Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

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Lonely Robot, Dirty Mind — Decepticon T-shirt October 11th, 2009

Thread­less have posted an awe­some new Decep­ti­con T-shirt,

Transformers movie-props auction next month September 23rd, 2009

They’re sell­ing the 17 foot Bum­ble­bee model, at auc­tion it is expected to fetch up to $80,000. Along­side him will be a num­ber of Megan Fox out­fits and over 100 props from the Trans­form­ers movies. Bids can be made over the inter­net or phone via Pro­files in His­tory.

Auc­tion­eer Pro­files in His­tory said it expected the 3,200 pound (1.45 ton) Hero Bum­ble­bee robot from the first movie in 2007 to fetch $60,000 to $80,000 at the Oct 8–9 auction.

The motor­cy­cle cos­tume worn by Fox as Mikaela Banes in the block­buster 2009 sequel “Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen”, along with her shorts and tank top, have an esti­mate of $3,000 to $5,000.

Joe Mad­dalena, pres­i­dent of Pro­files in His­tory, said any­thing worn by Fox was in great demand by collectors.

“‘Trans­form­ers’ made her a star and I expect her cos­tumes to per­form very well at auc­tion. The 17-foot Bum­ble­bee robot speaks for itself … it’s such an amaz­ing spec­ta­cle and a pop cul­ture icon that I expect bid­ders to go crazy,” Mad­dalena said.

Bids can be placed in per­son at the auc­tion in Cal­abasas, out­side Los Ange­les, by phone or live on the Internet.

Transformers 2 Arcee bikes via Sean Haworth September 23rd, 2009

Because the movie didn’t really show us much of these, here are some shots of the cus­tom designed Arcee bikes via Visual Effects Art Direc­tor, Sean Haworth.

And a shot of the twins for good measure,

Awesome Transformers 2 concept art from Ben Procter September 18th, 2009

Trans­form­ers 2 art work from Ben Proc­tor reveals the robots that made the cut, and more inter­est­ingly, those that didn’t. Stealth boats, nuclear subs that take down air­craft car­ri­ers and alter­na­tive con­struc­ti­cons. We also get a look at the inner work­ings of many decep­ti­cons, includ­ing eye details on The Fallen, an early Dev­as­ta­tor design and pre­tender Alice, tongue and all.

Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen — What did you think? June 24th, 2009

With the gen­eral release of Trans­form­ers 2, it’s time to open up the floor to com­ments and find out what you guys thought of it. We’ve already shared our thoughts in our exten­sive review: Movie Chron­i­cles Trans­form­ers 2 review.

Some ques­tions to prompt debate

Did the new robots add to the film?
Which was the best new char­ac­ter?
Which was the worst?
What would you have done dif­fer­ent?
Did the movie fly by too quickly or did you think it was too long?
Were Skids and Mud­flap annoy­ing or gen­uinely funny?
What was your biggest dis­ap­point­ment or favorite part?

Transformers 2 — All trailers and all TV Spots June 24th, 2009

A final YouTube playlist fea­tur­ing every sin­gle TV Spot and Trans­form­ers 2 trailer for you to get your teeth into before you head out tonight or this week­end to watch Revenge of the Fallen. That’s 27 videos! You may, by the end of it, be tired of Linkin Park’s New Divide and Shia shout­ing “Opti­mus” or “Bum­ble­bee”, but each one shows off a lit­tle bit of extra footage — you can also see how the CG effects evolve with each new video.

Transformers 2 — Final Theatrical Trailer June 24th, 2009

Posted onto Michael Bay’s offi­cial site comes “The Last One”, the final the­atri­cal trailer for Revenge of the Fallen, and an amal­ga­ma­tion of all the trail­ers we’ve seen up to this point.

Transformers 2 LA Première June 24th, 2009

With the world­wide gen­eral release of Revenge of the Fallen, comes the much antic­i­pated LA Pre­mière event at the Fox The­atre at the Los Ange­les Film Festival.

18 Videos from the première

This is a YouTube video playlists that fea­tures 18 videos from the Revenge of the Fallen LA première

Pic­tures from première

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