Movie Chronicles » Superman: Man of Steel/Unleashed

No plans for a new Superman movie September 18th, 2009

After the sud­den and total col­lapse of Bryan Singer’s Super­man fran­chise and palaver over who might direct the next one, the next Super­man movie has been in doubt for a while. With the emer­gence of DC Enter­tain­ment, it was thought that a Super­man movie might be a flag­ship offer­ing, it seems this isn’t the case, Diane Nel­son says (via MTV),

“We actu­ally don’t have any cur­rent plans for Super­man,” said Nel­son when asked if the new envi­ron­ment (and the recent legal deci­sion regard­ing the char­ac­ter) made a “Super­man” movie more or less likely in the near future… We’ve obvi­ously done a lot of great things behind the prop­erty in our his­tory, and it’s a key part of the fam­ily, but we don’t have cur­rent plans behind Super­man,” she said.

Comments 2 Responses to “No plans for a new Superman movie”

Jay February 18th, 2010

I know it’s not really cool to be pro-American these days or any­time in the last 50 years (minus the 80s), but Super­man is a pro-American char­ac­ter. Singer was best with the plight of X-MEN because the under­dogs and they were fight­ing for equal­ity. Singer ditched Superman’s pro-American spirit for a non-offensive, global hero…look where that got you, WB. Besides, peo­ple around the world asso­ciate the “S” & the Bat-Signal with Amer­ica already. So, how could WB have missed this foun­da­tion of char­ac­ter? Ah, polit­i­cal correctness…*yawn*. *slaps hand* No! No more PC Super­man. Super­man is a pro-American char­ac­ter. He was raised on an Amer­i­can farm, by Amer­i­can par­ents, with tra­di­tional Amer­i­can val­ues, and, yes, taught to believe in “Truth, Jus­tice & the Amer­i­can Way!” (NOT “Truth, Jus­tice & all that stuff!”) He is a suc­cess­ful being who is a prod­uct of Amer­ica who is char­i­ta­ble in giv­ing back to the coun­try which spawned his val­ues. He gives to the world as well. He is only a global hero when he is fight­ing an exter­nal threat to defend Earth. He is also an exam­ple of what Amer­ica stands for through his actions around the world. That is what made the char­ac­ter work! I’ll tell you a lit­tle secret…“AMERICANS LOVE A WINNER!”

wil­son August 31st, 2010

I think the super­man fran­chise rights should be given to the siegel fam­ily, the wb really don’t know han­dle the fran­chise, no won­der they take so long to make a movie for many years. Bran­don routh should make appear­ance in smal­l­ville, the pro­duc­ers should give him the role darkseid.