Movie Chronicles

Triple Changer Soundwave January 31st, 2009

The front pack­ag­ing of the Deluxe Sound­wave toy has been released via Action Fig­ure, com­plete with a CG ren­der­ing of Soundwave’s face and a note that the toy will be a ‘triple changer’, basi­cally hav­ing two alt modes. This falls in line with the rumors of a Cybertron­ian Satel­lite alt-mode, the other being a jet:

Transformers Teaser Trailer, Feb 1st, Superbowl — Third Quarter January 30th, 2009

It’s almost here. The teaser trailer shall be air­ing on Feb­ru­ary 1st, specif­i­cally in the third quar­ter, a few min­utes in. The full length trailer will also appear on Feb­ru­ary 13th, appear­ing on the inter­net one week later, although I am sure some leaked ver­sions will make their way around before then.

In the words of Michael Bay:


The Super Bowl spot is com­ing Sun­day in the third Quar­ter (few min­utes into the quar­ter slot). The spot will be online a few min­utes after that — The full length teaser trailer will only be on Fri­day the Thir­teenth. It will not hit the inter­net until a week later. The Teaser really only teases stuff — I’m hold­ing so much stuff back from the final trail­ers because I per­son­ally hate going to movies where you have seen it all.

Tell me what you think,


Emily Blunt scheduled out of Iron Man 2? January 30th, 2009

Vari­ety are report­ing that Emily Blunt has been cast oppo­site Jack Black in Fox’s upcom­ing Gulliver’s Trav­els. When Blunt played a char­ac­ter in ‘The Devil Wears Prada’, Fox held out an option on the actress as part of her deal — looks like they are call­ing this in for the Gul­liver movie, set to film in the UK in late March, with Iron-man 2 set to start mid April.

This sched­ul­ing over­lap is being inves­ti­gated by Blunt’s reps for her to play both parts, they are cur­rently opti­mistic that a sched­ul­ing agree­ment can be met.

More Twins shots, Megatron and Ironhide robot modes from the Game January 30th, 2009

More images of the Twins (Skids and Mud­flap) in their robot form as well as Mega­tron with new spiky hands and ‘track’ fea­tures as well as a shot of an altered Iron­hide robot mode. The game web­site has now been taken down and instead redi­rects to Activision.

The Twins



Sequel Spoilers and Toy news from UK Fair January 30th, 2009

TFW2005 forum mem­ber streetfield1 was at the open­ing of the Trans­form­ers UK Toy Fair and has reported back with some juicy gos­sip. Beward, MOVIE SPOILERS below:

– Dev­as­ta­tor will be around about 2 feet tall and built like a gorilla.
– The Human Alliance Bum­ble­bee that we have been see­ing recently will be the first release in his range.
– No toys of the Fallen at present.
– There will be new Robot Repli­cas of Iron­hide, Ratchet and Starscream.
– More infor­ma­tion on the RPM — Robot Pow­ered Machines — line. The cars are “Hot Wheels style” and are mainly Auto­bots, with their robot modes embossed on the bot­tom. The race­track has tracks all over the place, and instead of the cen­tral “moun­tain” you some­times see on these tracks, you’ve got Dev­as­ta­tor!
– There will be a radio con­trolled Opti­mus Prime truck with Peter Cullen sound­clips.
– The tank mode Mega­tron toy (which ver­sion is not spec­i­fied) was on dis­play, although nobody was avail­able to com­ment on whether or not he is in the film.

Some footage, fea­tur­ing ani­mat­ics, was also shown. If you do not want to be spoiled, look away now!

- Dev­as­ta­tor is… dev­as­tat­ing! The mix­ing drum in his chest becomes a mas­sive tur­bine grinder. It cre­ates a tur­bine effect, suck­ing every­thing in Devastator’s path up, and spit­ting it out of his back.
– Wheelie is effec­tively con­firmed as a remote con­trolled car, in line with other rumors we have heard recently.
– Legions of Decep­ti­con drones, resem­bling Frenzy, will cause car­nage in the Witwicky house­hold.
– Sam fights for his life on top of a car against Pre­tender Alice.
– Cap­tain Lennox also gets to see some seri­ous action against the Decep­ti­cons, with full heli­copter backup.

The Twins robot modes revealed January 30th, 2009

Update 2: Trans­form­ers trailer released– down­load, screen­shots and analysis

Update 1: More images

From the offi­cial Trans­form­ers Game web­site these are the robot modes of the Chevy Beat and Chevy Trax. They look play­ful and hyper:

Aronofsky promises to keep fans happy January 29th, 2009

Talk­ing to MTV on the Golden Globes red car­pet Robo­Cop direc­tor Aronof­sky spoke about the reboot of the fran­chise. Looks like Aronof­sky wants to take the char­ac­ter in a new direc­tion, explor­ing this new tech­no­log­i­cal era we find our­selves in:

“The thing that’s excit­ing for a film­maker like me about [“Robo­Cop”] is that it’s not as iconic as some of the other titles out there, so there’s room to do stuff with it,” Aronof­sky told MTV News. “It had incred­i­ble insight into the future.”


“The world has so changed—how much every one of us is some­what of a cyborg at this point with cell phones hang­ing out of us, with implants of all dif­fer­ent types.” Aronof­sky posed. In the same breath, how­ever, he cau­tioned that the project is still in its early stages. “I think there’s a lot of really timely ideas in it. If it comes together, it’ll be great, but who knows?”

As for a pos­si­ble cameo by orig­i­nal star Peter Weller, Aronof­sky backed away from any com­mit­ments. “I can’t make any promises,” he assured, “but I’ll show as much respect to the fans as I can.”

Official Toy Pictures of Bumblebee and Soundwave January 28th, 2009

Empire have the scoop on the first Offi­cial Revenge of the Fallen toy pic­tures to be released. The arti­cle men­tions that Sound­wave trans­forms into a super­sonic jet rather than the tra­di­tional cas­sette player — how­ever this alt-mode could also be the ‘Cybertron­ian Satel­lite’ as pre­vi­ously rumored.



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