Movie Chronicles » Thor

Thor casting call for Warriors, are they Skrulls, Kree? October 11th, 2009

Spoil­erTV has posted a cast­ing call for the Thor movie, ask­ing for

[WARRIORS] A fear­less war­rior race, where size, strength and feroc­ity define a member’s rank in both the social and mil­i­tary hier­ar­chy. War­riors born in this soci­ety face the harsh­est eco­log­i­cal con­di­tions imag­in­able and thrive in envi­ron­ments where lesser crea­tures, includ­ing humans, quickly per­ishes. Theirs is a world cre­ated to cull weak­ness from the uni­verse to ensure their supreme sov­er­eignty spreads across the stars. MUST BE 6’2 OR TALLER sptv050769, NO BODYBUILDER TYPES. SAG ROLE BUT NO LINES. MUST BE COMFORTABLE WEARING PROSTHETICS.

Cin­e­mat­i­cal spec­u­late that this is a cast­ing call for the Skrulls,

You can’t really get any more mil­i­taris­tic and con­quest dri­ven than these guys, and one def­i­nitely needs pros­thet­ics to pull them off. But what the heck would Skrulls be doing in Thor? Even Loki hasn’t had much to do with those creeps until recently. The obvi­ous answer would be to have them come in and set up The Avengers, but with two vil­lains and two love inter­ests, you’d think there was enough crazy to go around. Any­one out there have a bet­ter guess as to who our prosthetic-heavy war­riors might be?

Fans have also sug­gested they could be the Kree, a war­rior race that have reached their evo­lu­tion­ary peak or Frost Giants. How­ever, another right­fully points out, it is likely they will just be Asgar­dian extras.