Wow, just noticed I hadn’t posted these. Here are a couple of nice n’large Joker pictures for you to get your teeth into. The first one makes a great wallpaper.
Some High Resolution Joker Images August 3rd, 2008
Shia’s ‘crushed hand’ worked into movie August 3rd, 2008
Shia LaBoeuf’s accident has led to quick rescheduling whilst the crew await Shia’s recovery. However, as time now ticks on it seems apparent that production cannot wait for a full recovery — either because they will be put behind or LaBoeuf’s injuries will take too long to heal. Michael Bay will be working these injuries into the storyline, to facilitate the movie making process.
It is also good news that Shia was not drunk. We can restore our respect for him.
“You’re gonna see — that’s gonna go away,” Bay said. “That’s fresh news… He was not drunk. He was drinking hours and hours before.”
Shortly before 2:30 AM, another driver ran a red light, according to authorities who confirmed LaBeouf is now not being investigated for causing the crash.“I spoke to him yesterday in the hospital,” Bay said. “His two fingers are pretty mashed, but we’re figuring out a way to shoot around it, kind of write it in the story.”
“We had a little heart to heart the week before when he bought a brand new motorcycle and I [said] ‘Dude! You cannot ride that motorcycle! If you crash, you put 1,500 people out of work,’” the director recounted. “He said, ‘Ok, I won’t ride it, I won’t ride it, I’ll just drive my truck.’”
“The kid really has his head together and you know, he’s only 22,” Bay said. “He’s doing a great job on this movie. He’s really matured since the last one and I love working with him.”
Thanks Leroy!
Villains and Casting for Batman 3 August 3rd, 2008
Christopher Nolan has stated an interest in the extensive and elaborate 70 year history of Batman — particularly the interesting parts that have not yet been in the movies or the sixties television show.
Meanwhile, The Riddler, The Penguin and Catwoman are all villains that have been bandied about as potentials for the next movie; I personally doubt whether we will see these characters pop up in the next feature. Instead I think we will see Nolan opt for a villain that impacts more on Batman/Bruce Wayne’s profile. As seen so devastatingly with The Joker, when the villain really messes with the Hero in every which way, the stories become much more intertwined, complex and exciting.
So — on that note:
Which villain(s) do you want to see in Batman 3?
The less obvious, the better — feel free to include your casting wishlists.
Dark Knight sales beat The Mummy August 3rd, 2008
Sadly our caped crusader lost the top spot to The Mummy this Friday; taking $12.7m versus Brendan Fraser’s $15.3m. However, coming back to the forefont on Saturday — Batman returned to the top with a take of $17.4m against Tomb of the Dragon Emperor’s $14.7m.
The weekend figures added another $43.8m to the TDK total and touching distance of the coveted $400m record. The Mummy made $42.4m, a close second, but a poor opening weekend for the movie.
Goyer has a theme for Third Movie August 3rd, 2008
Talking with MTV, David Goyer says that he already “knows the theme” for the third Batman movie, although he also reiterates that a third movie is not set in stone and it could “go either way”.
“I think that’s the scariest thing – to think, could we come up with a third movie that was as good as the first two? Can we top ourselves?” screenwriter David Goyer asked aloud, almost rhetorically, in a recent conversation with MTV News. “Doing it a third time would be a big proposition.”
Make no mistake about it, though, a third film HAS been discussed, Goyer confessed, revealing that, while nothing is concrete, both a villain and a theme have been bandied about.
“We’ve only talked loosely about it, though, Chris and I,” Goyer said.
Interestingly, it’s the theme, and not the villain, that most interests me, especially given how the latter seems inexorably tied to the former in this new modern Batman universe. (Fear the predominant issue in “Begins” precipitating the introduction of Scarecrow, escalation in “Knight” similarly calling for The Joker.
The fact that Goyer has a theme he wants to keep in mind for a possible “Batman 3” means he also has a direction, a crisis, and, yes, a villain.
So what is it?
“I have one,” Goyer said laughing. “But I’m not going to tell you. Chris is very particular about that.
“I do think, though, that if there’s not a third film – these two movies stand on their own,” he added. “I think it could go either way.”
/Film have also spoken with Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan about Batman 3 — everything is still up in the air:
Nolan: “I don’t know what I’d do next, or what would happen next. I felt in doing a sequel that it would be a big mistake to try to hold anything back for future films. You have to put everything you can into this movie and try and make it as great as it can be.”
Christian Bale: “I always like to have to think when I’m leaving the theater. I do love any movie that leaves me questioning what has happened, what is going to happen. I see that in finishing the movie I want to know what will happen, what is going to happen. But it is completely in the hands of Chris, weather he decides to do that or not. It will be a lot of money that he didn’t give you any indication if that was going to happen or not? But it’s completely his decision. I can’t imagine doing this without Chris. I don’t even want to consider that because he’s created this. This is his.”
And in an older EW article, Bale says something similar:
Interviewer: So do you think there will be a part 3 of Batman?
Christian Bale: Um, look, let’s wait and see…Interviewer: Or, I guess it’d be part 6.
Christian Bale: No, no, no, no, no. [Smiling] Part 3 is what I’d consider it, yeah, I don’t say part 6. Batman begins — that was the beginning there, with all due respect to the others. We are re-creating this. You know, obviously the decision is out of my hands. I would, knowing the Dark Knight story, I would like very much to complete a trilogy. And I think that knowing the story of The Dark Knight, it leaves you anticipating something that really can get very, very interesting for a third. Now, the question would be: Is Chris going to be doing it? Because to me I find it tricky to imagine working on it without it being a collaboration with Chris.
Thanks BatGirl567!
Casting Rumors for the Dark Knight Sequel August 3rd, 2008
Now that The Dark Knight has been out for over three weekends, I will begin to splatter more spoiler-ish information into posts as we begin to discuss “Batman 3″, or whatever name we can derive for the next film.
Christopher Nolan hasn’t yet signed on for a third Batman movie, and his screenwriter John Nolan is still on the set of Terminator Salvation. Until the key players sign-on, including David Goyer, ANY casting rumors that you see are most likely wishlists or articles looking to capitalize on The Dark Knight’s popularity.
Taking this point into consideration, I now present you the three main rumblings that are spreading across the internet:
Angelina Jolia as Catwoman
This rumor seems to have originated from an NY Daily News article which reckons that Angelina Jolie should play Catwoman in the next Batman incarnation — or so former Catwoman and ‘Batman icon’ Julie Newmar thinks.
“Angelina would own the part. My industry friends tell me [she] has made inquiries about the role. I can understand how it would piqué her interest. Catwoman is Batman’s one true love. She’s tremendously popular with women because she’s both a heroine and a villainess. When you look at the staggering box office of this current film, which actress wouldn’t want to jump in?”
Although this goes against Nolan and Goyer’s inclination NOT to bring back the humanoid feline.
Johnny Depp as The Riddler
Meanwhile, the suprious and terrible National Enquirer, via Jake and are tipping Johnny Depp to play The Riddler. That’s the extent of the news feature.
“(Producers) are convinced that the role of the Riddler is perfect for Depp. Johnny’s a pro. He’ll be able to take direction from director Chris Nolan and still make the character his own.”
(SPOILER: I’ve also read rumors that Depp would be a good substitute for The Joker should they wish to bring him back in some capacity.)
Philip Seymour Hoffman as The Penguin
The tabloid also thinks:
“And what better Penguin is there than Philip Seymour Hoffman.”
I can guarantee that come 12 months, none of these predictions will be close. Fan reactions to these rumors are also entirely inconsequential — we all remember how masses reacted when Heath Ledger was cast as The Joker.
Release pushed back to May 28th 2010 August 1st, 2008
Disney has today announced that the Prince of Persia movie adaptation will no longer be hitting its June 19th 2009 release date — instead being pushed back a whole year to May 28th 2010. Rather than contend with the likes of Transformers 2, the PoP movie will now be up against Shrek Goes Fourth and Marvel’s new title, “Thor”.
Audi R8 at Long Beach docks July 30th, 2008
An anonymous source has sent in pictures from the latest film shoot at the Long Beach docks in California to Seibertron. Once again, the set and deco match those seen in the Bethlehem shoot — implying that these scenes will all be merged together somehow.
The images show us Optimus Prime in action, the new Audi R8 and what looks like the rumored Chevy Stingray. Military trucks and the ice cream truck are also on-hand and it all ends with a tasty explosion amongst some barrels — cue CG.