Movie Chronicles » Untitled Spider-man project

Sony locks in Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire for Spider-man 4 September 8th, 2008

Raimi and Maguire Return

This is the BIG news we’ve all been wait­ing and hop­ing for. Both main star Tobey Maguire and direc­tor Sam Raimi have been locked in to Spider-man 4! This report comes from the reli­able scoop web­site Nikki Finke’s Dead­line Hol­ly­wood Daily. There is not yet a deal for Kirsten Dunst to return as Mary Jane Watson.

Prin­ci­pal Pho­tog­ra­phy & Main Villain

Prin­ci­pal pho­tog­ra­phy is set to begin in the fall of 2009 to tar­get a May 2011 release. The long gap until that date affords time to recruit a main vil­lain; with spec­u­la­tion strongly sug­gest­ing Dr. Curt Connors/The Lizard. The Sin­is­ter Six have also been men­tioned. Vil­lain rumors for Spider-man 4.

Spider-man 4 and Spider-man 5 together

The report also states, as pre­vi­ously rumored, that they are look­ing for angles at pro­duc­ing the next two sequels at the same time because of its cost effec­tive­ness and the dif­fi­culty in keep­ing every­one together.

Venom Movie

And Sony has hired a pair of screen­writ­ers to get going on the Spider-Man 3 spin­off movie Venom. Given that comic book artist/writer and action fig­ure maker, Todd McFar­lane, who is one of the cre­ators of the Mar­vel vil­lain, doesn’t think a Venom movie could do well with a vil­lain as the cen­tral char­ac­ter, my sources think Sony should let Topher Grace, even though he was blown up at the end of Spider-Man 3 (yet a por­tion of the Venom cos­tume sur­vived), stay in the role because the like­able actor could be a a sym­pa­thetic evildoer.

Thanks Robin!

Comments 7 Responses to “Sony locks in Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire for Spider-man 4”

khush­boo December 9th, 2008

hi there

hi there spidr­man i am big­gers fans in widens in wolrd

the peolep are love you so much

by khush­boo khushbooroy@​hotmail.​com

khush­boo December 9th, 2008


ri want to see spi­der­man 4 partt

khush­boo December 9th, 2008


i to the want to see spi­der­man 4 part
right now

khush­boo December 9th, 2008

bye spi­der­man

Derek Spur­gin May 21st, 2010

I played with sev­eral peo­ple that have ruined rela­tion­ships, mar­riages etc over this game and for the longest time I just didn’t get it. Guess I still don’t. Blizz is mak­ing the game much eas­ier to be casual. Maybe this alta­holic needs to stick with one toon so he doesn’t feel pres­sured to gear up so many freakin’ toons? That way he can get in run a heroic, do what­ever dailies he needs, spend some time goof­ing off and then move on to the wifey. She prob­a­bly just needs attention/affection and if he would ded­i­cate a few hours EVERY evening with her she would prob­a­bly let him play WoW w/e.

I’m {really|vastly|greatly} inter­ested in things like this, Please make more on this topic. May 30th, 2010

Well writ­ten post, enjoyed the read. TY!

Free WOW Gold June 20th, 2010

Thanks for shar­ing, I found this par­tic­u­lar arti­cle while search­ing for info­ma­tion for my term paper, inter­est­ing com­ments and fan­tas­tic points produced.