Movie Chronicles

Clearer Trailer #2 February 14th, 2009

While we wait for the offi­cial high qual­ity ver­sion of the trailer, Behind the Films have pro­vided a much cleaner, watch­able ver­sion, although still recorded in a cin­ema. The constructicon’s trans­for­ma­tion, The Fallen at the pyra­mids and Scor­ponok are all much eas­ier to make out in this copy:

Galleries from the Chicago Auto Show February 14th, 2009

Jalop­nik have posted a gallery of Bumblebee’s Camaro, Sideswipe’s Stingray and Skid’s Trax con­cept car all in a glo­ri­ous res­o­lu­tion. No close­ups of the Beat (to be renamed Spark for production).

The names were offi­cially con­firmed by GM ear­lier this week:

SIDESWIPE – a styl­ized Corvette vision con­cept vehi­cle
SKIDS and MUDFLAP – twin AUTOBOTS® based on Chevy’s Beat (a con­cept that will go into pro­duc­tion as the Chevy Spark in 2011) and Trax con­cepts
JOLT – an AUTOBOT-based on Chevy’s upcom­ing Volt extended-range elec­tric vehi­cle
BUMBLEBEE™, the heroic AUTOBOT based on Chevrolet’s Camaro con­cept from the first “Trans­form­ers” movie, returns with a high-performance atti­tude. Join­ing the vehi­cles on stage will be BUMBLEBEE in his AUTOBOT form, stand­ing almost 17 feet (5.2 meters) tall and 13 feet (4 meters) wide.

Stingray at the Auto Show

GM’s pre­sen­ta­tion at Auto Show

And the offi­cial unveil­ing of the Stingray con­cept car

Megatron Fast Action Battler Toy Review February 14th, 2009

A video review of the Mega­tron FAB toy, show­ing its tank alt mode — ‘he rolls, he shoots his cannon’:

Jolt FAB Video Review

Scarlett Johansson to replace Emily Blunt as Black Widow? February 14th, 2009

With the stir­ring of Emily Blunt’s film­ing sched­ule caused by Fox’s Gulliver’s Trav­els, it may look like another actress will be brought in to play the sexy Black Widow vil­lain in Iron Man 2.

Ear­lier this week Eliza Dushku showed an inter­est in the role on the Howard Stern show whilst pro­mot­ing Doll­house, strongly sug­gest­ing she had put her name down for the part (via /Film):

“They’re doing Iron Man 2, and I’m so per­fect for the Black Widow char­ac­ter, that they just need to get into it. They need to under­stand… I just learned Russ­ian because I had to play a Russ­ian girl in Dollhouse.”

Today Enter­tain­ment Weekly report that Mar­vel are in talks with sev­eral actresses for an Emily Blunt replace­ment, with Scar­lett Johans­son on the top of the list, although Mar­vel obvi­ously can­not con­firm any­thing at this stage.

Hasbro confirms Devastator, 6 constructicons February 14th, 2009

In antic­i­pa­tion of the 2009 Toy Fair the lat­est Has­bro Press Release out­lines the Trans­form­ers 2 toy line, due for release along­side the movie. This includes con­fir­ma­tion that Dev­as­ta­tor will be in the movie and is made up of 6 constructicons.

Inter­est­ingly, this con­flicts with the con­cept design we have seen, which clearly shows 7 or even 8 robots com­bin­ing to form Dev­as­ta­tor. It is pos­si­ble that this is an early con­cept and that the design of Dev­as­ta­tor has since changed, some sug­gest the body now has a cen­tral cement mixer ‘drum’ which acts like a suck­ing vor­tex. It’s also entirely pos­si­ble that the toy has just been sim­pli­fied to ease con­struc­tion and lower costs.

..And, long-time fans will be thrilled with one the most pow­er­ful DECEPTICONS, the new TRANSFORMERS MOVIE CONSTRUCTICON DEVASTATOR fig­ure, a mon­strous robot that com­bines six vehi­cles into one giant robot.

(Approx­i­mate retail price: $99.99; Ages 5 & up; Avail­able: August 2009)
The largest and most pow­er­ful foe the AUTOBOTS will encounter in this summer’s TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN is sure to be DEVASTATOR, a mon­strous DECEPTICON robot made up of six sep­a­rate con­struc­tion vehi­cles known as the CONSTRUCTICONS. The TRANSFORMERS MOVIE CONSTRUCTICON DEVASTATOR allows kids to re-create the film’s awe­some action sequences.

(Approx­i­mate retail price: $22.99; Ages 4 & up; Avail­able: May 30, 2009) Designed to enable easy play for younger fans, TRANSFORMERS MOVIE POWER BOTS are 10-inch robot-only ver­sions of favorite TRANSFORMERS char­ac­ters. These large-scale, chunky action fig­ures include lights, sounds and bat­tle fea­tures. Two new POWER BOTS fig­ures fea­tur­ing robots from TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN will be released in 2009. TRANSFORMERS MOVIE MEGA POWER BOTS (Approx­i­mate retail price: $34.99; Ages 4 & up; Avail­able: August 2009)
Tak­ing POWER BOTS to the next level with a sec­ond mode for “mega” action! Robots include OPTIMUS PRIME and DEVASTATOR. When the DEVASTATOR POWER BOT fig­ure is face down, he appears to be six dif­fer­ent vehi­cles, but when stand­ing upright, he is the mon­strous DECEPTICON, DEVASTATOR.

(Approx­i­mate retail price: $39.99; Ages 5 & up; Avail­able: August 2009)
Cre­ated specif­i­cally for the new TRANSFORMERS R.P.M.’s line of mini-vehicles, the TRANSFORMERS RPMs DEVASTATOR TRACK SET pro­vides fast, mini-vehicle play within a dynamic track set by lever­ag­ing the iconic bat­tle and high stakes drama found in the new movie. The track will bring DEVASTATOR to life and enable fans to re-enact the cli­mac­tic movie bat­tle between the AUTOBOTS and DEVASTATOR

Wachowskis approached to direct next Superman February 13th, 2009

AICN scooper Bal­lack has sur­mised some words of James McTeigue’s, a long time Wachowski collaborator.

- McTeigue con­firmed that Plas­tic Man was the next project in the pipeline for the Wachowski’s and he had been signed on to pro­vide Sec­ond Unit sup­port. Says the movie has been delayed indef­i­nitely due to a major shake up of projects at WB.

- Bryan Singer has refused to under­take a re-boot of the Super­man fran­chise and has left the Exec­u­tives at WB with no choice but to take a fresh cre­ative direction.

This is it.…

- He stated the Wachowski Broth­ers had been approached to re-boot the fran­chise as a tril­ogy and they are cur­rently review­ing their options as its like being asked to take the final play in a super­bowl final. Says if they do agree, he will likely either suc­cumb to pro­vid­ing sec­ond unit sup­port on the movie or will cham­pion the direc­tor­ship of Plas­tic Man — He started to gig­gle as he stated its like a young child for the Broth­ers and they wont give that up easily.

- Says, the very thought of the broth­ers mak­ing a super­man movie is unbe­liev­able as they have grown up in the world of comic books and they would be ideal for the project.

- Stated that Bryan Singer is look­ing to move on to Logan’s Run a movie to be pro­duced by Joel Silver.

What do you think about a Super­man movie helmed by the Wachowskis?

Christopher Nolan to direct “Inception” February 13th, 2009

As expected, and in fol­low­ing the Bat­man Begins to The Dark Knight jour­ney, Christo­pher Nolan is tak­ing some time out from Bat­man to pur­sue another movie — “Incep­tion”. Do not fret, The Pres­tige was filmed between the first two Bat­man movies and this cer­tainly does not rule Nolan out from a third movie. What’s more, Warner Bros. are pro­duc­ing “Incep­tion”, keep­ing every­one happy.

“Incep­tion” is billed as “a con­tem­po­rary sci-fi actioner set within the archi­tec­ture of the mind”, with an orig­i­nal screen­play by Nolan it plans to begin shoot­ing this sum­mer with a sum­mer 2010 release in mind.

Bear­ing this news in mind, the ear­li­est point at which pro­duc­tion on The Dark Knight sequel might begin is Sum­mer 2010, and with pro­duc­tion tak­ing approx­i­mately 14 months it could be late 2011 or Sum­mer 2012 before the caped cru­sader returns to theaters.

Transformers 2 Teaser Trailer #2 (Friday 13th) February 13th, 2009

It’s Fri­day 13th and our Trans­form­ers 2 trailer has arrived, in grainy low qual­ity YouTube format:

(Another copy, and another (thanks Brian))

Not as hard hit­ting as the Super­bowl teaser was in terms of the wow that’s huge fac­tor, this trailer has more of the slowly-building up and impend­ing doom feeling.

Key points high­lighed by NightShade87 over at TLAMB:

Here are some key points in the video that I sug­gest tak­ing a closer look at. I’ve pro­vided the times at which some of newer ones occur, and my own thoughts as well).
– The begin­ning opens up in France (notice the Eif­fel tower in the back­ground) and two proto­forms are seen falling out of the sky (in broad day­light no less) and one strikes a build­ing.
– Switches to show the pyra­mids and air­craft carrier-It then looks like there may be a total of 4? proto­forms land­ing in Egypt.
– Then we go back to scene of the air­craft car­rier, which is sunk by more proto­forms (if I counted 6 in this shot, that would make a grand total of 12 proto­forms caus­ing some kind of destruc­tion, whether intended or not.)
– At 0:55 you can very clearly see one of the three Arcee cars that is chas­ing the Audi that just jumped through a build­ing. (It looks to be a pur­ple bike to me, but that could just be the light. And Boo was right; it does look like she’s some type of uni­cy­cle, or at least a third of her robot form.)-We get to see a semi-full trans­for­ma­tion for the RH-400 and Bay wasn’t lying when he said that thing was huge!-Sam again tells his dad to run, but then Ron gives his own idea of what they should do.
– At 1:18 you see Sam tak­ing apart a mechan­i­cal bug, though I don’t know exactly what type (some­thing with wings. I also thought I saw a minia­ture satel­lite on there, but not sure)
– At 1:28 we finally see Bum­ble­bee for the first time. He’s trans­form­ing in what looks like the Witwicky’s back­yard in plain view of Sam’s dad in broad day­light. He then shoots at some­thing off screen.
– At 1:33 we get the first notice of Scor­pinok in Egypt it looks like, jump­ing at another robot. Can’t tell who at this point. But very pointy edges. Starscream? The Audi? Jet­fire?
– 1:38. I think that this is our first very dis­torted but nonethe­less glimpse of what the Fallen looks like. I’m only say­ing that because numer­ous spots on the body look like they’re glow­ing red (indi­ca­tion of flames?)
– Much of the rest has already been shown, except for start­ing at 1:47, which gives us a dif­fer­ent angle on Opti­mus approach­ing [the Con­struc­ti­con]. You can see him slid­ing a few sec­onds later much like he did when fight­ing Bonecrusher on the high­way in the first movie. All in all, I think this whets the appetite pretty nicely for TF fans. Sorry about the qual­ity and the shak­i­ness of the video.

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