Comments on: No plans for a new Superman movie Wed, 02 Mar 2011 13:22:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: wilson wilson Tue, 31 Aug 2010 12:25:35 +0000 I think the superman franchise rights should be given to the siegel family, the wb really don't know handle the franchise, no wonder they take so long to make a movie for many years. Brandon routh should make appearance in smallville, the producers should give him the role darkseid. I think the superman franchise rights should be given to the siegel family, the wb really don’t know handle the franchise, no wonder they take so long to make a movie for many years. Brandon routh should make appearance in smallville, the producers should give him the role darkseid.

By: Jay Jay Thu, 18 Feb 2010 23:40:50 +0000 I know it's not really cool to be pro-American these days or anytime in the last 50 years (minus the 80s), but Superman is a pro-American character. Singer was best with the plight of X-MEN because the underdogs and they were fighting for equality. Singer ditched Superman's pro-American spirit for a non-offensive, global hero...look where that got you, WB. Besides, people around the world associate the "S" & the Bat-Signal with America already. So, how could WB have missed this foundation of character? Ah, political correctness...*yawn*. *slaps hand* No! No more PC Superman. Superman is a pro-American character. He was raised on an American farm, by American parents, with traditional American values, and, yes, taught to believe in "Truth, Justice & the American Way!" (NOT "Truth, Justice & all that stuff!") He is a successful being who is a product of America who is charitable in giving back to the country which spawned his values. He gives to the world as well. He is only a global hero when he is fighting an external threat to defend Earth. He is also an example of what America stands for through his actions around the world. That is what made the character work! I'll tell you a little secret..."AMERICANS LOVE A WINNER!" I know it’s not really cool to be pro-American these days or anytime in the last 50 years (minus the 80s), but Superman is a pro-American character. Singer was best with the plight of X-MEN because the underdogs and they were fighting for equality. Singer ditched Superman’s pro-American spirit for a non-offensive, global hero…look where that got you, WB. Besides, people around the world associate the “S” & the Bat-Signal with America already. So, how could WB have missed this foundation of character? Ah, political correctness…*yawn*. *slaps hand* No! No more PC Superman. Superman is a pro-American character. He was raised on an American farm, by American parents, with traditional American values, and, yes, taught to believe in “Truth, Justice & the American Way!” (NOT “Truth, Justice & all that stuff!”) He is a successful being who is a product of America who is charitable in giving back to the country which spawned his values. He gives to the world as well. He is only a global hero when he is fighting an external threat to defend Earth. He is also an example of what America stands for through his actions around the world. That is what made the character work! I’ll tell you a little secret…“AMERICANS LOVE A WINNER!”
