Movie Chronicles

What do we call the sequel? July 18th, 2008

Before an offi­cial title has been released for the sequel to The Dark Knight, what should we refer to it as?

Bat­man Begins 3
The Dark Knight 2
Chris Nolan’s 3rd Bat­man Film
The Dark Knight Sequel

What are your suggestions?

More Exclusive Comcast Videos July 18th, 2008

Com­cast have posted some more exclu­sive videos — this time inter­views with Gary Old­man, Mag­gie Gyl­len­haal, Christo­pher Nolan, Chris­t­ian Bale and Aaron Eck­hart. On top of this there is a behind the scenes look at Gotham Knight.

I also for­got to men­tion some of their other exclu­sive fea­turettes which are avail­able in stan­dard and high def­i­n­i­tion. I’ve included links to the high def­i­n­i­tion ver­sions for ease, stream­ing was being a bit slow for me earlier.

Film­ing in Chicago

High Def­i­n­i­tion

Bat­man Unmasked

High Def­i­n­i­tion

IMDB: 9.7/10, #4 July 18th, 2008

The first votes are in for The Dark Knight on IMDB, and it has scored a whop­ping 9.7/10 hit­ting the 4th best movie of all time spot in their top 250 movies list with 4,500 votes. Obvi­ously this rat­ing will go down as ‘nor­mal peo­ple’ begin to watch the movie and cast their votes to increase the sam­ple size — but damn! That is impressive.

Rot­ten Toma­toes also have the movie sit­ting pretty at 94% over 154 reviews.

Enjoy the midnight screenings! July 17th, 2008

Only a few hours now until the Dark Knight is released in the­aters across the coun­try! For those lucky enough to have pre-booked tick­ets in time for tonight, it’s the moment you’ve all been wait­ing for!

Remem­ber, remem­ber, Expe­ri­ence it in IMAX.

Movie Chron­i­cles will be right here for the sequel.

If any­one head­ing to the Lon­don BFI IMAX show­ing next Thurs­day fan­cies meet­ing up, drop me a line.

Batman Unmasked — The Psychology of The Dark Knight July 17th, 2008

A short while back we men­tioned that the His­tory Chan­nel would be air­ing an hour long fea­ture on the his­tory of Bat­man, come July 16th. This doc­u­men­tary, enti­tled “Bat­man Unmasked — The Psy­chol­ogy of The Dark Knight”, aired last night and has promptly been uploaded to YouTube in five parts, strung together in the playlist below — catch it while you can:

Maggie Gyllenhaal and Aaron Eckhart on The Today Show July 17th, 2008

The embed­ded video below shows Mag­gie Gyl­len­haal and Aaron Eck­hart in an inter­view on The Today Show, talk­ing about the Dark Knight pre­mier and the feel­ings it has gen­er­ated amongst view­ers — under the ban­ner “Fresh Faces in Gotham City”:

Chicago’s Dark Knight Gala July 17th, 2008

YouTube user Direc­to­rian has posted a video of The Dark Knight gala which took place in Chicago. Whilst the gala fea­tured a screen­ing of the movie, this video only shows us the intro­duc­tion with the stars along with the Vision­ary Award 2008 — which went to Christo­pher Nolan.

In his accep­tance speech Nolan explains why he chose to shoot in Chicago and a lit­tle bit about his expe­ri­ences with shoot­ing in the IMAX for­mat, before thank­ing the WB and of course his mom.

Comcast Game: “Gotham City Street Chase” July 17th, 2008

Csam Cram has been in touch to tell us of Comcast’s lat­est Dark Knight pro­mo­tion, an online flash game fea­tur­ing the Bat­pod and Joker trucks throw­ing explo­sives, enti­tled “Gotham City Street Chase”:

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