Movie Chronicles » Prince of Persia Movie


Alfred Molina as Sheik Amar, Ben Kingsley to be Nazim June 6th, 2008

Vari­ety have con­firmed that both Alfred Molina (Doc Ock in Spider-man 2) and oscar win­ning Ben Kings­ley shall be a part of the Prince of Per­sia movie:

Molina will play Sheik Amar, who becomes a men­tor to the prince.
Shoot­ing is slated to begin in July in the U.K. and Morocco.

Vari­ety later con­firmed that Kings­ley shall be play­ing the vil­lain Nizam,

In the fan­tasy actioner, Kings­ley por­trays Nizam, who plots to kill his brother King Shahrman and blame it on Prince Das­tan so he can take the throne.

Alfred Molina to play Sheik Amar

Ben Kingsley to play Nazim

Thanks hobo123

Jake Gyllenhaal cast as Prince, Arterton as Tamina May 20th, 2008

The Hol­ly­wood Reporter have today con­firmed the actors to play the two main roles in the Prince of Per­sia Movie. Jake Gyl­len­haal (Don­nie Darko) has been offi­cially cast as Das­tan, the young prince — a choice I fear many fans will not be happy about. Whilst Gemma Arter­ton (Quan­tum of Solace) has been cast as the princess Tamina.

In the fan­tasy adven­ture, Gyl­len­haal will play Das­tan, a young prince in sixth cen­tury Per­sia who must join forces with Tam­ina (Arter­ton), a feisty and exotic princess, to pre­vent a vil­lain­ous noble­man from pos­sess­ing the Sands of Time, a gift from the gods that can reverse time and allow its pos­ses­sor to rule the world.

Doug Miro & Carlo Bernard, Jor­dan Mech­ner and Boaz Yakin wrote the script, which is based on the many games cre­ated by Jor­dan Mechner.

Bruck­heimer is pro­duc­ing, while Mike Sten­son, Chad Oman and Patrick McCormick are exec producing.

Pro­duc­tion is set to start in July.

Gemma Arterton as Tamina in Prince of Persia Movie

Gemma Arterton

(Pics thanks to Gemma​-Arter​ton​.net)

Jake Gyllenhaal as Dastan in Prince of Persia Movie

Jake Gyllenhaal offered Prince role April 27th, 2008

Just a quick one to fill you in. In our post about the false Orlando Bloom rumors, some com­menters have pointed out that Dis­ney have recently offered the role to Broke­back Moun­tain star, Jake Gyl­len­haal. Accord­ing to Latino Review and their anony­mous sources, they believe this could hap­pen, we’re doubt­ful for now.

Orlando Bloom NOT the Prince April 8th, 2008

Rumors have started cir­cu­lat­ing the net that Orlando Bloom had landed a $40m deal to star as the Prince in the Per­sia tril­ogy. These have spread like wild­fire across our dig­i­tal lands amidst uproar at the pay pack­age and the choice of actor.

Com­ing Soon, wise as ever, did the clever thing of con­tact­ing Dis­ney. Their response? These rumors are plainly false — and Orlando Bloom shall not be fea­tur­ing in the tril­ogy.

Charlie Clausen as The Prince? April 17th, 2007

19 year old Aus­tralian Char­lie Clausen has been reported as the lead in the video game adap­ta­tion which could be his first big hol­ly­wood break. This report seems to have come from an Aus­tralian mag­a­zine called “Hyper”. IMDb cur­rently lists Clausen as attached and no con­fir­ma­tion of his role in the movie exists. How­ever many web­sites includ­ing IGN are stat­ing this as fact, which remains to be seen — some of his IMDb pro­file shots do bear a resem­blance to the Prince.