At long last the name of the Transformer with an alt mode in the shape of a Chevy Beat has been revealed, “Skids”. Te discovery was made via Jalopnik and the pictures they received showing Bumblebee the Beat and the Trax at the Boneyard, the name is on the registration plate.
Skids Details in the Transformers Wiki

Variety are reporting that the rules preventing movie ads from airing during the Oscars will be relaxed for the 2009 awards — with a limited number of spots opening up for movies due for release after the last week in April. This paves the way for large summer blockbusters to being their marketing campaigns — specifically Transformers 2: Revenge of The Fallen.
Filming is currently based at the Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group, Tucson, Arizona. It is basically a storage facility for out of service military aircraft and is being used as the set for — the boneyard.
There are reports of the bumblebee being spotted, check out the pictures posted on Seibertron and Superherohype.

Latino review reported that according to their trusted source at WB, Oscar nominee Ryan Gosling will be wearing the ring in the movie. These are yet to be confirmed but my be on the table.

All is gearing up to start shooting in the spring so watch this space.
Iron Man Blu-Ray best selling ever in 48hrs, or so Jon Favreau announced on Thursday’s Howard Stern Show. This is yet to be confirmed by official sources, but who wouldn’t believe him. It certainly isn’t surprising.
News reported by Production Weekly (an industry publication), has indicated that it is expected that pre-production for batman 3 should start in Feb 09. It also lists Christopher Nolan as diretor but this is yet to be confirmed by Warner Bros. or indeed Christopher Nolan. However we would all be surprised if he isn’t gonna be involved. We sit and wait for the official announcement.
Our attention has recently been drawn to some cool Dark Knight wallpapers on Here are some examples of the best ones:

Well, Los Angeles Times, hosted a live chat with Jon Favreau. Click the link for the transcript.
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