Movie Chronicles

Day 3, Chicago — Utter destruction July 25th, 2010

Trans­form­ers 3 pro­duc­tion returned to down­town Chicago and the Michi­gan Street Bridge. This time the destruc­tion sets and props went up a notch. Scenes included Sam and Carly run­ning to escape in Bum­ble­bee and more run­ning, this time across the bridge with some soldiers.



Image sets

All Spark

First image of Chris Hemsworth as Thor July 25th, 2010

And the film’s syn­op­sis to bring some of you up to speed:

The film fol­lows the mighty Thor (Chris Hemsworth), a pow­er­ful but arro­gant war­rior whose reck­less actions reignite an ancient war. Thor is cast down to Earth by his father Odin (Anthony Hop­kins) and is forced to live among humans. A beau­ti­ful young sci­en­tist, Jane Fos­ter (Natalie Port­man), has a pro­found effect on Thor, as she ulti­mately becomes his first love. It’s while here on Earth that Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero when the most dan­ger­ous vil­lain of his world sends the dark­est forces of Asgard to invade Earth.

Filming at the Milwaukee Art Museum July 25th, 2010

A short break in the Chicago film­ing saw the crews head to Mil­wau­kee, Wis­con­sin to film scenes at the Mil­wau­kee Art Museum. Spot­ted on set were Shia LaBeouf and Rosie Hunt­ing­ton, along with new­comer Patrick Dempsey in an Aston Mar­tin. There’s also a 1972 yel­low Dat­sun, which breaks down.

Below is a set of videos from the shoot:

And Matt Schilder (flickr) has posted some shots of the Dat­sun, Shia and Rosie from the art museum:

And a fur­ther shot of the Dat­sun bro­ken down via TFW2005:

Day 2 in Chicago — Stunticons and autobots July 25th, 2010

First up, some videos of Opti­mus Prime and the auto bots avoid­ing explo­sions and large piles of rub­ble at intersections:

Seib­ertron have posted 20 or so videos and a huge set of pic­tures from the day’s action, includ­ing close-ups of the auto­bots and “stun­ti­cons” (Nascar vehicles).

Image Gallery
Stun­ti­cons and Auto­bots
Stun­ti­cons in action
Destruc­tion on Chicago’s streets
Wacker drive

Day 1 in Chicago — Skydiving stunt July 25th, 2010

A col­lec­tion of videos from the wing-suit sky­dive, with some excel­lent angles on the action show­ing five para­chuters land­ing in East Shore Lake Park.

Day 1 in Chicago — Weaponized Nascar, Ferrari, Craters July 25th, 2010

The first set pic­tures came from AICN, show­ing a crater next to an office build­ing. Then on July 10th we had our first real look at some Trans­form­ers 3 action — Prime with trailer, Bum­ble­bee, the Fer­rari, Iron­hide, Ratchet and weaponized Nascar vehicles.

Opti­mus Prime and Trailer

Weaponized Nascars, and the Autobots

Chicago Day 1 set videos

A playlist of 13 videos from the first day of shoot­ing. Includ­ing an over­head angle from zztopeu­rope depict­ing a chase scene involv­ing the Nascar vehi­cles, a Mer­cedes Benz and the Chevy Volt.

More on set images

Sideswipe convertible and Ferrari 458 Italia July 25th, 2010

Spot­ted by the Corvette Blog­ger near to a Trans­form­ers 3 set, the Stingray con­cept car has now gone top­less. Whether Side­swipe will play much of a role in the new movie remains to be seen.

A video was also cap­tured of the Stingray, Bumblebee’s Camaro and the new Fer­rari auto­bot dri­ving away from the scene:

Rosie-Huntington as “Carly”, in for Megan Fox July 24th, 2010

The rea­sons for Megan Fox being shunned from the third movie are unknown, but it prob­a­bly revolves around a falling out with Michael Bay. For a while her replace­ment was rumored, before Nel­son con­firmed Rosie Huntington’s cast­ing on the offi­cial MB site, and much more recently, he char­ac­ter name — not Mikaela, instead, “Carly”, known to fans as Spike Witwicky’s wife in Gen­er­a­tion One Transformers.

Nel­son here…
I would like for all you S4TE fans to wel­come Rosie Hunt­ing­ton Whitely to the world of Trans­form­ers. As some of you might know, she’s the new female lead in Trans­form­ers 3. She’s worked with Michael before in his Victoria’s Secret “A Thou­sand Fan­tasies” ad.

Hunt­ing­ton was first spot­ted on set with Shia at the end of June, first reported by Just Jared. A video is also avail­able on MSN.

Then, on set again, Rosie was seen with Michael Bay and Shia in LA, this time by Com­ing Soon.

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