Movie Chronicles » RoboCop

Darren Aronofsky to direct January 5th, 2009

In July 2008 at Comic-con MGM announced to the world that Dar­ren Aronof­sky, (direc­tor of The Wrestler, The Foun­tain, Requiem for a Dream an Pi) shall be helm­ing the 2010 recre­ation of Robo­cop. Screen­writer David Self (Road to Perdi­tion) will be pen­ning the script.

Mary Par­ent, MGM’s chair­man said: “Dar­ren is unde­ni­ably one of the most tal­ented, orig­i­nal and vis­ceral film­mak­ers, and David is one of the great­est writ­ers in Hol­ly­wood. All of us at MGM couldn’t be more excited.” Whilst pro­duc­ers David Thwaites and Brad Fis­cher added: “With a film­maker of Dar­ren Aronofsky’s vision and imag­i­na­tion and a writer of David Self’s cal­iber, we are poised to bring to the screen an enter­tain­ing and provoca­tive film, which will now be under the cre­ative guid­ance of two of the best sto­ry­tellers work­ing in our indus­try today.”

Now all we need is Clint Mansell to do the score… . All of Aronosky’s movies are pure gold, need­less to say I am very excited about this movie.

Aronofsky’s pre­vi­ous work


Requiem for a Dream

The Foun­tain

The Wrestler