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Transformers 3

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No Transformers 2 footage at Comic Con 08 July 10th, 2008

Whilst Trans­form­ers 2 has no offi­cial involve­ment in the San Diego Comic Con this year, the IESB reported that Has­bro, with per­mis­sion from Paramount/Dreamworks, would be show­ing a small snip­pet of the Trans­form­ers sequel. How­ever, since that arti­cle was posted and the slew of inter­net movie sites posted the news about the web, Para­mount has issued a brief state­ment that there will in fact be no Trans­form­ers 2 footage shown at Comic Con.

The Transforming Aircraft Carrier — Concept Pics July 8th, 2008

Tim Flat­tery (IMDB), con­cept designer for the orig­i­nal Trans­form­ers movie adap­ta­tion, has updated his online port­fo­lio to include some new Trans­form­ers con­cept art, most impor­tantly includ­ing a first look at what might have been a huge, tow­er­ing, trans­form­ing air­craft car­rier — set to wreak havoc on all that stands in its path.

Check out Tim’s port­fo­lio for more con­cepts that didn’t make it into the first movie.

Possible Revenge of the Fallen poster June 30th, 2008

EDIT: This has been con­firmed a fake.

Seib­ertron have posted a cam­era phone shot of what looks like a Revenge of the Fallen poster, though it is blurry and hard to make out. It is most likely a fake, but on the small off chance that it is not, I have posted it here:

The text at the top seems to read “… begins”. The auto­bot in the fore­front is quite clearly one that we have not seen before, yet it is also dif­fi­cult to identify.

Via /Film

New video from Smithsonian Museum June 29th, 2008

A new video from the Smith­son­ian Air and Space Museum at Dulles, VA has popped up, show­ing Shia, Bay and Megan Fox at work:

A host of Transformers 2 spoilers June 26th, 2008

The Movie Blog got the scoop on one of the key indoor scenes involv­ing Shia La Boeuf and Rainn Wil­son as a pro­fes­sor. This pas­sage of text does give away spoil­ers — involv­ing mys­ti­cal pow­ers and Ein­stein. Josh Duhamel has also revealed a key plot detail in an inter­view with Empire:

“I guess who he’s work­ing with is prob­a­bly the biggest change,” said Duhamel, before adding once more, pre­sum­ably for empha­sis. “Who he’s work­ing with.”

Imply­ing that the Auto­bots and Decep­ti­cons may be forced to work together to over­come a greater evil, per­haps the all pow­er­ful Fallen.

Movie Blog Spoiler

On the first day of class, Sam goes crazy just before get­ting to class for some rea­son. It seems there is some object that he was exposed to that affected him, our guess is the splin­ter from the cube. Any­ways, Rainn Wil­son asks the class to turn to the first page of the text book (which, appar­ently, Rainn Wilson’s char­ac­ter is the pro­fes­sor of the class AND the writer of the Astron­omy text book that they are using in class). Wilson’s character’s name is Pro­fes­sor Colon (pro­nounced: koh — lawn). Every­one except Sam turns to the first page. Sam, instead, read the entire book in 5 sec­onds by just flip­ping through it, then starts telling Wilson’s char­ac­ter about what parts of his book are wrong. He also starts talk­ing about how Ein­stein was wrong. Sam gets up from his seat and goes up to the chalk board and starts writ­ing a lot of weird sym­bols on the chalk board (prob­a­bly Cryp­ton­ian). Then he starts ask­ing why nobody under­stands and then he leaves class. On the sec­ond day of class, he appar­ently returns, but acts less crazy.

The rea­son we sus­pect that it is an object he touches that makes him crazy is because there was a scene shot ear­lier where he was on the phone Fox’s char­ac­ter Mikaela, and he was ask­ing her if she had “it” and then told her to make sure she doesn’t touch “it”. Our guess is the “splin­ter” (left over piece of the Allspark Cube), but it could be some­thing else, of course.

Oh, and the last scene that was filmed on Wednes­day evening was of Sam arriv­ing to class while rid­ing the red motor­cy­cle that peo­ple have seen in pic­tures. I don’t think that proves whether or not it is a Trans­former or just a motor­cy­cle, but it could be worth­while infor­ma­tion in the future.

Talk­ing with the New Jer­sey Times, Michael Bay has revealed a lit­tle about Sam Witwicky’s char­ac­ter development:

The uni­ver­sity angle to the plot “is all about Sam grow­ing up and going to col­lege … a teenager grow­ing into a man,” Bay said.


With Witwicky enrolled at a fic­tional East Coast school with an Ivy League feel, Banes comes from Los Ange­les as a vis­i­tor to her friend’s new cam­pus, Bay said.

Cam­pus scenes were shot at both Prince­ton and, ear­lier this month, at the Uni­ver­sity of Penn­syl­va­nia in Philadelphia.

Con­tribut­ing sources: /Film, TLAMB

Final Day at Princeton June 26th, 2008

The Prox Blog were at hand to see the final day of film­ing at Prince­ton, cap­tur­ing a steamy encounter between Megan Fox and Shia as the lady rides a spruced up red and yel­low bike, most likely an Aprilia RS125.

Today was the final day of shoot­ing with most of McCosh Court­yard blocked off. We’ve got a pretty skilled pho­tog­ra­pher on our hands — here’s a shot of Megan Fox on a motor­cy­cle kiss­ing Shia LaBeouf while Direc­tor Michael Bay watches. They both play lead roles in “Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen” and their romance (obvi­ously) plays out in the film.

They also have a nicely com­posed shot of Ramon, Megan and Isabel Lucas sit­ting together, pre­sum­ably wait­ing for something:

Hummer H3 in TF2? June 26th, 2008

TFW2005 have pro­vided a small report from the Cin­ema Expo Inter­na­tional 2008 in Ams­ter­dam that sug­gests Gen­eral Motors will be pro­vid­ing “Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen” with a new Hum­mer H3.

Gen­eral Motors (GM) has put up a plat­form that is adorned with the Trans­form­ers movie logo and Auto­bot and Decep­ti­con insignias. On top and around the plat­form are black Hum­mer H3’s. This dis­play at the con­ven­tion seems to sug­gest that this vehi­cle will be fea­tured in Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen in some fash­ion. Whether this will be the vehi­cle mode for a Trans­form or a civil­ian vehi­cle is unknown. A mod­i­fied Hum­mer H2 was used for the vehi­cle mode for Ratchet in the first Trans­form­ers movie.

Hummer H3 with Transformers banner

Posing with Megan Fox June 26th, 2008

Movie Insider reader Cameron Busacca got a chance to catch up on the action and hang out with the girls this week, top­ping it with a nice set report for us.

Megan Fox kindly poses for a photo

Shia LaBeouf came on set around 8 a.m. to film what appeared to be a “move-in” day scene right next to the Prince­ton Uni­ver­sity Chapel. After sev­eral takes, the crew moved out onto the street to shoot a few stunt scenes on Wash­ing­ton Street. Most of the cars looked brand new (there was no futur­is­tic Chevy Camaro in sight, which was a bum­mer) but after a few takes, one of the cars had bul­let holes and a smashed wind­shield, which led me to believe they were film­ing a chase scene. Shia’s stunt dou­ble nearly got hit sev­eral times by another car, and the crew shot the scene from dif­fer­ent angles up and down Wash­ing­ton as if all of the shots were going to be pieced together later. And even though the stunt dri­vers went really fast, you could tell that they speed it up even more in the edit­ing process.

After the first stunt was over, we saw our first sight­ing of Megan Fox. They were get­ting a shot of her dri­ving from inside the car but she lost con­trol and slammed it into a curb. Don’t worry, she’s per­fectly fine. She got out of the car smil­ing and laugh­ing and walked it off. Shia, on the other hand, hadn’t stopped chain smok­ing since the end of the first scene and every time they broke from film­ing he seemed to have a really bad attitude.


Shia had turned us down when we asked for a pic­ture ear­lier, but after see­ing Megan take a pic­ture with another for­tu­nate group of guys, we walked up to her. Her peo­ple imme­di­ately shot down the request, but she very gra­ciously and kindly agreed to take one more. We took a pic­ture with her and pro­ceeded to ask her a few ques­tions about the movie. Shia was also there but added noth­ing to the conversation.

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