At Wizard World Philadelphia, during a question and answer session that included Ted Raimi, Michael Papajohn (aka the carjacker and Ben’s Killer) revealed that he shall be reprising his role for Spider-man 4. No details as to what that entails, if he told us he’d have to kill us.
Astute fans will know, in the first Spider-man movie, the carjacker is chased into a warehouse where he trips and falls to his death. How then, does this character reappear in Spider-man 4?
Maybe he survived and is now a villain? Maybe there’s a flashback?

Todd Black has been speaking with New York Post’s blogger Reed Tucker about ‘The Taking of Peckham 123′, but in doing so also slipped in a couple of Spider-man 4 questions to whet our appetites.
Black confirmed that Kirsten Dunst shall be onboard for the fourth Spider-man movie, although rumors of a wedding between Mary Jane and Peter Parker were shrugged off. As for the villain, Black denied the Morbius vampire rumors that Raimi has thrown at us. As for comments on a villain, he/she shall be New York based, to quote:
We’re just coming up with who the villain’s going to be now. We’ll be shooting in New York again. Trust me, people will appreciate who we pick, because it’ll be a big part of New York.
J.K Simmons is set to return as Daily Bugle publisher J. Jonah Jameson in Spider-man 4, he tells MTV.
“We’ve definitely brainstormed ideas for Triple-J, but I have no desire to make Triple-J more of the focus of those movies,” he said. “The amount that I did in 1, 2 and 3, is just exactly right. Like be the wolf. Come in, blow in, do a week, blow out, be the comic relief, and hit the road. And let Tobey and everybody else do the heavy lifting.”