Movie Chronicles » Sin City 2

Angelina Jolie in Sin City 2? April 12th, 2009

Accord­ing to Clint Mor­ris and a high pro­file pro­ducer friend, Angelina Jolie is in seri­ous talks about appear­ing in the Sin City sequel. Jolie orig­i­nally spoke about a pos­si­ble involve­ment in Sin City 2 back in 2006 (see our cast­ing rumors from 08). How­ever it now seems that pro­duc­tion has stepped up a level and the film­mak­ers are actively look­ing for Jolie to offi­cially com­mit to the project.

Rumor has it that Angelina Jolie is inline to play Ava Lord, the female star of ‘A Dame to Kill For’.

The rights for the movie have recently come into ques­tion, and maybe this lit­tle palaver has sprung the Wein­steins into action to ensure they don’t.

Comments One Response to “Angelina Jolie in Sin City 2?”

Nxaa­he­qavopa January 18th, 2010

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