Movie Chronicles » Untitled Spider-man project


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Bruce Campbell to get a bigger role in Spider-man 4? September 18th, 2009

It seems Raimi’s long time friend, Bruce Camp­bell, may be up for a much big­ger role in the fourth movie. They spec­u­late that this could be a vil­lain, per­haps Mys­te­rio. But that’s all con­jec­ture and noth­ing to take seri­ously. Which Spider-man char­ac­ter would Camp­bell play best?

The actor, who has a long rela­tion­ship with direc­tor Sam Raimi via his lead role in the “Evil Dead” tril­ogy, made mem­o­rable cameos in the first three “Spider-Man” films.

How­ever, he may have a big­ger role this time around. Bruce told Access that in the next install­ment in the super­hero fran­chise, he’s been told he has a major part – but didn’t yet know any­thing about his character

Uncle Ben’s killer to return in Spider-man 4? June 24th, 2009

At Wiz­ard World Philadel­phia, dur­ing a ques­tion and answer ses­sion that included Ted Raimi, Michael Papa­john (aka the car­jacker and Ben’s Killer) revealed that he shall be repris­ing his role for Spider-man 4. No details as to what that entails, if he told us he’d have to kill us.

Astute fans will know, in the first Spider-man movie, the car­jacker is chased into a ware­house where he trips and falls to his death. How then, does this char­ac­ter reap­pear in Spider-man 4?

Maybe he sur­vived and is now a vil­lain? Maybe there’s a flashback?

Kirsten Dunst onboard for Spider-man 4, New York villain June 6th, 2009

Todd Black has been speak­ing with New York Post’s blog­ger Reed Tucker about ‘The Tak­ing of Peck­ham 123′, but in doing so also slipped in a cou­ple of Spider-man 4 ques­tions to whet our appetites.

Black con­firmed that Kirsten Dunst shall be onboard for the fourth Spider-man movie, although rumors of a wed­ding between Mary Jane and Peter Parker were shrugged off. As for the vil­lain, Black denied the Mor­bius vam­pire rumors that Raimi has thrown at us. As for com­ments on a vil­lain, he/she shall be New York based, to quote:

We’re just com­ing up with who the villain’s going to be now. We’ll be shoot­ing in New York again. Trust me, peo­ple will appre­ci­ate who we pick, because it’ll be a big part of New York.

Spider-man 4 in 3D? April 23rd, 2009

Sony Entertainment’s co-chairmen Amy Pas­cal and Michael Lyn­ton, when inter­viewed by Forbes for “What’s next for movies?”, revealed the pos­si­bil­ity that Spider-man 4 could be in 3D. There’s a lot of buzz sur­round­ing this news, so I should point out that the 3D point came from a lead­ing ques­tion, it is mere rumor and pos­si­bil­ity at this stage. Nonethe­less it is an excit­ing proposition.

What about for live action movies?
Pas­cal: I think James Cameron’s new movie [Avatar] could change the world. I think every­one is in antic­i­pa­tion think­ing it’s going to be like Star Wars. It’s going to change the way you con­sume enter­tain­ment. I don’t know that it will ever be the way you see dra­mas, but I can’t say any­more that it won’t be.

Are you con­sid­er­ing doing any live action movies in 3-D? What about Spider-Man 4?
Pas­cal: Could be.
Lyn­ton: Peo­ple are pay­ing a pre­mium to see movies in 3-D and that’s a very big deal. It’s never been done before that some­one says you have to pay more to see Spider-Man than a roman­tic comedy.

Raimi interested in Morbius January 10th, 2009

In speak­ing with Empire mag­a­zine, Sam Raimi revealed that the Mor­bius char­ac­ter inter­ests him, might we see him in Spider-man 4?

“I like it in the Mar­vel comics when Spider-Man fights Mor­bius,” said Raimi. “He’s really cool. A vam­pire! I like that com­bi­na­tion of super­hero plus supernatural.”

Thanks /Film

Kirsten Dunst is in.…. probably October 1st, 2008

Dur­ing an inter­view with MTV Kirsten Dunst let slip that she is will be in the next Spi­der­man movie. 

When asked if she was in or is she out?  She replied:

 “I’m in,” said the actress mat­ter of factly. How­ever, when pressed to make the announce­ment offi­cial, Dunst quickly changed her tone, and rather cryp­ti­cally added, “I’m not say­ing any­thing, I know there’s rumors…”

Your guess is as good as mine…

Sony locks in Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire for Spider-man 4 September 8th, 2008

Raimi and Maguire Return

This is the BIG news we’ve all been wait­ing and hop­ing for. Both main star Tobey Maguire and direc­tor Sam Raimi have been locked in to Spider-man 4! This report comes from the reli­able scoop web­site Nikki Finke’s Dead­line Hol­ly­wood Daily. There is not yet a deal for Kirsten Dunst to return as Mary Jane Watson.

Prin­ci­pal Pho­tog­ra­phy & Main Villain

Prin­ci­pal pho­tog­ra­phy is set to begin in the fall of 2009 to tar­get a May 2011 release. The long gap until that date affords time to recruit a main vil­lain; with spec­u­la­tion strongly sug­gest­ing Dr. Curt Connors/The Lizard. The Sin­is­ter Six have also been men­tioned. Vil­lain rumors for Spider-man 4.

Spider-man 4 and Spider-man 5 together

The report also states, as pre­vi­ously rumored, that they are look­ing for angles at pro­duc­ing the next two sequels at the same time because of its cost effec­tive­ness and the dif­fi­culty in keep­ing every­one together.

Venom Movie

And Sony has hired a pair of screen­writ­ers to get going on the Spider-Man 3 spin­off movie Venom. Given that comic book artist/writer and action fig­ure maker, Todd McFar­lane, who is one of the cre­ators of the Mar­vel vil­lain, doesn’t think a Venom movie could do well with a vil­lain as the cen­tral char­ac­ter, my sources think Sony should let Topher Grace, even though he was blown up at the end of Spider-Man 3 (yet a por­tion of the Venom cos­tume sur­vived), stay in the role because the like­able actor could be a a sym­pa­thetic evildoer.

Thanks Robin!

Spider-man to be replaced? Not yet June 7th, 2008

Latino Review last week hinted that Sony were shop­ping around for an actor to replace Tobey Maguire as Spider-man in the next movie, cit­ing Patrick Fugit and Michael Angarano as pos­si­bil­i­ties. How­ever, Sony Pic­tures have told SHH that there is no truth to this rumor and they are not look­ing for a new Spider-man.

Thanks Gree­nieGob­bie

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