While we wait for the official high quality version of the trailer, Behind the Films have provided a much cleaner, watchable version, although still recorded in a cinema. The constructicon’s transformation, The Fallen at the pyramids and Scorponok are all much easier to make out in this copy:
Clearer Trailer #2 February 14th, 2009
Galleries from the Chicago Auto Show February 14th, 2009
Jalopnik have posted a gallery of Bumblebee’s Camaro, Sideswipe’s Stingray and Skid’s Trax concept car all in a glorious resolution. No closeups of the Beat (to be renamed Spark for production).

The names were officially confirmed by GM earlier this week:
SIDESWIPE – a stylized Corvette vision concept vehicle
SKIDS and MUDFLAP – twin AUTOBOTS® based on Chevy’s Beat (a concept that will go into production as the Chevy Spark in 2011) and Trax concepts
JOLT – an AUTOBOT-based on Chevy’s upcoming Volt extended-range electric vehicle
BUMBLEBEE™, the heroic AUTOBOT based on Chevrolet’s Camaro concept from the first “Transformers” movie, returns with a high-performance attitude. Joining the vehicles on stage will be BUMBLEBEE in his AUTOBOT form, standing almost 17 feet (5.2 meters) tall and 13 feet (4 meters) wide.
Stingray at the Auto Show
GM’s presentation at Auto Show
And the official unveiling of the Stingray concept car
Megatron Fast Action Battler Toy Review February 14th, 2009
A video review of the Megatron FAB toy, showing its tank alt mode — ‘he rolls, he shoots his cannon’:
Scarlett Johansson to replace Emily Blunt as Black Widow? February 14th, 2009
With the stirring of Emily Blunt’s filming schedule caused by Fox’s Gulliver’s Travels, it may look like another actress will be brought in to play the sexy Black Widow villain in Iron Man 2.
Earlier this week Eliza Dushku showed an interest in the role on the Howard Stern show whilst promoting Dollhouse, strongly suggesting she had put her name down for the part (via /Film):
“They’re doing Iron Man 2, and I’m so perfect for the Black Widow character, that they just need to get into it. They need to understand… I just learned Russian because I had to play a Russian girl in Dollhouse.”
Today Entertainment Weekly report that Marvel are in talks with several actresses for an Emily Blunt replacement, with Scarlett Johansson on the top of the list, although Marvel obviously cannot confirm anything at this stage.
Hasbro confirms Devastator, 6 constructicons February 14th, 2009
In anticipation of the 2009 Toy Fair the latest Hasbro Press Release outlines the Transformers 2 toy line, due for release alongside the movie. This includes confirmation that Devastator will be in the movie and is made up of 6 constructicons.
Interestingly, this conflicts with the concept design we have seen, which clearly shows 7 or even 8 robots combining to form Devastator. It is possible that this is an early concept and that the design of Devastator has since changed, some suggest the body now has a central cement mixer ‘drum’ which acts like a sucking vortex. It’s also entirely possible that the toy has just been simplified to ease construction and lower costs.
..And, long-time fans will be thrilled with one the most powerful DECEPTICONS, the new TRANSFORMERS MOVIE CONSTRUCTICON DEVASTATOR figure, a monstrous robot that combines six vehicles into one giant robot.
(Approximate retail price: $99.99; Ages 5 & up; Available: August 2009)
The largest and most powerful foe the AUTOBOTS will encounter in this summer’s TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN is sure to be DEVASTATOR, a monstrous DECEPTICON robot made up of six separate construction vehicles known as the CONSTRUCTICONS. The TRANSFORMERS MOVIE CONSTRUCTICON DEVASTATOR allows kids to re-create the film’s awesome action sequences.TRANSFORMERS MOVIE POWER BOTS
(Approximate retail price: $22.99; Ages 4 & up; Available: May 30, 2009) Designed to enable easy play for younger fans, TRANSFORMERS MOVIE POWER BOTS are 10-inch robot-only versions of favorite TRANSFORMERS characters. These large-scale, chunky action figures include lights, sounds and battle features. Two new POWER BOTS figures featuring robots from TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN will be released in 2009. TRANSFORMERS MOVIE MEGA POWER BOTS (Approximate retail price: $34.99; Ages 4 & up; Available: August 2009)
Taking POWER BOTS to the next level with a second mode for “mega” action! Robots include OPTIMUS PRIME and DEVASTATOR. When the DEVASTATOR POWER BOT figure is face down, he appears to be six different vehicles, but when standing upright, he is the monstrous DECEPTICON, DEVASTATOR.TRANSFORMERS RPMs DEVASTATOR TRACK SET
(Approximate retail price: $39.99; Ages 5 & up; Available: August 2009)
Created specifically for the new TRANSFORMERS R.P.M.’s line of mini-vehicles, the TRANSFORMERS RPMs DEVASTATOR TRACK SET provides fast, mini-vehicle play within a dynamic track set by leveraging the iconic battle and high stakes drama found in the new movie. The track will bring DEVASTATOR to life and enable fans to re-enact the climactic movie battle between the AUTOBOTS and DEVASTATOR
Wachowskis approached to direct next Superman February 13th, 2009
AICN scooper Ballack has surmised some words of James McTeigue’s, a long time Wachowski collaborator.
- McTeigue confirmed that Plastic Man was the next project in the pipeline for the Wachowski’s and he had been signed on to provide Second Unit support. Says the movie has been delayed indefinitely due to a major shake up of projects at WB.
- Bryan Singer has refused to undertake a re-boot of the Superman franchise and has left the Executives at WB with no choice but to take a fresh creative direction.
This is it.…
- He stated the Wachowski Brothers had been approached to re-boot the franchise as a trilogy and they are currently reviewing their options as its like being asked to take the final play in a superbowl final. Says if they do agree, he will likely either succumb to providing second unit support on the movie or will champion the directorship of Plastic Man — He started to giggle as he stated its like a young child for the Brothers and they wont give that up easily.
- Says, the very thought of the brothers making a superman movie is unbelievable as they have grown up in the world of comic books and they would be ideal for the project.
- Stated that Bryan Singer is looking to move on to Logan’s Run a movie to be produced by Joel Silver.
What do you think about a Superman movie helmed by the Wachowskis?
Christopher Nolan to direct “Inception” February 13th, 2009
As expected, and in following the Batman Begins to The Dark Knight journey, Christopher Nolan is taking some time out from Batman to pursue another movie — “Inception”. Do not fret, The Prestige was filmed between the first two Batman movies and this certainly does not rule Nolan out from a third movie. What’s more, Warner Bros. are producing “Inception”, keeping everyone happy.
“Inception” is billed as “a contemporary sci-fi actioner set within the architecture of the mind”, with an original screenplay by Nolan it plans to begin shooting this summer with a summer 2010 release in mind.
Bearing this news in mind, the earliest point at which production on The Dark Knight sequel might begin is Summer 2010, and with production taking approximately 14 months it could be late 2011 or Summer 2012 before the caped crusader returns to theaters.
Transformers 2 Teaser Trailer #2 (Friday 13th) February 13th, 2009
It’s Friday 13th and our Transformers 2 trailer has arrived, in grainy low quality YouTube format:
(Another copy, and another (thanks Brian))
Not as hard hitting as the Superbowl teaser was in terms of the wow that’s huge factor, this trailer has more of the slowly-building up and impending doom feeling.
Key points highlighed by NightShade87 over at TLAMB:
Here are some key points in the video that I suggest taking a closer look at. I’ve provided the times at which some of newer ones occur, and my own thoughts as well).
– The beginning opens up in France (notice the Eiffel tower in the background) and two protoforms are seen falling out of the sky (in broad daylight no less) and one strikes a building.
– Switches to show the pyramids and aircraft carrier-It then looks like there may be a total of 4? protoforms landing in Egypt.
– Then we go back to scene of the aircraft carrier, which is sunk by more protoforms (if I counted 6 in this shot, that would make a grand total of 12 protoforms causing some kind of destruction, whether intended or not.)
– At 0:55 you can very clearly see one of the three Arcee cars that is chasing the Audi that just jumped through a building. (It looks to be a purple bike to me, but that could just be the light. And Boo was right; it does look like she’s some type of unicycle, or at least a third of her robot form.)-We get to see a semi-full transformation for the RH-400 and Bay wasn’t lying when he said that thing was huge!-Sam again tells his dad to run, but then Ron gives his own idea of what they should do.
– At 1:18 you see Sam taking apart a mechanical bug, though I don’t know exactly what type (something with wings. I also thought I saw a miniature satellite on there, but not sure)
– At 1:28 we finally see Bumblebee for the first time. He’s transforming in what looks like the Witwicky’s backyard in plain view of Sam’s dad in broad daylight. He then shoots at something off screen.
– At 1:33 we get the first notice of Scorpinok in Egypt it looks like, jumping at another robot. Can’t tell who at this point. But very pointy edges. Starscream? The Audi? Jetfire?
– 1:38. I think that this is our first very distorted but nonetheless glimpse of what the Fallen looks like. I’m only saying that because numerous spots on the body look like they’re glowing red (indication of flames?)
– Much of the rest has already been shown, except for starting at 1:47, which gives us a different angle on Optimus approaching [the Constructicon]. You can see him sliding a few seconds later much like he did when fighting Bonecrusher on the highway in the first movie. All in all, I think this whets the appetite pretty nicely for TF fans. Sorry about the quality and the shakiness of the video.