These first glance images come via Just Jared, showing a shirtless Jake Gyllenhaal looking all hunky and manly as The Prince.

These first glance images come via Just Jared, showing a shirtless Jake Gyllenhaal looking all hunky and manly as The Prince.
Comments 33 Responses to “First images of Jake Gyllenhaal as The Prince”
Wow! He Looks Just Like The Prince!
He looks EXACTLY like the Prince! Although I thought he would be shorter…
I think Gyllenhaal may actually be able to pull off this role. You can see by the look on witherspoon’s face, she isn’t pleased by Jake’s new attire. ^^
i think this will be a really good film he jake jillenhawk looks just like him and wereing the exact same things so yay gunna so see it when it is out of the cinima! defo!
The only thing resembling the “real” Prince is his hair. I’m so disapointed by the fact that ther’ve cast.…Jake…Gyllenhaal.
Should have gotten a REAL, good looking Persian dude…alas..
Eh…Not at all…nobody can look exactly like Prince
cause he is just perfect…so this guy can just be a poor copy of him
He resembles more the “Warrior Within” Prince that the “Sands of Time” one… Dunno If I like it, but I’m looking forward to see some shots taken from the movie itself…
He looks like the Prince from Warrior Within..
all rugged and not clean unlike in the Sands of Time game.. 
but i like it though..
Can wait for this movie to appear. The game is great, let’s see if Jake has the moves.
I have made an image of myself as the prince, if anyone is interested.
For those who remember me from Prince of Persia Fan, I still plan to make some clips to put on youtube, but I will be limited to doing parodies of the prince; that’s all I’m game to do with copyright considerations. I have to stay legit. lol.
Props to Jake G, he will do a great job I’m sure.
I don’t like, prince’s hair is black and shorter, the skin is darker. The shape of the face and nose is totally diferent. Also in sand of time, the prince only has Goatee facial hair.
i agree, i was so amazed at the resemblance… and it looks like their going with the warrior within look too
you’re the right man to be a prince
He looks like the Prince in the Warrior Within
WooooooooooooooooooW great Body Boy — i take Him More Chance To Make A Wonderful Movie
oi oi oi he looks great!!!!!
I agree! I didn’t expect that costume! It’s actually cool!
He does NOT look like the Prince… AT ALL…
Wow! The outfit is exactly like the one from The Two Thrones.
I think they made the best choice when they casted Jake Gyllenhaal to play the Prince.
I could never think of Gyllenhaal in the role of Prince, but these photos reassured me… Although, seeing it I’m afraid I’ll be dissappointed by the movie, not actors. SoT and T2T show a beautiful and stylish arabian fairy-tale, and this atmosphere is so untypical for Hollywood movies. I’m afraid that we will see nothing more but a bloody grim action, like in boring and banal WW. I hope I’m wrong. I want to see all this charming story about Sands of Time, not just fighting with sand creatures.
Still, I’d like to see Bloom in the role of Prince. However, Jake is a good actor, so let’s hope scenario writers will write not stupid texts for him…
I have some cool pictures, too. Been there when they started filming
Well cool
I don’t think he looks entirely like the prince, but why is everyone nitpicking every single detail? Are you all pesimists, or what? C’mon, give Jake a chance before you discard him.
I’ll admit, when I found out it was him (even after seeing the pics), I was really upset about the choice, but if you think about it, who says he can’t pull it off?
Yeah, his face isn’t the one we’re all used to seeing, but whose would be? Not all men are actors (or women, for that matter), and just because someone may look like them doesn’t make them qualified. I’d rather have someone whose acting can pull off our beloved prince, than a sucky actor that looks like him.
And did anyone stop to consider that the video game character we’re all used to is exactly that: a video game character? The prince is perfect (or I think so), and perfection simply doesn’t exist in our world, so we have to make do.
Have a little faith and stop being so dang negative, people.
i cannot believe it
is that real WOW
i can’t wait until 2009 plz i’m afraid of dying before it is released
dunno hteres something about the hair which just doesnt seem right to me, but love the set though looks awesum
this stupid poor boy is a prince?i think he isnt the good choice.
i dont like.
I don’t like very much much this guy. VIGGO MORTENSEN would be better for this caracter, he would be perfect, they should had call to viggo for to this job.
Ya.…Viggo Mortensen RULZ.…but if its this Jake Gyllenhaal guy…it could be same Gerard Butler…but well let him surprise us
…and yeah he doesn’t look like from Warrior Within…cause in WW he has armor…he looks more like in Two Thrones
Orlando Bloom is the real Warrior Within… But i like this Jake quy.
they should have gotten Oded Fehr
I just found out about this movie today. I am not too sure how I feel about it all. I know that Jake would not have been my first choice. However, the choice was not mine to make and I think that he is a great actor and all I can hope is that he doesn’t make a fool of it. I love Prince of Persia and really it’s the only game I have enjoyed enough to finish!! Here’s to hoping. 2010 seems so very far away.
I was concerned when I heard that Jake was casted as the Prince. But after seeing these pictures, I think he’ll actually fit quite well into the role.
I thought Orlando would have got the role but hoped they’d find someone with a stronger dark side… and would have been more than happy if they had given it to Ben Barnes (Prince Caspian)
But when I found out they’d chosen Jake my immediate re-action was “Oh no! What a wimpy twat!”
Now that the first pictures have been re-vealed I must say I am pleasantly surprised that he looks much more manly… but he’s built himself up so much that he looks too heavy & clumsy now…and I’m still not convinced that he can generate the right character qualities :/