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Transformers 3

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Megatron and Optimus Prime leader class toys February 28th, 2009

eBay has pro­vided us with another early gem, the Leader class Mega­tron and Opti­mus Prime toys.

Mega­tron fig­ure on eBay — still over a day left on this auction,current bid is $132.

Opti­mus Prime fig­ure on eBay

Via Seib­ertron, The Arker also has more images of the toys.

Rampage, Long Haul, Skids, Jetfire and Bumblebee Deluxe toys February 24th, 2009

TF08 return with pic­tures of Jet­fire, Skids, Ram­page, Long Haul, Bum­ble­bee and Ratcher Deluxe toys — includ­ing a shot of Long Haul match­ing Josh Nizzi’s con­cept art pose.

Ratchet, Jetfire and Long Haul Fast Action Battler toys February 22nd, 2009

TF08 have come up with the goods again, this time it is images of the Ratchet, Jet­fire and Long Haul FAB toy pack­ages illus­trat­ing both vehi­cle and robot modes:

Long Haul

Long Haul never talks, unless he’s going to com­plain about some­thing. The other Decep­ti­cons expect him to carry all their stuff, but he’d rather be fight­ing than trans­port­ing a bunch of mis­siles and laser can­nons. He likes to let other robots’ gear bounce out of his truck bed, and then tell them it got “lost” on the way.

Note the sim­i­lar­i­ties with the Long Haul con­cept art from Josh Nizzi.


After learn­ing from Iron­hide that more Decep­ti­cons had been detected on Earth, Auto­bot Ratchet imme­di­ately began research into how best to upgrade his weapons. After two months in his work­shop, he devel­oped a new par­ti­cle beam blaster. Now he needs to find a Decep­ti­con to test it on.


After remain­ing hid­den for years, Jet­fire is ready to rejoin the fight! He real­ized the error of the Decep­ti­con way a long time ago. Now, he fights along­side the Auto­bots, hop­ing to use his ancient strength to bring his for­mer com­rades to justice!

It’s official, Megatron Returns February 22nd, 2009

“Mega­tron returns… keep it quiet”, quipped Roberto Orci on the TFW forums. This is our first offi­cial word that Mega­tron will in fact return in the sequel, although we have had an abun­dance of news, rumors and toys to sug­gest this is the case.

And just to back this up, here are some images of the Leader class Mega­tron Revenge of the Fallen toy, which come via Seib­ertron and The Arker.

The bio reads:

Rebuilt with parts can­ni­bal­ized from other Decep­ti­cons, Mega­tron rises once again to lead his army. Though the AllSpark destroyed him once, he can now feel its power cours­ing through his cir­cuitry. It calls him to seize his right­ful place as ruler over the puny planet on which he was impris­oned and destroyed, and from which he will launch his con­quest of the uni­verse. Opti­mus Prime is all that stands between him and vic­tory, and the Auto­bot leader has done a poor job of hid­ing him­self. At long last, Mega­tron knows exactly where his enemy is, and he has power enough to destroy him.

Behinds the scenes Explosions February 22nd, 2009

MTV have posted a one minute behind the scenes look at Trans­form­ers 2, show­ing many explo­sions and their loca­tions — a fun watch but noth­ing too reveal­ing. US only.

Breakaway Toy Video Review February 22nd, 2009

More from Peaugh’s ever grow­ing col­lec­tion of new ROTF toys:

This toy is cur­rently on auc­tion at eBay.

Legends class Megatron, Ratchet, Starscream, Sideswipe February 22nd, 2009

eBay is cur­rently play­ing host to our first look at a lot of new Trans­form­ers Revenge of the Fallen toys, this time it’s given us a look at the Mega­tron, Ratchet, Starscream and Side­swipe Leg­ends class toys.


View the orig­i­nal Auc­tion | Search for more Mega­tron leg­ends auctions


View the orig­i­nal Auc­tion | Search for more Ratchet leg­ends auctions


View the orig­i­nal Auc­tion | Search for more Starscream leg­ends auctions


View the orig­i­nal Auc­tion | Search for more Side­swipe leg­ends auctions

Fallen toy on sale on eBay, images of Cybertronian Jet alt mode February 21st, 2009

A Fallen toy is on sale over on eBay at the moment, com­plete with images of the trans­formed Cybertron­ian Jet alt mode.

View the eBay Auction

More images in the seller’s gallery.

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