These first glance images come via Just Jared, showing a shirtless Jake Gyllenhaal looking all hunky and manly as The Prince.

These first glance images come via Just Jared, showing a shirtless Jake Gyllenhaal looking all hunky and manly as The Prince.
For the fourth consecutive week The Dark Knight has topped the weekend box office, last week it fended off The Mummy, this week it held back the Pineapple Express. With sales of $7.6m, $10.5m and $7.9m, The Dark Knight amassed a weekend total of $26m, beating the Pineapple Express’ $22.4m, and overtaking Shrek 2 with a gross of $440m to become the third biggest selling movie of all time. Star Wars sits pretty above it with $460m — it’s only a matter of time!
Source: Box Office Mojo
Following Shia’s injury, and Michael Bay’s comments that the production of Revenge of the Fallen would not be affected by the incident, the Transformers 2 first production unit has been put on a four week hiatus to allow Shia to recover, according TFW2005.
There have also been somre reports that Shia needs to have his little finger amputated — these are unfounded.
The Art of The Dark Knight has been released with a full script alongside production images and concept art.
The most interesting section in the book is the part covering the early Joker designs — the below images illustrate how gruesome and terrifying the Joker could have been. They almost look like something out of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Intrepid internet scourer BatGirl567 has provided links to two articles discussing the possibilities of the third Batman movie.
Cinema Blend believe that The Joker was originally written into the first draft of a Batman 3 story and that all references have since been removed. I would interpret this as nothing more than rumor with no credible source — mainly because their ‘scooper’ tells them that Two-Face will feature prominently in the next film, “covering his origins” — the general consensus is that this will not happen. They continue to suggest that the graphic novels The Long Halloween and Dark Victory will also be referenced.
With Two Face and the Joker gone, we need some new Villains… MSNBC have some suggestions, although there are also some stark ommissions (Harley Quinn and Bane both being repeated suggestions in our ongoing discussions). I have paraphrased, added pictures and provided appropriate links.
[…] Jewel thief Selina Kyle [Catwoman] is a habitual criminal, but she does adhere to a moral code of her own, even if it often puts her at odds with Batman.
[…] Talia al Ghul is perhaps even more complicated; she’s the daughter of R’as al Ghul, sometimes aiding her father’s plans for world domination, and sometimes siding with her lover. Although Batman has repeatedly foiled the illegal schemes of both father and daughter, R’as approves of Batman’s romance with Talia and would like to see them married; in some stories, Talia and Bruce Wayne even have a son.
Nolan-ability rating: Catwoman: A-. Talia al Ghul: B–
Catwoman seems almost certain to show up eventually if the current Batman series continues. Talia, on the other hand, probably won’t unless R’as al Ghul also returns, given her character’s intertwined relationship with both men.
[…] The dapper, gentlemanly Penguin, […] is portrayed these days in the comics as an eccentric but efficiently scheming criminal who controls much of Gotham City’s underground. Though this Penguin’s not as flamboyant as past versions have been, it’s still hard to take him seriously out of the comics’ operatically weird world, and Nolan himself has said moving Penguin into the movies would be “tricky.”
[…] Black Mask, a ruthless and brutal crime boss who takes his name from his ebony skull disguise, and comes with the twist that he bears a grudge against Bruce Wayne rather than his Batman alter ego.
[…] Arnold Wesker, a mild-mannered ventriloquist who keeps a bloody grip on his criminal empire but will only speak though his dummy, Scarface, a wooden doll carved to look like a 1930s gangster. [..] The duo would probably be laughed out of the theater.
Black Mask would fit perfectly, especially if they need another villain in Two-Face’s evil mode.
Nolan-ability Rating: Penguin: D. Black mask: B. Scarface: D.
FofR: Black Mask is an interesting suggestion; I wouldn’t want to see a new incarnation of The Penguin.
[…] Man-Bat is the Mr. Hyde-like double of scientist Kirk Langstrom, who transforms uncontrollably into a giant winged mammal after a lab accident. Killer Croc, similarly, is a mutated beast-man who’s slowly becoming less human and more crocodilian over time. […] Clayface, but the most well-known version is a bloblike creature that can change its shape and eats humans to survive.
Nolan-ability Rating: B+ for all three. “Overtly fantastical elements.“
FofR: Monsters in Nolan’s universe? I don’t see it happening — the power of The Dark Knight lies with its storyline firmly rooted in reality.
[…] Edward “Riddler” Nygma wears a trademark green suit covered with question marks […]. His jester-like qualities sometimes make him something of a low-rent Joker, but lately in the comics he’s turned over a new leaf and reinvented himself as a detective, solving puzzles instead of creating them.
[…] Cluemaster, who turned to a life of crime as after being fired from his high-profile TV job, with a signature attention-grabber of leaving clues behind for Batman to follow. Even the Riddler, not exactly the least gimmicky of villains, felt contempt for Cluemaster’s shtick, which he thought was a rip-off of his own.
Nolan-ability Rating: The Riddler: B. Cluemaster: D.
The Riddler’s apparently got a pretty good shot at a future film, if you can believe comments made recently by Gary Oldman [anyone have a link to these comments?]. “Doctor Who” star David Tennant reportedly would love to do it.
[…] Joe Coyne’s particular peccadillo was possibly the most pathetic of any of them: He was obsessed with pennies, going to ludicrous lengths to steal rare coins and one-cent stamps, and defended himself by hurling rolls of copper coins at Batman’s head.
Nolan-ability Rating: C-. “He’d work as comic relief” — [no he wouldn’t]
FofR: No.
[…] A pair of twins [from the 1960s television show] — famous pianist Chandell and his evil brother Harry, who schemed to steal a fortune from Batman’s Aunt Harriet and blackmail his own brother in the bargain.
Nolan-ability Rating: D-. […] “camp,” exactly what Nolan’s avoiding.
FofR: No.
[…] Batman has his own magical imp who pops in every now and then to sow trouble.
Nolan-ability Rating: F.
FofR: Not a chance, seems like this writer was lazy in their villain shortlist — seriously.. Bat Mite!?
Also, whilst I am going over the villains, remember Zsasz in Batman Begins?
We’re looking for some people to make Batman 3 villain proposals whilst providing some solid grounding to support them. We’d like to have some articles covering the lesser known potentials for Nolan’s straight-up Batman universe. Contact us
Here is the next big milestone in The Dark Knight’s all encompassing success at the Box Office — it is now officially the fastest movie to reach the coveted $400m mark, doing so in just 18 days.
Would you like to know what the previous record was? Shrek 2 did this same feat, only a full 25 days later, taking a whopping 43 days. The Dark Knight has more than cut that in half, and it’s still taking in $6m in monday sales, whilst moving up to 8th on the all time gross chart.
Contributing Sources: /Film, Media By Numbers
Thanks Tim.
Latino Review have the exclusive on some concept are released to coincide with Stuart Beattie’s Halo: Fall of Reach treatment which acts as a prequel to the Halo video game series. The image is by conceptual artist Kasra Farahani (previous work includes Spider-man 3 and Hancock) and is part of a larger presentation to Microsoft.
According to Latino writer El Mayimbe, there are some big time Hollywood professionals that are also major Halo fans that want to see this movie made — let’s not give up hope yet.
Neill Blomkamp’s first big screen work has also started a viral stir at SDCC, District 9 which looks very interesting. “For Humans Only”. Due for release next August, if this film can deliver the goods then the old Jackson/Blomkamp partnership may get its financial backing after all.
We can also look forward to five more concept images being released over the next few weeks, stay tuned.
Morgan Freeman is in a serious condition after a car accident late on Sunday night, traveling Eastbound on Mississippi Highway 32 in Tallahatchie County. His Nissan Maxima edged off the road, and by over-correcting, Freeman flipped the vehicle.
Emergency crews pulled Freeman and his passenger from the wreck using the “jaws of life”, before airlifting to the MED in Memphis. report that whilst crews were cutting Mr Freeman out, he was lucid and joking with the rescue workers.