The BBC have put up the BAFTA acceptance speeches, below is the speech made on behalf of Heath Ledger on winning Best Supporting Actor:
Heath Ledger BAFTA Acceptance speech February 9th, 2009
More pictures of The Fallen toy February 9th, 2009
Still no images of the toy in its transformed alt mode, but a good look at all the features of the figure in its robot mode. Once again these come via TF08. The poster resemblance is much clearer now. Noticeable features also include a ‘burnt’ X on the top of the Fallen’s head, the red plastic parts are detachable (possibly fire), claw like features for feet, a Decepticon logo on its pelvis and eight fingered claws.
The folks over at TLAMB have suggested that the red plastic bits adorning the neck and joint areas on the toy may be representative of flames — this leads to the possibility of Optimus Prime being smacked down (see the Superbowl trailer) by none other than the Fallen as licks of flame can be seen on the edges of the character on the offense. Chances are however that that robot has just been in a destructive fight and the fire comes because of the damage taken.

Starscream Toy Video Review February 9th, 2009
An in depth video review by Peaugh of the Voyager class Revenge of the Fallen Starscream toy showing the transformation from F22 to robot mode:
Triple changing Soundwave and Jetfire video reviews February 9th, 2009
The triple changing Soundwave Voyager class toy rumored to be both a Cybertronian jet, Satellite and robot was reviewed a short while ago by Peaugh, I haven’t included it here before so now seemed a good a time as any, I’ve also attached a Jetfire Legends review at the end of this post.
The review Illustrates the majority a number of possible configurations and outlines the movable parts whilst speculating on the shape of the satellite and jet before examining the robot figure in greater detail:
Jetfire Legends
Heath Ledger wins Best Supporting Actor BAFTA February 8th, 2009
The British movie awards have just ended, Slumdog Millionaire swept up the majority of the awards whilst The Dark Knight picked up just the one — Heath Ledger posthumously awarded Best Supporting Actor:
Supporting actor
Robert Downey Jr — Tropic Thunder
Brendan Gleeson — In Bruges
Heath Ledger — The Dark Knight
Brad Pitt — Burn After Reading
Philip Seymour Hoffman — Doubt
View the full results at the BBC.
Friday 13th Full Trailer Description February 8th, 2009
Conebone69 at the SHH forums has a friend at a local theater that has seen the newest Transformers trailer, he gives this description:
I talked to my friend that works at a local theater over here and he told me the new T2 trailer was with an early screening of the upcoming movie Friday the 13th! He said it went by very fast but he managed to catch a few things. Supposedly it starts out with Sam talking to Mikaela about how they cant give up. He said it starts out slow but as it progresses it gets alot faster. Then towards the middle a series of clips are shown: a bunch of autobots jumping all over this huge decepticon but he just picks them up and throws them off, Bumblebee battling with ravage (im guessing it was ravage because he said it looked like a lion), some transformers crashing out of a high building and transforming in mid air. Then it ended with optimus prime talking to another autobot. He said it didnt show much more then what was shown in the superbowl spot but it was still epic. I cant wait for this trailer!
The Fallen character and toy revealed February 7th, 2009
A toy entitled ‘The Fallen’ has surfaced via Transformers in China, TF08. Its head matches the face seen on the Revenge of the Fallen poster and now confirms that ‘The Fallen’ is indeed a character, rather than a reference to a downed Megatron or Optimus Prime.
The third image shows a transformation sheet, with an alt mode that looks like a strange jet. The character himself looks spiky, evil and ancient.
Wheelie toy and robot mode February 7th, 2009
Wheels, or in this case ‘Wheelie’, spotted on set at the Smithsonian Aerospace museum has long been rumored as a remote control truck — this toy packaging proves it whilst showing us his robot mode. (Wall-E anyone?)
The back of pack character description reveals him to be a Decepticon spy, although only because he is incredibly timid and afraid of them, suggesting a cute and persuadable side to him and an inevitable changeover to the Autobots (not an uncommon theme); the packing states ‘Changes from Decepticon to Autobot’
Via TF08