Movie Chronicles » Untitled Spider-man project

Spider-man 4 Movie Chronicles August 1st, 2007

Alas, today, August 1st 2007, we launch our doc­u­men­ta­tion of the pro­gres­sion, devel­op­ments and story behind the fourth instal­ment in the Spider-man fran­chise. It’s all in the early stages at the moment, but we’ll be here, ready, when the news begins to break.

Comments 4 Responses to “Spider-man 4 Movie Chronicles”

Mike Van­Lu­ven­der September 10th, 2007

I think Man — Wolf should be involved in Spi­der­man 4 because of his involve­ment in Spi­der­man 2! Remem­ber when John Jame­son goes into space? They didn’t actu­ally show John Jame­son go into space but they could in S –4 and cre­ate the acci­dent that turns him into Man — Wolf!!! I think Man Wolf, Car­nage and the Lizard would be awsome vil­lains to con­sider for the fourth movie and if three’s too much then save Car­nage for the fifth ’cause’ I think Man — Wolf and the Lizard have waited long enough.



Lizzy Michaels Of Ohio November 12th, 2007

Wow! Thanks for all of this infor­ma­tion! Keep it com­ing guys!

I just want to say some­thing real quick, some­thing Ive had in my head for a while..

Remem­ber in the 3rd movie where Dr. Con­ners took a sam­ple of the sybiot from Peter? And in the comics, Dr. Con­ners has a lot to do with Venom and Car­nage? Well, dur­ing the movie, he has the sam­ple the whole time. And in the end, it doesnt con­clude any­thing about the sam­ple; By the way, we have to remem­ber the sam­ple was just as alive as the sym­biot was on Peter. The sym­biot attatched to Spi­der­man was defeated in the end­ing by the sound of the bells, whilst the sam­ple was still be in the lab with Dr. Con­ners, still alive! If thats not a hint, then it must be a coin­ci­den­tal mistake.

That small detail gives writ­ers a chance to make a fan­tas­tic sequal con­tin­ue­ing off of the 3rd film! The cre­ation of Car­nage would make for a per­fect cli­max, per­haps a twist in the end of the film after bring­ing some dif­fer­ent char­ac­ters to the franchise.

That would be such a great idea! That way, they dont do another long movie con­tin­u­ing off of the sym­biot saga right after one part was already done. They could fool the audi­ence into think­ing that they’re mov­ing on to dif­fer­ent things in the comic (which is tech­ni­cally what they’d be doing for the 4th if they used dif­fer­ent vil­lians) but then in the end, they can use Car­nage as a spark for the 5th. Like a twist where Dr. Con­ners lab is destroyed and he calls Peter

“Peter, do you remem­ber that sam­ple of the sym­biot you gave me?..

It’s escaped.”


And then in the 5th
it goes after Cle­tus Kasady

What do you think of this idea?
(not that one small­town kid’s idea could affect the fate of the movie)

Mat January 16th, 2008

I dont know I thought spidey 1 was fairly good, 2 superb and 3…well a bit of a let down. I hon­estly dont know if they should make any more in this way. What i would love to see is the whole thing start again as a t.v series, not a mil­lion miles away from smal­l­ville, with occa­sional movie spin offs, when a char­ac­ter such as Venom comes along. Remem­ber spidey spends a lot of time fight­ing reg­u­lar crooks in the comics, so the nec­ce­sity for fan­tas­tic char­ac­ters and events typ­i­cal of the movies could be replaced by the excit­ing gear changes in the comics.

Tri­cia Weiss November 12th, 2008
