Alan Horn, president of Warner Bros., recently spoke to Collider about the future of Batman and other super heroes at the WB. The Green Lantern news comes towards the end of the brief interview, here is Collider’s transcript:
I then ask when we might be seeing another Superman. “Probably in the next couple of years. We’re very anxious to bring Superman back also.”
I then say Green Lantern? “Also on the board. On the runway. Hasn’t taken off yet, but we’re close.”
I finally ask what he thinks the next Superhero property might be from Warner Bros. He says “I think Green Lantern is probably the best guess but I can’t promise it at this moment.”
And Justice League? “Not yet.”
The American Film Institute has listed its top movies of 2008, and The Dark Knight is listed in it along with some prestigious company:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Dark Knight
Frozen River
Gran Torino
Iron Man
Wendy and Lucy
The Wrestler
More of the same really, but SSH recently spoke with Frank Miller, asking him about the 300 spin-off and Sin City 2.
With regards to Mickey Rourke’s recent comments concerning his hesitation in reprising his role as Marv, Frank says,
“He has a pretty big role. I hope Mickey plays it.”
And about Robert Rodriguez,
“I hope to work with Robert. We’re talking it over and trying to work out the mechanics of actually getting it made. It’s always tricky with movies. I believe that a movie’s going to come out as soon as I see its name on a marquee.”
Just a little tidbit for you on Iron Man 2’s developments. Production Weekly are reporting that Iron Man 2 will be producing under the fake moniker of “Rasputin”, a name that will be for internal use — this is certainly not the title of the sequel.
Can’t say we didn’t see this one coming. Nikki Finke has the scoop on the sales numbers,
I just heard that Warner Bros’ Batman Blu-ray discs alone sold 600,000 copies on Tuesday, the first day of release. By contrast, Marvel/Paramount’s Iron Man sold 250,000 Blu-ray discs when it premiered on September 30th and ended up selling 400,000 Blu-ray units in its first week. But wait til you see what The Dark Knight sold in both formats, standard def and hi-def: 3 million copies bought by customers in the U.S., Canada and the UK on its first day in stores. That’s 3x the norm.
Reuters have the latest update on the DVD and Blu-ray sales, stating that more than 10 million units have been shifted:
Sales of the DVD, starring Christian Bale as Batman and the late Heath Ledger as the villainous Joker, totaled more than 10 million units worldwide since its December 9 release and are expected to remain strong throughout the holiday season, Time Warner Inc’s Warner Bros movie studio said. Ten million units translate into an estimated $175 million in revenues, according to Home Media Magazine Market Research.
The best selling DVD of all time is “Finding Nemo” with over 60m units sold.
In a turnaround it appears that the James Newton Howard/Hans Zimmer soundtrack is once again eligible for an Academy Award nomination. It had previously been ruled out (Nov 10th) because 5 composers were named on the cue sheet; which was deemed to be too many. In response the ‘affected parties’ submitted information to the contrary, leading The Music Branch Executive Committee to conclude that Zimmer and Howard had authorship of the score, putting the music back in contention for an Oscar.
Source: Variety
TF08 have snagged a back of packet image showing the Chey Volt’s robot mode and character name which is “Jolt”, appropriate considering the electric nature of the vehicle.
The robot comes with ‘electro whips’ which make him an ‘almost unstoppable whirlwind of crackling energy’. The detail on the robot image falls inline with the concept art and style of the Transformers movie franchise.
This is nigh on confirmation that the Volt is in fact a Transformer, as recently speculated.

He is chaotic and impulsive, always out for the next big adventure.
Transformers at the moon have heard from Paramount Pictures UK that the English release date for Revenge of the Fallen will be the same as the US date, June 26th 2009.
It’s good to see us Brits not being delayed again — it was pretty tough blogging about The Dark Knight release knowing that I had to wait one extra week to see it!
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