Automobile blog, Motortrend, are reporting that General Motor’s electric powered “Chevy Volt” will be making an appearance in the Transformers sequel, “Revenge of the Fallen”. What role the vehicle shall have in the movie is unknown.
Chevy Volt in Revenge of the Fallen July 10th, 2008
No Transformers 2 footage at Comic Con 08 July 10th, 2008
Whilst Transformers 2 has no official involvement in the San Diego Comic Con this year, the IESB reported that Hasbro, with permission from Paramount/Dreamworks, would be showing a small snippet of the Transformers sequel. However, since that article was posted and the slew of internet movie sites posted the news about the web, Paramount has issued a brief statement that there will in fact be no Transformers 2 footage shown at Comic Con.
3am and 6am Dark Knight screenings July 9th, 2008
The midnight screenings of The Dark Knight have proved immeasurably popular, selling out in over 100 locations — there is so much demand that more late night, early morning screenings have been laid on at 3am and 6am respectively — I’d get your IMAX tickets quickly.
In other news, 4 tickets to the NYC premier of The Dark Knight are on Ebay, going for at least $6100! One day left!
Advance Dark Knight tickets | IMAX tickets | Sold out tickets on Ebay | NYC Première tickets
Here’s the word from Fandango:
With more than a week to go before the highly-anticipated release of “The Dark Knight,” Fandango, the nation’s leading moviegoer destination, reports that many of its pre-opening Thursday midnight shows on July 17 are already sold out in cities across the country, from New York to Boise, Idaho. Theaters continue to add 3:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. pre-opening showtimes to meet the ticketing demand.
“‘The Dark Knight’ may be responsible for a lot of bleary eyes at work next Friday morning,” says Rick Butler, Chief Operating Officer for Fandango. “We’re seeing a record number of late-night showtimes selling out in advance, while theaters are adding new performances every day.”
More than 1,500 late-night showtimes of the movie have been scheduled for the film’s pre-opening on Thursday night (Friday morning), July 17–18, at An online survey of more than 3,000 “The Dark Knight” fans on over the holiday weekend offered the following information on the late-night surge:
* 37% of respondents plan to see the film at least once during one of the late night performances on Thursday night.
* 38% say that they intend to take off a few hours or the entire day from work on Friday as a result of seeing the movie the night before.
* 60% of these moviegoers are male.
* 71% are under the age of 35.
* 39% plan to see the film in IMAX®.
* 92% expect that the Academy will recognize Heath Ledger’s performance as The Joker with a posthumous Oscar® nomination next year.
Citizens for Batman — July 8th event July 9th, 2008
Last night was the end of the CFB countdown, as two live video feeds were posted to the Citizens for Batman website and crowds gathered at the two locations in New York and Chicago. Fans that turned up for the event received Gotham Times newspapers and a collection of CFB goodies, including T-shirts.
Participants were given Domino’s pizza boxes that contained code words and clues to a locked box in a secret location. At this box more clues were uncovered, leading to a 2-way radio, with which directions were given to a specific spot for the perfect view of The Dark Knight bat signal, projected onto the Woolworth building and Sears tower.

/Film have also posted their report, relaying some off the bad feelings and hindrances that surrounded the poorly executed Chicago event.
Viral Marketing with Batman Begins Limited Edition gift set July 9th, 2008
The Batman Begins limited edition DVD set has been making its way to the first purchasers, and with it comes some more viral marketing clues for us to drool over.
On the small USB dongle that comes with the gift set, which contains a number of production images, etc, there is a plaque paying reference to the Gotham Historic Trust. There is also a paying in slip for the Gotham National Bank with username and password scribbled on.
Gotham National Bank
# Username: gnb3792
# Password: 99g28ct75k
Heading to the GNB admin page,, as of July 8th, there is a webmail login box.
Gotham Historic Trust
Calling the number, 1866 241 1150 as listed on the plaque returns the automated message:
Thank you for calling the Gotham Historic Trust. Nobody can answer your call right now, but you are welcome to visit our website at www gothamhistorictrust dot com where you can find our current hours of operation, information and online exhibits of Gotham City in days gone by. Thank you for calling.
An update to the Gotham National Bank also mentions the trust:
Gotham National Bank downtown is proud to be on the Gotham register of Historic Buildings. The main branch of Gotham National Bank was originally the old 1st Gotham Bank. In 1934, it was sold when the bank closed. The building passed through many hands in the intervening years and was vacant when it was purchased by Gotham National Bank. After several years of restoration under the oversight of the Gotham Historic Trust, the bank was restored and proudly re-opened its doors at 9:00 am on March 7, 1985.
This leads us to
Thanks Pierre!
More Positive Dark Knight Reviews July 8th, 2008
The praise just keeps raining down on our latest Gotham adventure, here are some credible sources to add weight to the plethora of Dark Knight acclamations that keep rolling in. Mr Nolan may be onto something here, don’t you think?
Justin Chang, of Variety, has posted his review of The Dark Knight movie,
“An ambitious, full-bodied crime epic of gratifying scope and moral complexity, this is seriously brainy pop entertainment that satisfies every expectation raised by its hit predecessor and then some .… Using five strongly developed characters to anchor a drama with life-or-death implications for the entire metropolis, the Nolans have taken Bob Kane’s comicbook template and crafted an anguished, eloquent meditation on ideas of justice and power, corruption and anarchy, and, of course, the need for heroes like Batman — a question never in doubt for the viewer, but one posed rather often by the citizens of Gotham.”
Kirk Honeycutt of Hollywood Reporter also has is say, once again the review just oozes praise, now with comparisons to Scorsese:
“The Dark Knight” is pure adrenaline. Returning director Christopher Nolan, having dispensed with his introspective, moody origin story, now puts the Caped Crusader through a decathlon of explosions, vehicle flips, hand-to-hand combat, midair rescues and pulse-pounding suspense.
Nolan is one of our smarter directors. He builds movies around ideas and characters, and “Dark Knight” is no exception. The ideas here are not new to the movie world of cops and criminal, but in the context of a comic book movie, they ring out with startling clarity. In other words, you expect moralistic underpinnings in a Martin Scorsese movie; in a Batman movie, they hit home with renewed vigor.
Rope of Silicon Review:
Heath Ledger presents himself as The Joker in a role that defines a career. It is unimaginable it would come to the point that a film based on a comic book character could actually have such an impact on one person. On a generation. Ledger’s decent into what is, and has become, The Joker makes Jack Nicholson’s interpretation look like nothing more than a simple clown. “Wait until they get a load of me,” says Jack… Wait until you get a load of Heath says I.
Moriarty of AICN:
You’re talking about an $85 million film for HELLBOY 2, and about $100 million more than that for THE DARK KNIGHT. These are gigantic investments for the releasing companies, and it would not surprise me in the least to see them diluted or dumbed-down. That’s just the nature of this industry, and we’ve come to expect it. So when you see films that truly seem to represent someone’s personal take on such gigantic archetypes, it’s bracing. It’s not just entertainment for a few hours in a theater… it’s an affirmation that there is room for greatness in this business, and sometimes, it’s allowed to happen, or even encouraged to flourish.
Experience it in IMAX — Full theater listing July 8th, 2008
Not sure where you can catch The Dark Knight on the biggest screens? Do not fret — after the break you can find a complete list of all locations showing the Batman movie in IMAX format in the US and Canada, courtesy of Film School Rejects. This is a movie you have to see at the IMAX, do not miss out.
Gotham Tonight Episode 5 July 8th, 2008
The 5th episode of Gotham Tonight has been added to the Gotham Cable Network:
World-famous journalist Mike Engel goes to the heart of Harvey Dent’s case against mob kingpin Sal Maroni — Maroni himself. The notorious figure, now standing trial in a Gotham courtroom, faces tough questions on allegations that he is at the top of an organized crime family devastating Gotham City.
Maroni uses his trademark charm and good humor to stymie Engel’s questioning, but his honesty is attacked by GPD Commisioner Loeb. And Mike Engel quizzes Loeb on the two mob bagmen found dead last week — and the leaked GPD surveillance tape that recorded the abduction.
At GCN you can also catch the earlier four episodes.