Movie Chronicles » Sin City 2

“A Dame to Kill For” and a new story April 19th, 2008

The specifics of the Sin City sequel are rel­a­tively unknown at this junc­ture — how­ever cre­ator Frank Miller, speak­ing in Feb­ru­ary 2007, con­firmed that the graphic novel, “A Dame to Kill For” shall be adapted for the big screen, along with a pre­quel to “The Hard Good­bye” as well as some “Blue Eyes” and “Old Town Girls” sto­ries (found in Booze, Broads and Bul­lets).

The film shall also fea­ture an alto­gether new sec­tion, revolv­ing around Nancy Calla­han (Jes­sica Alba) in a “very dif­fer­ent, scary role”.

Source: SciFi

Comments One Response to ““A Dame to Kill For” and a new story”

Pedro Saun­ders November 12th, 2008
