Movie Chronicles

EXTREME SPOILERS — Two Face and The Joker July 8th, 2008

I wish I hadn’t seen these. The French site, Lyri​cis​.fr have posted screen caps from The Dark Knight show­ing Two Face and The Joker in scenes that are VERY spoi­lerific. I warn you — look­ing at these images may be too much, they are also very graphic.

I have lis­tened to your warn­ing and want to see this anyway

The Transforming Aircraft Carrier — Concept Pics July 8th, 2008

Tim Flat­tery (IMDB), con­cept designer for the orig­i­nal Trans­form­ers movie adap­ta­tion, has updated his online port­fo­lio to include some new Trans­form­ers con­cept art, most impor­tantly includ­ing a first look at what might have been a huge, tow­er­ing, trans­form­ing air­craft car­rier — set to wreak havoc on all that stands in its path.

Check out Tim’s port­fo­lio for more con­cepts that didn’t make it into the first movie.

Why So Serious — Overture July 8th, 2008

After com­plet­ing the lat­est Bam­boo­zle puz­zle, the next WSS page was revealed,


With an Exit sign, we see our way out of The Joker’s cir­cus tent, click­ing the image causes a set of tick­ets to appear, each with a logo and the text “Redeem at exit”. Click­ing the four tick­ets that were returned as prizes to the indi­vid­ual flash games we’ve seen in the last few weeks leads us to the Over­ture, where some dyna­mite awaits us with a timer:


Why So Serious — Bamboozle July 7th, 2008

A new Joker text has spawned the hunt for the next WSS viral web­site, Bruce was sent this ver­sion of the message:

OK clown, I see one last test of skill in your future. Post this where every­one can see it: BABEL

Oth­ers received these words — LAM, BOB, BLAM, ZEAL, BABEL, ZOOM, ME, MAZE, LAB, AMBLE

Which leads us to the “Bam­boo­zle” page: www​.whysose​ri​ous​.com/​b​a​m​b​o​o​zle

Here we see a for­tune telling machine, (much like that creepy one in the Tom Hanks movie “Big”).

Click­ing each of the but­tons reveals tick­ets with some for­tune and an extra taped on mes­sage from The Joker.

Top left
You will get your heart’s desire. Too bad you’re an addict.
You will come to the atten­tion of peo­ple in high places. Like crazed hill­top snipers.
You will live in inter­est­ing times. Inter­est­ing to his­to­ri­ans. Like the Black Plague.
You will meet some­one tall, dark and hand­some who you will share your life with. They’ll route your bank funds into an untrace­able Car­ribbean account.
You will come into great wealth. After an indus­trial acci­dent. You’ll be blind. Deaf. Com­pletely par­a­lyzed. But rich.
Now would be a good time to leave your job. Twenty years flip­ping burg­ers is long enough.

Bot­tom left

Chil­dren will influ­ence a major deci­sion. Who knows. You might have mar­ried her any­way.
You will have a break­through in your career. Your boss will take credit.
You will have an oppor­tu­nity for a good invest­ment. House of Pies stock is shoot­ing up.
Don’t assume you know what is going on at work. But yes, there are pho­tos. And yes, they will stand up in court.
You will make money, if not for you, then for an orga­ni­za­tion. Like the IRS.
You will unex­pect­edly need help today, and the response of friends will sur­prise you. They’ll take video. Send it to your boss. Your wife. It’ll go viral.

Top right

Money is head­ing your way. But you’re a mov­ing tar­get. Too bad.
Expect a pro­mo­tion. Expect it to be humil­i­at­ing.
You will soon receive a gift If your lawyer calls and says don’t answer the door, there’s a rea­son.
You can expect an inher­i­tance. One of those genetic things that pre­dict a short and mis­er­able life. It will also explain why your ears look like that.
Some­one who cur­rently doubt is telling the truth Say­ing you are the prophet of a new reli­gion won’t help. The voices were wrong. They weren’t free sam­ples.
Beware of false infor­ma­tion regard­ing a loved one. But that thing about the affair? That’s true. Sorry.

Bot­tom right

Beware of unex­pected wind­falls. Veg­ans are espe­cially flat­uent.
A new per­son will enter your life. Your cell­mate. The voices will tell him you’re a demon.
An acquan­taince will approach you with a busi­ness offer. Any­one stu­pid enough to use a fortune-telling machine will think it’s a great offer. You prob­a­bly date a pagan.
A small kind­ness will lead to unex­pected ben­e­fits. After sev­eral thou­sand dol­lars, things will mostly be okay. Just give up and throw out your mat­tress.
Can­cel the trip you planned this week Take the trip-dysentery. Stay home-salmonella. Either way you lose weight.
Your star is climb­ing. You’ll be a celebrity. The Dar­win awards are a kind of fame.

14 of these clues have cutouts:

The name of the for­tune teller is “Epyt­tnelis” which is “Silent­Type” back­wards — the name of a SHH forum mem­ber that com­piled an over­all Gotham City map given the snip­pets seen across the viral sites. Using this map and a co-ordinate sys­tem cor­re­spond­ing to the num­bers in the cor­ners of the tick­ets, the tick­ets cover two squares with the cut outs in each of the 14 giv­ing num­bers of a street. Apply­ing these in the order that the tick­ets can be retrieved we get a sequence of num­bers — hit­ting the but­tons in this order (22 1 5 3 4 17 14) reveals the win­ning ticket and a link to the tent’s exit and onto the Over­ture.

3 = 8G = 22nd
5 = 3P = 1st
9 = 6M = 5th
14 = 3L = 3rd
17 = 2F = 4th
21 = 5H = 17th
23 = 6E = 14th

Bat pod at Niagara falls, Sunday July 7th, 2008

Sean has received an email detail­ing another loca­tion that the Bat pod will be visiting:

Bat-Pod and Tum­bler @ the Falls — Nia­gara Falls State Park. Audi­ences eagerly antic­i­pat­ing the release of Warner Bros. Pic­tures’ “The Dark Knight” won’t have to wait for the film’s July 18th release date to see
Batman’s newest “ride.” The Bat-Pod, Batman’s lat­est vehi­cle, will be at Nia­gara Falls State Park on Sun­day, July 13th from 11am-3pm. As an added bonus, the Batmobile-nicknamed the Tum­bler, first seen in “Bat­man Begins”-will be on dis­play along­side the Bat-Pod.

Bat pod on tour, with images July 6th, 2008

Greg was in Cincin­nati this week­end to see the Bat pod on tour as it does its part in the pre-release pro­mo­tional cam­paign for The Dark Knight. You can find some pic­tures below, even its trailer looks fantastic!

On the other hand, dis­grun­tled fan Travis gives us some words of warn­ing before we head out and see the Pod on tour:

Yes just wanted to let every­one know that it was dis­ap­point­ing. Yes today I got off work at 4pm and picked up my lit­tle brother so we could go them at the Show­case Cin­ema de Lux & IMAX in Spring­dale, Ohio. We got there just a cou­ple min­utes after 5pm and they were gone. The man­agers said that the Tum­bler wasn’t even there and they decided to leave just before 5, even though they were sched­uled to be there till 530. It was such bull­crap!!!! My brother and I (along with a whole lot of other fans) were so dis­ap­pointed. Its nice to know how they (WB) treat their fans. Thanks WB. So just thought I would let every­one out there know you bet­ter get there real early if you want to see them.

Citizens For Batman creepy video on YouTube July 6th, 2008

Fic­tional CFB forum mem­ber, BriDog72 has posted a video pro­mot­ing Cit­i­zens for Bat­man onto YouTube,

“I believe in Bat­man” — “I am a cit­i­zen for Bat­man“
July 8th.

Thanks Pierre.

Tumbler riding with Toyota Formula One July 5th, 2008

This week­end is the British Sil­ver­stone grand prix. As part of The Dark Knight’s pro­mo­tion, the Toy­ota Forumla One car has been dec­o­rated with Dark Knight logos, sym­bols, etc — the usual. How­ever, as part of the press jun­ket, This For­mula One car took to Sil­ver­stone to “race”, although not really a race, with the tum­bler — strut­ting its stuff on the cor­ners. The video below also fea­tures a pit stop for the bat­mo­bile and some closer detail on its inner work­ings. The Bat pod also makes an appearance

Via Carscoop, thanks Skam

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