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Transformers 3

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Ironhide ROTF toy February 21st, 2009

This comes via TF08 and their abun­dant source of unre­leased toys. Some more gal­leries of toys are also float­ing about of Deluxe Side­swipe, Deluxe Break­away and Voy­ager class Opti­mus Prime.

Amazon posts Transformers 2 video game pre orders, June 16th Release date February 21st, 2009

Ama­zon have posted all of the Trans­form­ers 2 video games up for pre order, with a planned release on June 16th.

Plat­forms include Wii, Xbox 360, Playsta­tion 3, PSP, Win­dows Vista, Nin­tendo DS and PS2 — pretty much every­thing except the Mac.


GM releases ‘Autobots Rollout’ website February 21st, 2009

GM have released a web­site ded­i­cated to the new Auto­bots, “Auto­bots Roll­out” — it comes with Bios that do not reveal any­thing, some new images of the vehi­cles in the sand, each of the released trail­ers and a video show­ing a team putting together the Bum­ble­bee model.

Demolisher Bio Revealed, on sale at eBay February 21st, 2009

An eBay auc­tion has been spot­ted sell­ing the Demol­isher toy boxed, com­plete with an image of the packet and the character’s descrip­tion. View the orig­i­nal auc­tion, view another live auc­tion to pur­chase Demol­isher.

Demol­ishor isn’t very bright, but he knows when to fight, and when to run and hide. Arriv­ing on Earth to find Mega­tron destroyed, hid­ing seemed like the best option. Since then, he’s taken a few smaller Decep­ti­cons under his pro­tec­tion, and built quite a lit­tle com­mu­nity. It hasn’t been easy hid­ing among the humans that creep like a dis­ease over this planet, but he and his com­pan­ions are con­tent until a new Decep­ti­con leader emerges to guide them back to glory.

Via Seib­ertron

Michael Bay handpicked GM concept cars February 19th, 2009

After build­ing up some rap­port on the first movie and pro­vid­ing GM with pub­lic­ity and aware­ness of their newly redesigned Camaro, for Trans­form­ers 2 Michael Bay was given the oppor­tu­nity to pick and choose from GM’s array of con­cept cars:

“I didn’t want to share with him Camaro unless he told me more about the movie,” Well­burn said. “There was a lit­tle nego­ti­at­ing, and then there it was.” The suc­cess of the Camaro’s appear­ance, which helped GM by rais­ing aware­ness of the newly redesigned car, lit­er­ally opened some big doors for Bay in “Revenge of the Fallen.”

“When it comes to the sequel, it was dif­fer­ent because the rela­tion­ship had built quite a bit,” Well­burn explained. “Michael came to Detroit, and he and I just walked the stu­dios. He was look­ing for one, maybe two new vehi­cles. He came here, and he pretty much had it in his head what the sequel would be. I’ll never for­get it. One third of the way through the tour he said, ‘I need a notepad. There are just too many designs that we may want to use in the movie.’”

Some mod­els, like the Beat and Trax, which will appear as the Auto­bots Skids and Mud­flap for “Revenge of the Fallen,” even affected how the char­ac­ters functioned.

“That day that he vis­ited us and walked the halls of the stu­dios, the movie devel­oped and in some ways changed,” he revealed. “[Bay] was inspired by things like the two small cars that maybe could work together in some way. That’s all I can say right now.”

Source: MTV

Today show previews Devastator toy February 19th, 2009

Via TForm­ers, this videos shows the Today Show walk­ing through some of the toys seen at this years Toy Fair:

Mean­while E! Online have posted a video review of the toys on shoe:

Mysterious key chains February 19th, 2009

Of the new Trans­form­ers mer­chan­dise at Toy Fair 09 were a set of key chains, with their front designs pix­e­lated out to pre­vent reveal­ing the details of the char­ac­ters. Action Figs have posted a gallery of these with the notice­able Bum­ble­bee, Starscream etc — there are two notable odd­i­ties how­ever, one mys­te­ri­ous unnamed ‘New Char­ac­ter’ and a fig­ure labeled as Opti­mus Prime that doesn’t match his usual robot form. TFW also have a pair of sil­hou­ettes that match these two designs.

The source of these sil­hou­ettes states that the robot form of Opti­mus Prime is in com­bi­na­tion with Jet­fire, look­ing closely you can see the wing out­line, boost­ers and a canon — this com­bi­na­tion has pre­vi­ously been seen on the Leg­ends class toys, although that arrange­ment looks very different.

The unnamed char­ac­ter has claws and is grey, I’d hes­i­tate a guess at Megatron.

Opti­mus Prime

The toys

New char­ac­ter

New Transformers 2 Poster February 18th, 2009

TLAMB reader Nige spot­ted a new Revenge of the Fallen poster. This one is slightly less mys­te­ri­ous and a lot more cheesy, show­ing Shia and Megan run­ning through explo­sions against a pyra­mids back­drop, with Opti­mus Prime stand­ing behind it all. The most inter­est­ing aspect of the poster is the fig­ure of a Trans­former stand­ing atop of the cen­tral pyra­mid, chan­nel­ing a beam of light upwards, pre­sumed to be The Fallen.

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