Movie Chronicles

Dark Knight is “Top first run” IMAX movie September 8th, 2008

In a state­ment released by the IMAX corporation:

IMAX Cor­po­ra­tion and Warner Bros. Pic­tures today announced that The Dark Knight: The IMAX Expe­ri­ence has crossed the $55 mil­lion mark in world­wide gross box office receipts after its sev­enth week of release. As of Fri­day, the film reached a total of $43.2 mil­lion from 101 IMAX screens domes­ti­cally and $12 mil­lion from 41 IMAX screens internationally.

“The excep­tional box office per­for­mance of The Dark Night in IMAX® the­atres is con­tribut­ing to the film’s very strong legs and fan­tas­tic sum­mer the­atri­cal run,” said Dan Fell­man, Pres­i­dent of Domes­tic Dis­tri­b­u­tion, Warner Bros. Pic­tures. “Many repeat cus­tomers are expe­ri­enc­ing the film in IMAX theatres.”

“Chris Nolan’s inno­v­a­tive vision is tak­ing IMAX’s for­mat to new heights, and his film’s impact on ticket sales is unprece­dented,” said IMAX Co-Chairmen and Co-CEOs Richard L. Gel­fond and Bradley J. Wech­sler. “The abil­ity to cross this mile­stone so quickly shows us that more peo­ple are vis­it­ing IMAX the­atres than ever before, under­scor­ing the real poten­tial and appetite for The IMAX Experience®.”

Two Face shall not return, Joker would have September 8th, 2008

In all the debate about the sequel to The Dark Knight, a lot of peo­ple sug­gested the pos­si­ble return of Har­vey Dent and the Two Face char­ac­ter. In an inter­view with Com­ing Soon, Aaron Eck­hart has con­firmed once and for all that Har­vey Dent is dead. It is also inter­est­ing to hear that the orig­i­nal plan was to bring The Joker back for the third movie, whether that will still hap­pen is highly debatable.

CS/SHH!: Is Har­vey Dent alive?
Aaron Eck­hart: No. He is dead as a door nail.

CS/SHH!: So he’s not com­ing back?
Eck­hart: He ain’t com­ing back baby!

CS/SHH!: I was hop­ing he would.
Eck­hart: No. I asked Chris [Nolan] that ques­tion and he goes, “You’re dead” before I could even get the ques­tion out of my mouth. “Hey Chris, am I?” “You’re dead!” Alright, cool.

CS/SHH!: That’s not a prob­lem in comic book movies. You could still come back.
Eck­hart: I think in con­tract nego­ti­a­tions it’s a problem.

CS/SHH!: So you were never signed on for another film?
Eck­hart: No, I’m not com­ing back. I think unfor­tu­nately, Heath [Ledger] was sup­posed to go on and that didn’t work out. I’m nobody. I’m a cog. I have no say over this sort of stuff. I’m sure that there’s so many other char­ac­ters that they could whip together. I heard Angelina Jolie was going to be Cat­woman or some­thing like that. I thought that was a great idea. I’d like to be in that one.

Would you want to see a Joker played by some­one other than Heath Ledger?

Video of Major Plot Point and Spoilers in TF2 September 8th, 2008

Philly­Film­Girl is back again with her next video of a Trans­form­ers 2 scene. Spoil­ers below!. This comes via TLAMB:

This scene shows Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBoeuf) on the phone to Mikaela explain­ing about his grandfather’s quest to the arc­tic, how he saw Mega­tron and how weird things hap­pened to him (“see­ing crazy sym­bols”) — things that have since begun hap­pen­ing to Sam — read­ing a 930 page book in 30 seconds.

The video very help­fully has subtitles:

Since post­ing this video, Philly­Film­Girl has also filled in some of the plot details that she has dis­cov­ered con­cern­ing Sam’s light­ning fast book read­ing skills:

–he gets some sort of a box, he touches it, it zaps him
–all of a sud­den in class (which is a large lec­ture hall) he goes crazy say­ing whats wrong in the book and draw­ing sym­bols all over his notes and on the board
–i myself have held and seen the astron­omy book, its pretty big
–he calls mikaela freaked out, thats where the video comes in
–from there, he tells her on the phone in another loca­tion, ‘dont touch the box’ so i guess thats what did it to him
–then he draws a lot of sym­bols and i guess it leads him to the final bat­tle and draw­ing sym­bols
he also meets another girl, alice who turns out to be evil and is try­ing to get all up on him at a party, bum­ble­bee crashes the party and here is the con­ver­sa­tion sam has with a frat brother
“hey fresh­men!” frat bro
“yea?” sam
“is that ur car parked there?“
“what car?“
“the yel­low one on the bushes“
“oh my friend just went to get u a tighter shirt“
“there is no tighter shirt i checked and you dont have any friends…say how about if i park my foot up ur ass!“
“what size shoe are you?“
sam then stum­bles on some bushes out­side the party, gets in the car with alice (that girl i men­tioned)
bum­ble­bee doesnt like her (hence that video with the spin­ning stop we saw), she gets out with goo on her because of bum­ble­bee
then later alice is seen in a court­yard all meni­a­cle look­ing after some sort of explo­sion and the trio are run­ning from her

oh yea, he gets a new roo­mate at col­lege and his name is leo — leo knows or fig­ures out about trans­form­ers and they basi­cally kill that new saturn…i think it gets split in two and placed up high on a ledge in a warehouse/factory place, and theres explo­sions
thats some of what i know hap­pens, hope that helps, this is all the truth

the par­ents are in france…something bad hap­pens there they all observe a tv in a open air mar­ket and peo­ple are cry­ing (an old woman is even wear­ing a biret), a build­ing col­lapses, and peo­ple are flee­ing from it and then we see a trans­former in france hunt­ing down the par­ents or pro­tect­ing them, i dont know

shia gets stran­gled by mega­tron too…we will see megatron’s hand stran­gle him

Corvette Centennial Images September 8th, 2008

Jalop­nik have posted some new images of the Corvette Cen­ten­nial that we have spot­ted out and about on the Trans­form­ers 2 set:


New explosion from Shoreline Drive, Long Beach September 4th, 2008

TLAMB have pointed out a new video show­ing a chain reac­tion of explo­sions that is dif­fer­ent to those we have seen so far:

4th and 5th Halo Concept Pieces September 3rd, 2008

These are the last two con­cept images brought to us by Latino Review as part of Stu­art Beattie’s Fall of reach pitch.

Dark Knight breaks $500m, $921m worldwide September 3rd, 2008

Here’s the next big record that is beyond everyone’s expec­ta­tions — The Dark Knight has notched up a mas­sive $500m in domes­tic sales in only 45 days, after an $11m week­end tak­ing. It took Titanic, the only film that has sold more than the Dark Knight and the only other film to break the half a bil­lion bar­rier, 91 days to do that.

To add to this, The Dark Knight has now made $921m world­wide (major over­seas releases came out much later than the US), putting in 9th in the all time world­wide best sellers.

Source: Com­ing Soon

Green Lantern Movie Concept Art September 3rd, 2008

Illus­tra­tor Brian Mur­ray has posted some of his Green Lantern con­cept piece that he pitched for the movie adap­ta­tion; they were pre­sented to direc­tor Greg Berlanti’s “Berlanti Tele­vi­sion” as part of a pack­age. The images show Legion, Hal, a cos­tume change, Carol and Oa being flown towards.

Via C2F

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