have announced the voice tal­ent tak­ing part in the Revenge of the Fallen video game, with the first movie’s voice cast largely return­ing (includ­ing) Shia, Megan Fox, Frank Welker and Peter Cullen with John Di Mag­gio (Side­ways) and James Arnold Tay­lor (The Fallen) as two notable additions.

We also get our first look at The Fallen in the video game:


Press Release


Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Peter Cullen and Frank Welker

Return to Pro­vide Voice-Over Performances

Santa Mon­ica, CA — May 15, 2009 — Activi­sion Pub­lish­ing, Inc. (Nas­daq: ATVI) has assem­bled an all-star cast for the upcom­ing Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen video game, includ­ing the film’s leads Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox, who will reprise their star­ring roles in the game, and fan favorites Peter Cullen and Frank Welker, the voices of OPTIMUS PRIME and MEGATRON from the orig­i­nal ani­mated series. In the new game, devel­oped under license from Has­bro, play­ers are thrust into an adrenaline-pumping bat­tle to defend Earth from a DECEPTICON attack that threat­ens mankind.

“Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen fea­tures an exten­sive line-up of film actors, along with the voice tal­ent that fans will rec­og­nize from the clas­sic ani­mated series,” said Rob Kos­tich, head of mar­ket­ing for licensed prop­er­ties, Activi­sion Pub­lish­ing, Inc. “The diverse cast allowed us to not only cap­ture the epic sto­ry­line from the film, but also seam­lessly expand the fic­tion to cre­ate a unique and authen­tic TRANSFORMERS expe­ri­ence that fans of all ages will enjoy.”

In addi­tion to Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox, Peter Cullen (Opti­mus Prime), Mark Ryan (Bum­ble­bee), Jess Har­nell (Iron­hide), Charles Adler (Starscream) and Robert Fox­worth (Ratchet) reprised their film roles for the game. Voice-over vet­er­ans John Di Mag­gio (Side­ways) and James Arnold Tay­lor (The Fallen) also join the roster.

The Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen video game is based on the upcom­ing live-action fea­ture film from Dream­Works Pic­tures and Para­mount Pic­tures in asso­ci­a­tion with Has­bro, which opens nation­wide on June 24, 2009.* The game lets play­ers take on the role of their favorite AUTOBOTS or DECEPTICONS, pick­ing from the largest, most diverse range of playable Trans­form­ers — each with their own dis­tinct abil­i­ties and weaponry. Set in unique envi­ron­ments across the globe such as Cairo and Shang­hai, the game allows play­ers to instantly switch between vehi­cle and robot modes as they drive, fly, fight and blast their way through intense, pressure-packed lev­els. After engag­ing in sin­gle player action, play­ers for the first time ever will be able to go online and bat­tle friends in all-new mul­ti­player modes.

The Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen video game is cur­rently in devel­op­ment by Lux­oflux for the Xbox 360 video game and enter­tain­ment sys­tem from Microsoft and the PLAYSTATION3 com­puter enter­tain­ment sys­tem, and is rated “T” (Teen — Mild Lan­guage, Vio­lence); the Win­dows PC ver­sion is being devel­oped by Beenox Stu­dios and is also rated “T” (Teen — Mild Lan­guage, Vio­lence); the dis­tinct Wii and PlayStation2 com­puter enter­tain­ment sys­tem ver­sions are being devel­oped by Krome Stu­dios and are rated “T” (“Teen” — Fan­tasy Vio­lence); two unique AUTOBOT and DECEPTICON-specific Nin­tendo DS ver­sions are being devel­oped by Vic­ar­i­ous Visions and are rated “E10+” (Every­one 10 and older — Fan­tasy Vio­lence); the PSP (PlaySta­tion­Portable) sys­tem ver­sion is being devel­oped by Sav­age Enter­tain­ment and is rated “E10+” (Every­one 10 and older — Fan­tasy Violence).

For more infor­ma­tion on the game and to receive exclu­sive updates about the Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen video game, visit www​.Trans​form​ers​Game​.com.

* In the highly antic­i­pated “Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen,” debut­ing June 24, 2009, Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) again joins with the AUTOBOTS against their sworn ene­mies, the DECEPTICONS. Michael Bay directs from a screen­play writ­ten by Ehren Kruger ; Roberto Orci ; Alex Kurtz­man. Dream­Works Pic­tures and Para­mount Pic­tures Present, In Asso­ci­a­tion with Has­bro, A di Bonaven­tura Pic­tures Pro­duc­tion, A Tom DeSanto/Don Mur­phy Pro­duc­tion, A Michael Bay Film “Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen” star­ring Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gib­son and John Tur­turro. The film is directed by Michael Bay from a screen­play writ­ten by Ehren Kruger ; Roberto Orci ; Alex Kurtz­man. Based on Hasbro’s TRANSFORMERS Action Fig­ures. Pro­duced by Don Mur­phy ; Tom DeSanto, Lorenzo di Bonaven­tura and Ian Bryce. Exec­u­tive pro­duc­ers are Steven Spiel­berg, Michael Bay, Brian Gold­ner and Mark Vahra­dian. This film has not yet been rated.

Trailer for Linkin Park’s “New Divide” song for Transformers May 14th, 2009

A lit­tle bit pre­ten­tious this, a trailer for a song that is, but here it is, Linkin Park talk­ing about the process behind their upcom­ing Revenge of the Fallen track, “New Divide”:

Sideswipe Human Alliance figure May 14th, 2009

The sec­ond Human Alliance fig­ure, after Bum­ble­bee and Sam Witwicky, has been revealed in the lat­est Toy­fare issue, it’s Side­swipe with a pecu­liar sil­ver doll sit­ting on his shoul­der, meant to be Sar­gent Epps. Retail­ing for $29.99, more Human Alliance fig­ures are expected to sur­face shortly.

Transformers 2 Poster Giveaway May 14th, 2009

Michael​Bay​.com is hold­ing a Revenge of the Fallen poster giveaway:

05/13/2009 08:38 AM

Nel­son here… In the next few weeks I will be giv­ing out some Revenge of the Fallen posters.
To enter, send your name, and email to webmaster@​revengeiscoming.​com. Con­test is open to US res­i­dents only and ends on end of day May 20, 2009. Good luck!

Transformers 2 Soundtrack and Score up for pre-order May 14th, 2009

Ama­zon have posted both the “Music from the motion pic­ture” and “Score from the motion pic­ture” up for pre-order. Each is due for release on June 23rd. No cover art just yet.

Pre-order Trans­form­ers 2 Soundtrack

Pre-order Trans­form­ers 2 Score

Voyager class Long Haul gallery May 14th, 2009

After see­ing his alt mode, TF08 have now posted a full gallery show­ing Long Haul’s most excel­lent robot form:

Bumblebee at Cannes May 14th, 2009

Trans­form­ers 2 have arrived at the Cannes film fes­ti­val, with their much loved Bumblebee.

Deluxe Wheelie Video Review May 14th, 2009

Peaugh reviews Wheelie:

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