An eBay auction has been spotted selling the Demolisher toy boxed, complete with an image of the packet and the character’s description. View the original auction, view another live auction to purchase Demolisher.
Demolishor isn’t very bright, but he knows when to fight, and when to run and hide. Arriving on Earth to find Megatron destroyed, hiding seemed like the best option. Since then, he’s taken a few smaller Decepticons under his protection, and built quite a little community. It hasn’t been easy hiding among the humans that creep like a disease over this planet, but he and his companions are content until a new Decepticon leader emerges to guide them back to glory.

Via Seibertron
/Film are reporting that the AICN James McTeigue report was in fact false:
Sorry to get you guys all excited but I have just gotten confirmation from two independent sources that the report was completely false. I don’t know if an interview with James McTeigue actually aired on RTL1 or not (I’m guessing not) but The Wachowski Brothers have definitely never had any talks with DC or Warner Bros to helm a Superman film. This is confirmed.
Speaking with MTV, Brett Ratner revealed that he expects the new Conan lead to be an unknown actor with the potential to be iconic:
“I believe it should be an unknown,” Ratner hinted to MTV News. “Conan is kind of iconic. It’s kind of like when you do Superman.”
“Growing up, my favorite comic book was ‘Conan,’” added Ratner. “[It] was the first comic book I ever read.”
However, Ratner is well aware that taking the reins on an all-new “Conan” project is a task worthy of the barbarian himself. After all, the original series of films hold a special place in fanyboy’s hearts, and replacing Arnold Schwarzenegger in the title role is darn-near sacrilege. But Ratner, ever the optimist, believes the time is right for “Conan” to pillage the local multiplex once again.
“Look, it’s difficult to fill those shoes,” insisted Ratner, “But they came up with a new Batman, they came up with a new James Bond, you know?”
After building up some rapport on the first movie and providing GM with publicity and awareness of their newly redesigned Camaro, for Transformers 2 Michael Bay was given the opportunity to pick and choose from GM’s array of concept cars:
“I didn’t want to share with him Camaro unless he told me more about the movie,” Wellburn said. “There was a little negotiating, and then there it was.” The success of the Camaro’s appearance, which helped GM by raising awareness of the newly redesigned car, literally opened some big doors for Bay in “Revenge of the Fallen.”
“When it comes to the sequel, it was different because the relationship had built quite a bit,” Wellburn explained. “Michael came to Detroit, and he and I just walked the studios. He was looking for one, maybe two new vehicles. He came here, and he pretty much had it in his head what the sequel would be. I’ll never forget it. One third of the way through the tour he said, ‘I need a notepad. There are just too many designs that we may want to use in the movie.’”
Some models, like the Beat and Trax, which will appear as the Autobots Skids and Mudflap for “Revenge of the Fallen,” even affected how the characters functioned.
“That day that he visited us and walked the halls of the studios, the movie developed and in some ways changed,” he revealed. “[Bay] was inspired by things like the two small cars that maybe could work together in some way. That’s all I can say right now.”
Source: MTV
Via TFormers, this videos shows the Today Show walking through some of the toys seen at this years Toy Fair:
Meanwhile E! Online have posted a video review of the toys on shoe:
Of the new Transformers merchandise at Toy Fair 09 were a set of key chains, with their front designs pixelated out to prevent revealing the details of the characters. Action Figs have posted a gallery of these with the noticeable Bumblebee, Starscream etc — there are two notable oddities however, one mysterious unnamed ‘New Character’ and a figure labeled as Optimus Prime that doesn’t match his usual robot form. TFW also have a pair of silhouettes that match these two designs.
The source of these silhouettes states that the robot form of Optimus Prime is in combination with Jetfire, looking closely you can see the wing outline, boosters and a canon — this combination has previously been seen on the Legends class toys, although that arrangement looks very different.
The unnamed character has claws and is grey, I’d hesitate a guess at Megatron.
Optimus Prime

The toys

New character

“Right now, we’re not doing Iron Man 2,” Rourke told us grimly.
That’s the word from Vulture at Fashion Week (via /Film). We’d previous reported that Rourke playing Crimson Dynamo was ‘inaccurate’ via Downey Jr., but that was presumed a Crimson Dynamo inaccuracy — the leading rumor being that Whiplash would be the replacement. We’ve also heard that Rourke was offered only $250k for the role.
It’s not off the cards yet, but it’s heading down that path — especially with his new role in Sylvester Stallone’s ‘The Expendables’.
Iron Man 2 really is having casting and production nightmares what with Samuel Jackson not happy with his pay and abandoning the Nick Fury role, Emily Blunt being scheduled out of playing Black Widow, Terrence Howard being replaced by Don Cheadle and Jon Favreau not happy with his pay deal either.
Is it cause enough to speculate that Iron Man 2 is having funding problems during the ‘economic downturn’, or are they just tightening their belts a little too much?
TLAMB reader Nige spotted a new Revenge of the Fallen poster. This one is slightly less mysterious and a lot more cheesy, showing Shia and Megan running through explosions against a pyramids backdrop, with Optimus Prime standing behind it all. The most interesting aspect of the poster is the figure of a Transformer standing atop of the central pyramid, channeling a beam of light upwards, presumed to be The Fallen.

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