Movie Chronicles

Heath Ledger BAFTA Acceptance speech February 9th, 2009

The BBC have put up the BAFTA accep­tance speeches, below is the speech made on behalf of Heath Ledger on win­ning Best Sup­port­ing Actor:

More pictures of The Fallen toy February 9th, 2009

Still no images of the toy in its trans­formed alt mode, but a good look at all the fea­tures of the fig­ure in its robot mode. Once again these come via TF08. The poster resem­blance is much clearer now. Notice­able fea­tures also include a ‘burnt’ X on the top of the Fallen’s head, the red plas­tic parts are detach­able (pos­si­bly fire), claw like fea­tures for feet, a Decep­ti­con logo on its pelvis and eight fin­gered claws.

The folks over at TLAMB have sug­gested that the red plas­tic bits adorn­ing the neck and joint areas on the toy may be rep­re­sen­ta­tive of flames — this leads to the pos­si­bil­ity of Opti­mus Prime being smacked down (see the Super­bowl trailer) by none other than the Fallen as licks of flame can be seen on the edges of the char­ac­ter on the offense. Chances are how­ever that that robot has just been in a destruc­tive fight and the fire comes because of the dam­age taken.

Starscream Toy Video Review February 9th, 2009

An in depth video review by Peaugh of the Voy­ager class Revenge of the Fallen Starscream toy show­ing the trans­for­ma­tion from F22 to robot mode:

Triple changing Soundwave and Jetfire video reviews February 9th, 2009

The triple chang­ing Sound­wave Voy­ager class toy rumored to be both a Cybertron­ian jet, Satel­lite and robot was reviewed a short while ago by Peaugh, I haven’t included it here before so now seemed a good a time as any, I’ve also attached a Jet­fire Leg­ends review at the end of this post.

The review Illus­trates the major­ity a num­ber of pos­si­ble con­fig­u­ra­tions and out­lines the mov­able parts whilst spec­u­lat­ing on the shape of the satel­lite and jet before exam­in­ing the robot fig­ure in greater detail:

Jet­fire Legends

Heath Ledger wins Best Supporting Actor BAFTA February 8th, 2009

The British movie awards have just ended, Slum­dog Mil­lion­aire swept up the major­ity of the awards whilst The Dark Knight picked up just the one — Heath Ledger posthu­mously awarded Best Sup­port­ing Actor:

Sup­port­ing actor
Robert Downey Jr — Tropic Thun­der
Bren­dan Glee­son — In Bruges
Heath Ledger — The Dark Knight
Brad Pitt — Burn After Read­ing
Philip Sey­mour Hoff­man — Doubt

View the full results at the BBC.

Friday 13th Full Trailer Description February 8th, 2009

Conebone69 at the SHH forums has a friend at a local the­ater that has seen the newest Trans­form­ers trailer, he gives this description:

I talked to my friend that works at a local the­ater over here and he told me the new T2 trailer was with an early screen­ing of the upcom­ing movie Fri­day the 13th! He said it went by very fast but he man­aged to catch a few things. Sup­pos­edly it starts out with Sam talk­ing to Mikaela about how they cant give up. He said it starts out slow but as it pro­gresses it gets alot faster. Then towards the mid­dle a series of clips are shown: a bunch of auto­bots jump­ing all over this huge decep­ti­con but he just picks them up and throws them off, Bum­ble­bee bat­tling with rav­age (im guess­ing it was rav­age because he said it looked like a lion), some trans­form­ers crash­ing out of a high build­ing and trans­form­ing in mid air. Then it ended with opti­mus prime talk­ing to another auto­bot. He said it didnt show much more then what was shown in the super­bowl spot but it was still epic. I cant wait for this trailer!

The Fallen character and toy revealed February 7th, 2009

A toy enti­tled ‘The Fallen’ has sur­faced via Trans­form­ers in China, TF08. Its head matches the face seen on the Revenge of the Fallen poster and now con­firms that ‘The Fallen’ is indeed a char­ac­ter, rather than a ref­er­ence to a downed Mega­tron or Opti­mus Prime.

The third image shows a trans­for­ma­tion sheet, with an alt mode that looks like a strange jet. The char­ac­ter him­self looks spiky, evil and ancient.

Wheelie toy and robot mode February 7th, 2009

Wheels, or in this case ‘Wheelie’, spot­ted on set at the Smith­son­ian Aero­space museum has long been rumored as a remote con­trol truck — this toy pack­ag­ing proves it whilst show­ing us his robot mode. (Wall-E anyone?)

The back of pack char­ac­ter descrip­tion reveals him to be a Decep­ti­con spy, although only because he is incred­i­bly timid and afraid of them, sug­gest­ing a cute and per­suad­able side to him and an inevitable changeover to the Auto­bots (not an uncom­mon theme); the pack­ing states ‘Changes from Decep­ti­con to Autobot’

Via TF08

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