Not meaning to sour the joyful occasion and celebration that is The Dark Knight, but it looks like Christian Bale has been causing trouble, as reported by the BBC:
Batman star Christian Bale has been bailed by police after being questioned about allegations he assaulted his mother and sister.
The 34-year-old was arrested and held for more than four hours after earlier attending a central London police station by appointment.
Mr Bale is alleged to have lashed out at his mother and sister in his suite at London’s Dorchester Hotel on Sunday.
He has been released on bail until September pending further inquiries.
Kotaku had a chance to quiz head of Microsoft Game Studios Phil Spencer and vice president of Strategy and Business Development Shane Kim at E3, trying to draw out of them as much Halo information as possible — touching on the movie in the process.
We continue to be in discussions with various potential partners. We’re so excited about the idea. We don’t have anything specific to announce but I can tell you that their continues to be tremendous interest. We wanna make sure, whenever we translate it to the big screen that its going to be a movie worthy of the IP. So we’re going to be very careful about how we proceed there.
AICN’s Quint has had a chance to speak with Rainn Wilson, and in the conversation the topic of Transformers 2 appropriately popped up alongside working with Michael Bay:
Quint: So what are you working on now? You have some stuff coming up?
Rainn Wilson: Well, I just did a very small cameo in TRANSFORMERS 2.
Quint: Cool.
Rainn Wilson: That was kind of a blast. I got to work with Michael Bay and I was a big fan of TRANSFORMERS.
Quint: I spent a few days on the set of the first movie and something I noticed was that Michael Bay, I think he has an AD, but he doesn’t need one.
Rainn Wilson: He does everything himself.
Quint: He does everything and he’s not afraid to be the task master on a set.
Rainn Wilson: I saw him and he was literally giving the focus puller notes. The focus puller was like “No, you have to do it like this…” and Michael Bay is like “No no no, do it like this and hook this here and you can turn this here and you can get the focus this way…” Somehow I believed Michael Bay knew more than the focus puller. He even ran camera a couple of times. He did his own camera work.
Quint: That must have been fun. I don’t imagine that you are in any scenes with any robots, but it would still be fun.
Rainn Wilson: No, I wish I would have had scenes with explosions, but yeah the only other thing is I have a bunch of film irons in the fire out there.
Whilst Megan Fox recently spoke to IGN about TF2, I’ve extracted the interesting bits:
Q: How is Transformers 2 going?
Megan Fox: It’s going good. It’s gigantic!
Q: Compared to the first, you’d say it’s way bigger?
Fox: It’s twice the budget, so yeah.
Q: Can you say where this movie picks up for your characters?
Fox: It’s two years later, so when it comes out it will be present day. Shia [LaBeouf, who reprises his role as Sam Witwicky] and I have been dating for two years, so it’s kind of like old news. There’s no big love scenes or anything like that – you kind of get into the couple bickering now. That stage, like the old married couple. That’s all I can say!
There’s also another interview with Megan Fox by
The fellow at the Don Murphy forums have provided some new shots of the Transformers fleet in preparation for transport — the Chevy Beat, Chevy Trax, Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Ironhide and most importantly capturing our first clear shots of the slick silver car we saw at Fairmount, thought to be a Chevy Corvette ZR1 or C7, though the rear panels on both of those do not fit with this model. The latest rumor puts it as a reintroduction of the popular Chevy Stingray, with the styles and aura of previous incarnations. Whatever it is, it’s very sexy.

Contributing Source: TLAMB
In a post on Don Murphy’s message board, writer Roberto Orci stated that Transformers 2 shooting has been taking place “all week and last week”. It was previously thought that TF2 had ceased filming in anticipation of the SAG strikes.
Michael Bay has confirmed this in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, where they spoke to Michael Bay at a remote air force base.
Matthew Marsden plays a lead role in Revenge of the Fallen as SAS Graham, this is his first interview since that announcement. The interview is all rather generic — giving away no secrets or even little teasers, very little probing done by the interviewer.
“I’m part of a multi-national force. What’s going on right now is I’m a British Special Forces officer that’s attached to Lennox’s team. Well, there’s two of us initially. And we’re battling the bad guys.”
I just try to be real. My character is not an amusing character. He’s a soldier, so all the stuff that I did is very much rooted in reality and what I know from the experiences of my friends [who are in the military]. So, it’s just very real and nothing über-spectacular.
We went to Pennsylvania and shot at the Bethlehem Steel Plant, which was really amazing. We had this scene where it’s, like, ‘That’s where he is!’ and you have to shoot at him. ‘He’s going that way!’ It’s quite a far distance away, so we had to use a laser pointer [to stand in for the robot]. It’s all fun; I love that stuff.
There are bad guys there and we have to go and get them. That’s basically it.”
[On Shia and Megan Fox]
“They’re working with the Autobots, [so] they’re definitely going to know some of the strengths and weaknesses of different robots. So, if they’re working together with an alien life-form, which they didn’t initially, then obviously they’re going to know more. In the first one, they were actually finding out what they were because they didn’t know. … Now they’re aware of what they are, and we’re part of the task force specifically to go and deal with them. … I just know that I’ve got a big chunk to come, and I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of action in it.”
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