Looks like I forgot to post this one when it first came out, sorry folks. Michael Bay updated his Shoot For The Edit blog with some news about Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen,
Hey everyone. Back from Egypt and Jordan — we had a wonderful shoot over there. I will miss the crew they were an amazing bunch of people and a lot of fun.
I’m stuck in the edit room up to my eye balls — also finished producing Friday the 13th and The Unborn — coming out the after the new year. Our Trailer for Transformer you have been asking about — First there will be a teaser poster soon after the new year, and the teaser trailer will be out either in the theaters early Feb. or on the Superbowl. Cannot decide yet. I’m going to release some set stills on this site in a few weeks. I’ll keep you informed. Going back to do more selects now from my portable avid that I take home from work. It’s late, see you.
Dark Horizons have pointed out that on the upcoming release schedule for Germany a second Transformers sequel, which would be Transformers 3, has been scheduled for a June 29th 2011 release date.
The nominations for the golden globes were announced today, and as usual are being measured as a pre-cursor to the possible nominations for the Oscars.
Heath Ledger has picked up a nomination for the best supporting actor for his role as the joker, a very strong indication that he may be in the running for the same honor at the upcoming academy awards.
More shortly as I am posting this from a moving train on an iPhone.
The exclusive Dark Knight Blu-ray and DVD packages are coming in many many different flavors; some with free Batman mask (see Target), some with a Joker or Batman mask statuette (see Best Buy), some with a miniature Bat pod (see Amazon) and some in a steel case. All of them can be grabbed from Ebay, for the obsessive collector in you.
Dark Knight Blu-ray | DVD | Special Edition Blu-ray with Bat-pod
(See our original Dark Knight DVD and Blu ray post for details)
Exclusives on Ebay

Christopher Nolan has been speaking with USA Today about the success of The Dark Knight and its potential sequel:
Nolan says he is jotting notes and doing some rough outlines for a third story, but he hasn’t yet found anything he’s willing to commit to film, despite Warner Bros.’ eagerness to get a new film underway.
“It was obvious when the box office was so big ($530 million domestically) that we had underestimated how ready fans were to reboot the franchise,” he says. “The worst thing you could do now that you’ve gotten the plane back in the air is mess up the landing.”
[Talking about sequels and a third movie] “I don’t know why they’re hard to do,” Nolan says. “Maybe there’s so much expectation to them. But I wouldn’t want to do one if it weren’t going to be as good as the first or second. That’s not respectful to the fans.“
Nolan also points out his reasons for not putting outtakes or deleted scenes on the DVD — not a single extra scene involving The Joker:
Nolan says he wasn’t keeping deleted scenes from fans. “For my past three films, I really haven’t had scenes that didn’t make it in the movie,” he says. “If it’s in the final script, I tend put it on screen.”
Any outtakes, however, were intentionally left off the DVD. “I don’t like outtakes or gag reels,” Nolan says. “I don’t think it’s respectful to the actors, who signed on to have their performance on screen, not the takes that didn’t work out. It discourages actors from going all-out if they think every mistake is going on the disc.”
This report comes from All Things Fan Girl via AICN and details the main points from the talk, covering the Blu ray, BD-Live, a live Chris Nolan commentary on Dec 18th, the continuation of the Batman story (e.g. the third movie), lack of a directors cut and shooting an entire movie in IMAX, with workarounds for the noisiness of the camera.
This is a very good read..
Went to the Dark Knight Blu Ray release event with Chris Nolan last night.
Before tonight I had never even HEARD of BD Live. Apparently it’s Xbox Live for Blu-Ray? If you have a BD Live enabled Blu Ray player or a PS3, then you can connect to the internet and partake in the potential awesomeness. The Dark Knight is Warner Brothers’ first foray into this format and it’s shaping up to be reason alone to invest in a Blu-Ray Player.
First of all, it comes with tons of content, waiting to be streamed for free– the newest Warner’s trailers, episodes of Warner Première Motion Comics (Mad Love! Shadow of Ra’s al Ghul!) and more. And because everything is streaming, you can get to the content faster and it doesn’t take up any hard drive space. One of my favorite features of TDK BD Live is the commentary option. With a computer & webcam, you can record YOURSELF giving commentary for the whole movie or just a scene here, a scene there. Then, when people go on BD Live, they can select your commentary to watch with the film. Now, it’s doubtful that I would ever watch a stranger’s commentary, but a friend’s? Certainly. Maybe even someone famous? A blogger, a writer, a director, an actor, a critic, a technician — people not involved with the film who would have no business doing commentary for the dvd, but would have an interesting perspective, making their thoughts available to the general public? Yes, I’m into that.
Read the rest of this entry »
This one throws a bit of a spanner in the works, as recently as last week Mickey Rourke suggested he would be on board for the Sin City sequel, based on “A Dame to Kill for”. However, at The Wrestler press junket his words were not so keen,
“No, I’m not interested in that right now. That’s not a reality right now. It’s pissing in the wind,” Rourke admitted. “There’s different factions going different directions there. I don’t know. That’s three hours of make up and I’m claustrophobic, so I’m going to have to work something out.”
Source: CS
UGO have posted an interview with Superman Returns director Bryan Singer, quizzing him on the progress of the Superman: Man of Steel movie. To surmise, Bryan Singer is not involved in the talks around the Superman sequel, but he is also not yet officially ‘divorced’ from the Superman franchise.
Jordan Hoffman: Bryan, I have to ask you…..The Man of Steel! Superman!
Bryan Singer: I couldn’t – I wish I had an answer.
JH: I’m strapping you to a lie detector right now.
BS: (laughs) Yeah?
JH: You feel that on your arm?
BS: Yeah, yeah.
JH: That’s me strapping a lie detector to you.
BS: Okay.
JH: Tell me something about Superman and you and your relationship together.
BS: I love Superman and I can not tell you anything else. I, uh……
JH: Would you like to tell me something else? But you simply can’t?
BS: I can’t, I….no-no I wish I could! Yeah! I wish I could, but there’s nothing I have to tell. I’ve got a world tour (laughs) press tour on Valkyrie, a première in New York, uh –
JH: But there is talk of a new film, though. Are you officially involved in this talk of the new film?
BS: I am not officially involved in the talk, no.
JH: But when talk happens they’ll call you.
BS: Well it’s, you know, I have relationships with Warner Brothers and with the character and, and, and, and it’s just the way things work out.
JH: But you are not divorced from Superman at this point.
BS: No.
JH: All right.