Movie Chronicles » Superman: Man of Steel/Unleashed


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Superman’s Cinematic Future in Doubt April 2nd, 2008

For those of you that haven’t heard the news, a judge has ruled that Time Warner are no longer the sole pro­pri­etors of the Super­man fran­chise — with the heirs of co-creator Jerome Siegel hav­ing an enti­tle­ment to the share of the US copy­right. The copy­right cov­ers only a por­tion of the Super­man cre­ation — that being the fun­da­men­tal ele­ments — the cos­tume, Clark Kent, Lois Lane.

In short, this means that Time Warner may now be liable, pend­ing a court appeal, to pay out for Super­man Returns. This rul­ing may also lead the Shuster’s to fol­low suit (the other half of the Super­man cre­ation team) and claim another large por­tion of the copy­right. Ulti­mately it all puts the future of The Man of Steel into jeop­ardy, not to men­tion the already trou­bled Jus­tice League film.


Superman Writers will not Return October 25th, 2007

Vari­ety are run­ning an inter­est­ing report con­cern­ing the next Super­man film, dubbed Man of Steel,

“Super­man Returns” scribes Michael Dougherty and Dan Har­ris have opted not to come back and pen a sequel to the 2006 sum­mer pic that would have reunited them with helmer Bryan Singer. The three also worked together on “X2: X-Men United.”

The arti­cle con­tin­ues, stat­ing that WB are now accept­ing pitches for new writ­ers. There is also some spec­u­la­tion about the nature of the next movie, some say­ing that it will be rev­o­lu­tionised in the same way that the new Hulk fea­ture is being improved, whilst the WB are adamant that it will remain a true sequel to Super­man Returns.

Justice League Movie Fiasco August 22nd, 2007

Recently a lot of “will they wont they” dis­cus­sion has been aired about the pos­si­bil­i­ties of a Jus­tice League movie; ide­ally recruit­ing Chris­t­ian Bale as Bat­man and Bran­don Routh as Super­man — amongst oth­ers. These rumors were orig­i­nally fuelled by two Vari­ety arti­cles, the first reveal­ing that Warner Bros. were look­ing into the movie’s development,

“The Jus­tice League of Amer­ica has been a peren­nial favorite for gen­er­a­tions of fans, and we believe their appeal to film audi­ences will be as strong and diverse as the char­ac­ters themselves.”

And the sec­ond enti­tled “Jus­tice League film gets script”.

Husband-wife writ­ing duo Kieran Mul­roney and Michele Mul­roney turned in a first draft that had Warner Bros. suits actu­ally smiling

How would this film­ing sched­ule work in-between TDK and Man of Steel? Would the cor­rect cast be present? These are the ques­tions being asked. The IESB had a chance to talk to Chris­t­ian Bale, he stated cat­e­gor­i­cally that he was not involved in the adap­ta­tion and nor had he been approached. And later Moviehole con­firmed that the WB are look­ing for an all new cast and that the movie was “full steam ahead” with cast­ing start­ing imme­di­ately. They also men­tioned an assigned direc­tor, George Miller (Happy Feet meets Mad Max).

All this seemed a lit­tle con­fus­ing until the final and fit­ting piece of the puz­zle unearthed, how this could be pos­si­ble with­out dis­may­ing fans and whilst aim­ing for an early 2008 pro­duc­tion sched­ule. The IESB have a num­ber of some­what reli­able sources stat­ing that the JLA movie shall in fact be a CGI/Motion Cap­ture film (e.g. sim­i­lar to The Polar Express or more recently Beowulf). This still needs some clo­sure but it all makes per­fect sense. These films tra­di­tion­ally take slightly longer to cre­ate so we could see a late 2009, sum­mer 2010 release.

Justice League of America Team

Kevin Spacey reprises role of Lex Luthor August 14th, 2007

In July this year Vari­ety reported that Kevin Spacey would return as Lex Luthor in the lat­est Super­man movie. This con­fir­ma­tion was made as Singer pitched The Man of Steel, as scripted by Returns writer Michael Dougherty, to Warner,

Spacey hopes to shoot his Luthor role in a six-week block, as he did on “Super­man Returns,” after he com­pletes his run in David Mamet’s “Speed the Plow” in April.

Bringing you up to speed August 14th, 2007

“At the end of this film we see that there is so much more to explore.” said Bran­don Routh at the end of Super­man Returns; inevitably open­ing up the fran­chise for a sec­ond mod­ern sequel.  In August 2006 , in an inter­view with the LA Times,  Alan Horn, Warner pres­i­dent, announced that they were hop­ing to com­plete a sequel to Super­man Returns for a 2009 release. Bryan Singer, direc­tor of Super­man Returns and other cult films such as X-men and Usual Sus­pects, echoed these sen­ti­ments at the 2006 San Diego Comic Con.

And in an inter­view with Super­Hero­Hype he said,

I’d like to build on the seeds that are planted, you know, expand upon rela­tion­ships, you’ve now got a child, you’ve got these other ele­ments, but also have the oppor­tu­nity to have the char­ac­ters more estab­lished to bring in some more action and have some more stuff going on. 

As of Octo­ber 2006 a deal between Singer and Warner was agreed.

Superman: Man of Steel Movie Chronicles August 14th, 2007

Wel­come to this fledg­ling blog that shall dis­cuss, inform and divulge all the lat­est Super­man movie details as they are unveiled, exposed or released. This site was launched on August 14th 2007.

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