Movie Chronicles » Thor


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Further Thor, Captain America and Iron Man 2 details June 8th, 2009

Con­tin­u­ing on from the recent Kevin Feige rev­e­la­tions, First Show­ing have pro­vided a sec­ond com­men­tary of the event, which offers up some more details of these three movies.

Iron Man 2

In the first movie the film mak­ers man­aged to get the tone just right, for the sequel they are look­ing to add char­ac­ters and up the action whilst main­tain­ing this tone — keep­ing the right sense of humour. Film­ing is half way through and the major­ity of the spo­ken parts are com­plete, the next six weeks shall be ded­i­cated to action scenes!


There will be no Shake­spearean dia­logue in the Thor movie, despite its usage in the comics. Some scenes will take place in Asgard.

Cap­tain America

The first avenger movie shall be a period piece, set pre­dom­i­nantly dur­ing WWII. It is hoped that the movie can cap­ture a feel­ing sim­i­lar to Raiders of the Lost Ark, with the same lev­els of fun. Side­kick Bucky (wiki) will also make an appear­ance, in some capacity.

As for direc­tor Joe Johnston,

A lit­tle bit of The Rock­e­teer, lots of Octo­ber Sky, and a lit­tle bit of the ship designs that John­ston did for Star Wars, allud­ing to how this is the per­fect movie for him to direct. “It’s the movie his entire career has been lead­ing towards.”

Contemporary Earth but no Donald Blake in Thor movie June 6th, 2009

In Kevin Feige’s (Mar­vel Stu­dios pro­ducer) most recent press con­fer­ence, he revealed a few tid­bits about the Thor adaptation.

Don­ald Blake shall not make an appear­ance in the movie, although it shall take place in con­tem­po­rary Earth, rather than the Viking era. The film shall retain a Mar­vel super­hero feel, rather than a fantasy-esque adventure.

As for the cast­ing of Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Feige said, ‘There was no question’.

Branagh comments on Thor movie inspiration June 4th, 2009

MTV caught up with Thor movie direc­tor Ken­neth Branagh to find out ‘the sto­ries and peo­ple’ inspir­ing the big screen adap­ta­tion. The film cre­ators have rav­aged the fifty year comic his­tory, and could bring plot ele­ments from any num­ber of places.

“I think that [’Thor’ sto­ries] go through golden patches and pur­ple patches and every­one has per­sonal favorites. […] The recent runs have been mar­velous. The J. Michael Straczyn­ski run has been a tremen­dous achievement.”

“But I’ve also been read­ing way back, read­ing clas­sic, vin­tage runs as well. […] There are many Thors and many accounts of the sto­ries across nearly 50 years of the comics. We look to raid from the best.”

“A lot of the job up to this point has been lis­ten­ing to peo­ple who know more and bet­ter than I. […] I have a very strong view of how to approach it myself, but I’m still lis­ten­ing and learn­ing hap­pily.”

Tom Hiddleston cast as Loki May 18th, 2009

Briton Tom Hid­dle­ston has been cast as Loki, Thor’s neme­sis, so reports Nikki Finke. Hid­dle­ston has worked along­side direc­tor Ken­neth Branagh on two pre­vi­ous occa­sions — in Ivanov at Wyn­d­hams The­atre, Lon­don, and in the BBC minis­eries, Wal­lan­der.

Hid­del­ston was also con­sid­ered for the Thor role.

Chris Hemsworth cast as Thor! May 17th, 2009

We recently reported that the Thor cast­ing was in its final stages, now we have our first solid cast­ing news. Chris Hemsworth will be play­ing Thor in Ken­neth Branagh’s big screen adap­ta­tion as well as in 2012 as part of The Avengers movie. You may have just seen him as Cap­tain George Kirk in Star Trek, he’s also star­ring as the lead in Red Dawn and Joss Whedon’s ‘Cabin in the Woods’.

How Chris was cast

The way Chris Hemsworth got the part of Thor is one of those great Hol­ly­wood back­sto­ries that hap­pens only once in a blue moon. Ward had found Chris dur­ing one of the manager’s many scout­ing trips to Aus­tralia. Ward brought him to Los Ange­les and really put him out there to cast­ing direc­tors and pro­duc­tion exec­u­tives. As for the major agen­cies, I hear CAA passed on the meet­ing, Endeavor took it but passed on rep­ping him, and ICM was inter­ested but dragged their feet. But Ilene Feld­man under­stood his appeal immediately.

Chris had read for the part of Thor but wasn’t given a test because a cast­ing direc­tor had nixed him early on. I’m told Chris’ younger brother Liam (who’s also a ROAR client) then tested for the role of Thor, but Mar­vel Stu­dios Pres­i­dent Kevin Feige passed. Then, after a con­ver­sa­tion with Ward (“You’ve got to recon­sider Chris, he’s your guy”), Feige decided to let Chris read again. […] Branagh came to town last week and saw the Chris test and made the final cast­ing deci­sion today.

Our old list of prob­a­ble cast­ing deci­sions did not include Hemsworth:

Char­lie Hun­nam
Tom Hid­dle­ston
Alexan­dar Skars­gard
Liam Hemsworth
Joel Kinnaman.

Thor casting in final stages May 14th, 2009

Direc­tor Ken­neth Branagh has spo­ken out about the Thor cast­ing again, this time with MTV:

“We’re down to the final stages of it […] The rea­son one has to be prop­erly diplo­matic, is sim­ply that some tal­ented peo­pled have been patient, kind, cre­ative and really com­mit­ted to work­ing with us in this process.”

“My reluc­tance to say any­thing about it is sim­ply out of respect for peo­ple who have been extremely respect­ful of us. […] That said, I think we are extremely close and I hope to announce a deci­sion sooner rather than later.”

Thor casting rumors — Harnett or an unknown, Portman as female lead? March 29th, 2009

Insider Nikki Finke and her site Dead­line Hol­ly­wood Daily has spec­u­lated about the pos­si­ble cast­ing for Thor.

She com­ments that there is a big push to cast Josh Hart­nett as either Thor or the antag­o­nist Loki; whether this turns out to be the case is ques­tion­able, espe­cially con­sid­er­ing Hartnett’s pre­vi­ous refusal to play Super­man. There is also an equal force want­ing a rel­a­tively unknown actor to play the role; other actors inline include brits Char­lie Hun­nam and Tom Hid­dle­ston, Alexan­dar Skars­gard, Liam Hemsworth and Joel Kin­na­man.

Mean­while, quite sur­pris­ingly, Natalie Port­man is the cur­rent top choice as the female lead. /Film spec­u­late that this could be either of:

1. Amora the Enchantress, Thor’s Asgard love-interest and antag­o­nist.
2. Sif, Thor’s wife who is also a God­dess in Asgard.
3. Jane Fos­ter, Don­ald Blake’s nurse who even­tu­ally devel­ops feel­ings for him, with­out know­ing that Blake is Thor

Do you see Port­man as a God­dess or Enchantress?

Thor movie background, Kenneth Branagh to direct March 29th, 2009

The Thor movie adap­ta­tion has been penned by screen­writer Mark Pro­to­se­vich (I Am Leg­end, The Cell). In 2007, whilst on strike, he com­mented on his plans for Thor with the Daily Her­ald:

“I loved Thor! […] He was my favorite comic book char­ac­ter when I was grow­ing up. When I moved out to L.A. I sold a pretty sub­stan­tial comic book col­lec­tion to finance the trip. But I kept all my old Thors.“
[…] “It’s going to be like a super hero ori­gin story, but not one about a human gain­ing super pow­ers, but of a god real­iz­ing his true poten­tial. It’s the story of a Old Tes­ta­ment god who becomes a new Tes­ta­ment god.“
It will be mythic, but also bear the unmis­tak­able qual­i­ties of a Mar­vel movie, an epic fan­tasy adven­ture.
“I think it’s going to sur­prise a lot of people”

In Decem­ber 2008, actor and direc­tor Ken­neth Branagh was con­firmed as the direct­ing choice for the Thor movie (MTV):

“I am direct­ing “Thor” or “The Mighty Thor’ as you might like to call it,” he said with a smile before clar­i­fy­ing what the title of the film will be. “I think it will be ‘Thor.’”
ortu­nity to hear from Branagh about what appealed to him about the project. So what’s the appeal of “Thor,” Ken­neth? “To work on a story about one of the immor­tals, Gods, extra­or­di­nary beings, inter-dimensional crea­tures,” he enthused.

He con­tin­ued excit­edly, “There’s sci­ence fic­tion and sci­ence fact and fan­tasy all woven into one. It’s based on Norse leg­ends which Mar­vel sort of raided in a bril­liant way.”

When ques­tioned about cast­ing and the then rumors sur­round­ing Kevin McKidd:

“There’s been lots of talk [about cast­ing] — I sound like a politi­cian — but we are too early at this stage. We’re get­ting the story and the visual effects together and all of that is very excit­ing. Some­one sen­sa­tional is going to play the part but it is early days.”

“It’s a chance to tell a big story on a big scale,” said Branagh. “It’s a human story right in the cen­ter of a big epic scenario.”

The cur­rent release date is set to May 20th 2011, orig­i­nally brought for­ward from a June release.

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